About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160038 Views Talk Talk |
I used to be afraid of the dark. |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers II (YouTube)
110 Posts • 23484 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The Dark Knight |
20 Posts • 6297 Views Talk Talk |
Dark light
dry ice |
SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13770 Views Religion Forum |
before we were conceived we were nothing, yes. We are living biological organisms- we are life. When we die we will just return to the ground and decompose as biological matter. We will exist after we... |
Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8916 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ya know that sounds like that relativity stuff?
Hmm . . . does relativity claim that all matter is energy?
Matter and energy are not the same thing! Matter is the form of energy?
well that may be... |
27 Posts • 10727 Views Religion Forum |
My stepdaughter is really into dinosaurs. And she has all the dinosaur movies. According to the movies, Antarctica remained dark for 6 months and light for six months just like it does now. But it onl... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44907 Views Philosophy Forum |
The idea of you is the problem.
In classics we have mind, body and spirit.
But this can relate to a person, or the universe.
Instead let us assume that the body is matter. And so in order to... |
PoetryDust in the Wind
41 Posts • 13289 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
You and Country
I'm ridin' in the car
On my way to Northwest Florida.
Thats right, you guessed it.
I'm still thinkin of ya.
Drowning out the noises
Of the child and the tunes.... |
Can science explore nothingness?
30 Posts • 7688 Views Philosophy Forum |
When you refer to "nothingness" what do you mean exactly? There isn't a single point in space where "nothing" resides. matter is energy, energy is matter e=mc2 blah blah cosmi... |
any one know this movie?
2 Posts • 2759 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Dark Harvest possibly? |
About You / IntroductionsWhere is your face?
4 Posts • 2122 Views Talk Talk |
It's easier to get naked in the dark. |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25718 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The Dark Black Knight |
Life & DeathThe Afterlife
22 Posts • 9839 Views Philosophy Forum |
matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. ther is a finite amount of matter and energy in the universe. the universe is most likely infinite in time, as we concieve it. we are nothing but mat... |
Age/sex make us feel different about posts?
14 Posts • 3630 Views Talk Talk |
Seems like its a unaimous cry sex dosn't matter but the age still has alot riding on it.
I have a problem with age just because my father has a problem with it. I have had some of the same tho... |
99 Posts • 21718 Views Philosophy Forum |
stealing isn't a matter of what can be proven, it either happens or it doesn't.
accusations and assumptions are another matter, as well as proof for punishment. |
SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10989 Views Religion Forum |
2-2 does not equal 0 because matter cant be destroyed.
This is assuming that you know what 0 is and means, and claims that 0 = the destruction of matter. |
4 Posts • 3195 Views Philosophy Forum |
When you think about it, you are not sure that anything is real at all. There is only you, and what you percieve. How do you know your subconcious is ust making it all up for you?
All in all, it does... |
always count on my friend
9 Posts • 3347 Views Philosophy Forum |
you really can't travel back in time because the matter that makes you up[ has existed forever [conservation of matter] so you can't coexist with the same atoms |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40600 Views Religion Forum |
As to all of this, I think it is bull shit. I see where ok was going with that, but it is still irrelative. We call darkness, cold, etc... things we can not physically study. This is true. But that do... |
Random QuestionsWhats your favorite song
81 Posts • 18732 Views Talk Talk |
Rhapsody - Queen of the Dark Horizons |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42275 Views Philosophy Forum |
"something which has been ignored for the past 4000 years of written history?" I don't see that it has been ignored... we just have to know where to look...
As far as the aura goes..... |
Pessimist or Optimist?
12 Posts • 15731 Views Talk Talk |
Generally optimistic (even if it means having foolish hopes). But I have my pessimistic moments...
Coming to this site made me more optimist, believe it or not.
But heck, maybe I'm just yo... |
Physics & CosmologyIs the atom filled with matter?
26 Posts • 9094 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Also, with regards to "dense-space time", gravity in itself is "the bending of space time" which is hard to get your head around. When you refer to dense-space time, i assume you a... |
AstronomySuns Boiling, and Black Holes Freezing…
23 Posts • 6701 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I think it is interesting to note that although Suns boil matter, and the effect is often that you would separate substances until you have purer substances (in Elemental form at least)…
Howeve... |
Emotions & Feelingswhat are you afraid of
50 Posts • 13524 Views Psychology Forum |