Tagged > Why do people snore |
About Captain Cynic
8 Posts • 23623 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
These are important questions with pleasant answers. At first hand it could be easy to make conclusions about Captain Cynic, just based on our title...
n oun
1. a person who belie... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70951 Views Psychology Forum |
Changing your body into something that it was not born to be makes it inherently unqualified to be "better" than anything at all, in my opinion. I do not find altering one's body to be... |
SocietyThe "Occupy Wallstreet" Movement
4 Posts • 2585 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm of the belief that this movement is not going to produce positive change. Corruption exists within government/business because it is a means toward an end. Corruption-->power. Simple as th... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views Philosophy Forum |
I truly appreciate your views Ironwood.
I guess I'm very idealistic, and it didn't occur to me at the time to question the way society is made up (has been made up in the past, and may well... |
Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18548 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I would like to discuss the pros and cons of genetic engineering, I'm hoping someone can give me some insight into this subject.
Some of the cons I hear/think about are, and some arguments aga... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41007 Views Religion Forum |
dumbteen, let me explain to u the difference between the Christian religion and the Christain faith. yes there is one. throughout history there have been those who have called themselves Christians, a... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10901 Views Philosophy Forum |
Has anyone here actually read anything about neuroscience (other than Everett and expansion)? It seems like people are just pseudosciencing at each other here.
Telepathy? I think you mean you have... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views Psychology Forum |
As Chained Wing's gnome, I would just like to say on both our behalves, thankyou to Decius' gnome who started this thread, and thanks to all the other gnomes who were the first to speak out.... |
GovernmentA Constitutional Duty: IMPEACH IN 2007.
13 Posts • 3241 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I understand your sentiment, but will never give up.
I do not have the golden words that free all minds, I do not even have a general method to assuredly reach a few.
This is likely because I do... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30276 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
First off i would like to say this is my first post on this forum, and it looks cool, hope i don't mess it up too bad *lol* . Now down to bussiness.
In my oppinion what it really comes down to i... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
every bofy says this, but stupid people piss me off. last night my boss yelled at me because she wanted me to cut this woman's pizza really fsat. i told her that i wasnt cutting, that jubal, my o... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14997 Views Psychology Forum |
i can understand paying more for a know label in certain things, for example if you go walking regularly, paying several hundred for a goretex jacket is fine, its an investment, it will keep you warme... |
Emotions & FeelingsI Hate Cheating
12 Posts • 7242 Views Psychology Forum |
Lately at my high school I have noticed guys/girls cheating on each other. And really, among people my age, this is actually starting to be considered normal and not such a big deal. BULL SHIT. To me,... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
Something that irritates me to the point of distraction is when people unquestioningly blame everything on ‘Global Warming' these days.
Like when the weather brings floods to one part of the... |
Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10993 Views Talk Talk |
Yes, Oblivion, there are allot of "masks" ppl wear and allot of personas.
I was only using a couple that were the most common ones teens tend to try on for periods of time.
And allot of... |
The "F" Word???
21 Posts • 6717 Views Philosophy Forum |
does the first half of ur reply have anyhting to do with the quote?
Obviously not, both because of the fact that it addresses it directly as well as you having a hard time realizing it, apparent... |
Twisted Fairy Tales
15 Posts • 3777 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
otay well thank you for that cynic-al
but now im stuck...this is what i've done so far for my play ok...
Opening Monolog
spotlight on narrator who is downstage right
Narrator: Once ap... |
Judicial Plea Bargaining
3 Posts • 3037 Views Talk Talk |
Convicting people with testimony from guilty parties granted immunity. Guilty criminals (rich poeple only!) paying off accusers without actually recieving legal consequences. Enticing testimonies, tru... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41007 Views Religion Forum |
" Did not GOD give man over to his (man's) waywardness?"
Tell that to the deadbaby. 'I'm sorry, but God (in his infinite goodness) has decided to make rules in which you will... |
God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7422 Views Religion Forum |
"i'm not sure i follow. you're saying that since life is nesasary to observe the universe the universe has to have life and hence is probable? that may be completely wrong, but i didnt... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57915 Views Religion Forum |
There are definite scriptural references to God creating evil:
Rbi8 Isaiah 45:7
(Ecclesiastes 7:14) On a good day prove yourself to be in goodness, and on a calamitous day see that the [... |
Video GamesStar Trek Online
3 Posts • 2726 Views Talk Talk |
After playing STO I remain impartial to the game. Just like every other RPG there are more grind elements that eat up the first month or so of playing. After queuing up for PvP I found myself playing... |
Sexual Psychologyhow would you define sexuality?
9 Posts • 11992 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Moon: I can respect you for your own beliefs and idiosycrasies; however, I disagree with you about all men and women looking at other people. I can honestly say that I do not look at other men becasue... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9979 Views Religion Forum |
"what we can be certain of is that the control of information is the control of people, knowledge, judgement."
uhm - has it ever occured to you that people dont nessesarily follow belief... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
ah god i hate people. all i wanted to do was watch some frikkin fireworks, but of course idiots had to try their damnedest to ruin the whole experience. this happens everywhere i go, some jackass deci... |