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User Thread
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that isilomir is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
OK I'm going to rant about my roommate because... well because he just pisses me off so here goes.

His name I will not deign to utter here for it would defile this wonderful site, but I will do my best to describe him. He's not very tall, has bright red hair, and constantly looks and acts like he's drugged up on something. He's of the opinion that not showering will increase his hormones and thus attract women to him, resulting in the fact that he has this god-awful stench that permeates everything in the room. On top of that, he soaks his retainer in the same vinegar every night and leaves it out all day so the entire room smells like vinegar mingled with his stench. He leaves his clothing everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE! There's dirty boxers on the dresser, in front of the door. Dirty shirts strewn all over the place and more. I can't open the one drawer I've claimed in the dresser because all of his clothing is hanging down in front of it. Another thing about this guy, he's touchy. And I don't mean like friendly joking around with someone you know touchy, I mean like try to give complete stranger a back rub when they make a complaining kind of comment touchy. My friend and I must have told this guy at least fifty times each that we don't like to be patted on the back, sat on, shoulder rubbed, or grabbed, and he still doesn't get it. Now it gets interesting. This guy has to be one of the most computer illiterate people I know. He's claimed that his computer is possessed and writes back to him in text editors, and that a hacker has specifically targeted his computer from the other 2,000 comps at the school. This got so bad that he changed his email address, deleted AIM from his computer (but didn't delete his account), and has decided that he will not plug his laptop into the network for the rest of god knows when to 'throw off the scent.' And speaking of his laptop... I feel sorry for that piece of machinery. It has to be the most abused computer in the history of time. All he does on it is feed it viruses by going to porn sites, download\bad flash animations, and play minesweeper. Ah minesweeper. We've come to one of the worst parts. You know how when some people play a video game, and they die repeatedly in one spot, and then they swear at the game? Well this guy swears when he loses at minesweeper. And I know, you're probably thinking, 'Oh that's not so bad,' but you'd be wrong. Cause he doesn't just swear quietly oh no. The first time he did this he wasn't even playing, he was watching me, and when I lost, 'MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD WHY'D YOU MAKE HIM LOSE!' right in my ear. I nearly jumped through the ceiling. And that brings me to another thing. This guy watches. No, watching isn't the right word. He leers over my shoulder no matter what I'm doing at the comp. The only times he isn't leering are when I'm either writing, doing homework, or when he's out of the room. Course he only leaves the room to go to parties so the only relief I get is on Friday and Saturday nights between eleven and midnight. And when he gets back it's time for twenty questions. I could be lying in bed, already apparently sleeping, and he'll barge into the room and start asking me about the most random things in the world. These questions all have an ulterior motive of course. Every line of questioning, no matter how innocently it starts, always ends in the same place. Sex. That's all this guy thinks about and every question is heading towards that topic. Of course no matter how many times I tell him I don't care, and that I'm trying to sleep, he insists on continuing and describing his activities. For instance, he came in drunk on Saturday night after having a single beer (yeah I know what you're thinking, he's a lightweight alright) and started complaining about how he'd been rubbing up against this one girl all night and the entire time she refused to dance with him. Gee I wonder why? And then he goes on to say that this is the second week in a row that he's been trying to get some and nothing. Here I am, trying to write something or other that's been bouncing around in my head for a week, and he comes in complaining in his drunken slurred speech about the stubbornness of women. Then the best part of that night was when the conversation somehow got around to vampires. Don't ask me how this came up, but before I know it, I find myself the target of questions regarding vampiric beauty, sex habbits, and family life. Of course I have no idea about any of it, but if I don't answer he gets belligerent and starts kicking things, and I don't really feel like replacing the thousands of dollars worth of technology I have sitting on my desk. Now this has been fun, and I'm sure at least some of you are shuddering in sympathy with me, but if you'll excuse me, I have to go tell him to talk about illicit drinking over the phone in his own closet, rather than stinking up mine. Ciao.

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"Balance comes to all things in time. Some make it their duty to tear it apart. It is my duty to balance it out once more."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that eliasan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i guess i could do a short rant. Well ive come to a condndrum and im not sure what the heck to do. I always seem to run into this, I have a bloody freaking curse on me that makes it so a girl will never go out with me. Now this may be anoying and yes it very well is. So yeah theres this girl even though she likes me and vice versa i just though that this curse may very well kick in again and i be screwd. So yeah since i can't think of much more to add to this semi pointless rant good night everyone.

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"Fear nothing for fear is the mind killer."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
lmao@ cursing at minesweeper. id like to see him run through Metroid Prime without saving. lots of laughs.

heres my rant today-

Jeans piss me off. everyone loves them, everyone wears them. in my class this morning i looked at all the students and noted their pants. 75% were wearing jeans, about 10% in khakies. khakies piss me off to a lesser degree. its not that jeans or khakies are bad, its that people very often use them to define themselves in some way. they add stupid shit to their jeans to "personalize" them, which is just lame. the "torn jean" fad has turned into some kind of self defining art. just stop it, they are clothes. clothes dont make the man, the man makes the clothes.

what irritated me the most was that in everyones attempts to have individuality, they had in effect become clones. i look to my left - tshirt, blue jeans, nikes. i look to my right - tshirt, blue jeans, nikes. i look to the front- tshirt, blue jeans, nikes.

in my mind i ran out of the classroom screaming in terror "AHHHH CLONES EVERYWHERE!" but i opted to stay and learn a bit more about " homosexuality and its artificiality" ....as a side note - dont ever take what teachers say as undenaiable truth.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 46yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MJClone is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
This is the best thread I've seen. Thanx for oppurtunity!

[u]Girls are very confusing beings. I know I'm stating the obvious; and maybe being a little sexist, but it is hard for me to choose which ones wants me to give a smooth line and the which one wants me to just say hello and let it take off from there. With men all we want is a cold beer and ham sandwich. Occasionally a game console with violent games. Why is it that we are labeled confusing. I didn't get my B.C. a gift for her b-day and she was upset that i didn't get her anything that's confusing she says she doesn't want anything but to fornicate with me and then is upset when i don't get her anything. When my b-day came around i didn't bother her with that B.S. it's my b-day how come you didn't buy get me anything or come over and let me get a b-day piece. If i did want it i would have called her and if she said no i would have moved on and kept it simple why are women so confusing. thanx for the chance to rant.

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"what if I'm a clone?"
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Here's my Blast at IMing:

Words, that's all those stupid little pixels are, but they carry so much weight that even the writer with Carpal Tunnel can't figure them out, without any sort of emotion or facial expression or anything, we all need to imagine how these little blobs of electricity are communicating. Sometimes we think about what we write, sometimes we don't. It's always when we think is when shit happens, some random misspelling or a phrase which can be taken more ways than one. It's simply so goddamn annoying, and as a result, the people I keep in touch with Online often only know me through these little blobs. Some are more content that way, they're afraid of my face, my smile, anything that makes me even remotely human. Humanity scares people, and to tell the truth it scares me as well, not just everyone else's, but mine. I fear myself, what I'm capable of, and what I'm not.
But anyway, I'm offline until I can either learn how to better communicate in IM lingo (y'know, LOL, LMAFO, WTF, CYA, that kinda stuff.) or find a new way of communication, be it morse code or (god forbid!) face to face.
I alienated a good friend tonight, a really cool person, and I am just pissed off at myself for just lettting the hands write and the mind do it's thing (think). A beautiful phrase, but able to be taken so many different ways, screw that, I'm tired of being misunderstood. From now on, we're talking face to face, if that scares you, then too bad- learn to face your fears. I'm hiding from mine. Hypocrite, I call myself.

That's all for now.

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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
.....rant. ranty rant rant rant. yaknow. george bush is probably gay. he choked on a pretzel, i mean how much more evidence to you need. i like captain planet. he's my hero. he's gonna take polution down to zero. yep.... you wait and see.. you wait. yaknow what pisses me off?....

...... well i cant figure it out, but when i do... jeans.. ..

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ever heard this one song you love so much and can't stop listening to? I've become obsessed of another one. I've been listening to it for the past hour. It's called Over My Head by The Fray.

Wyote- look at me, I'm weating ripped jeans! I'm so unique (and rich because you know these pants costs $220 because you passed by these pants everyday.) The clothes definitely make the man. "Naked people never had any influence over society." (Mark Twain, who else)

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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that earthenwings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I like this thread. ^_^

I had a work detail today because I decided to skip English for two days and work on my junior thesis. I got quite a bit of work done and was rather proud, but I wanted to come back one more day to polish things up. But I couldn't skip another day because it'd be my eighth absence and I would be denied credit. Well, being me, I went to the teacher, told her that I had skipped two days instead of sitting in class and achieving nothing and asked her for permission to go to the library. In retrospect, that was the dumbest thing I could have said. She's generally a nice teacher, but my mind was screaming 'Run away! Run away!' when her face contorted into an evil glare. Thus I was stuck with a referal.
Well I'm fine with getting dirty and all that good stuff and I didn't care, so I wasn't bothered.
Anyhow, I got up this morning and found my grandma lying on the floor trying to get up. She told me in a dull monotone that her ankle was broken. I think I turned numb to keep a cool head, and dragged her across the kitchen floor and hoisted her into the passenger seat, where she passed out. I drove her to the emergency room where the nurse calculated that I'd be waiting for three hours. I ran out, knocked a woman down, came back in, helped her right herself, apologized and sprinted on. The blessed thing was that I felt no remorse, panic, anything, which helped me get done what I needed to. I then drove to Gessler Clinic, where I cursed the nurse into submission. They revived her, took x-rays of her foot and said that she had torn all the ligaments at the top and sides of her foot. Then I started bawling. That's never fun, especially when it's in front of the nurse that you cussed out.
My uncle arrived, took me to school, and my grandma drove home, which outraged me more than anything. Who cares about serving a ridiculous punishment?!?! Holy shit, all I wanted to do was drive my grandma home! But she's so freakin' proud and stubborn! It runs in the blood. ^_^

I was late to the work detail, where one of the administrators felt the urge to tell me the obvious. I stared at him, not responding, and turned around. He then became angry and made a futile attempt at insulting me. And all I could do was laugh. Then I ran. No need to make the situation worse, right?
The janitor came over, handed me a trash bag and assigned me to picking up trash. I then took trash out of a trash can, put it mine and sat underneath the football stadium where I unwillingly started making more tears. I returned to the janitor after calming down and gave him my bag. I then signed out and ran home (which makes all things better). The end.

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""...Not every fight is worth fighting." Hold me to it."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
every bofy says this, but stupid people piss me off. last night my boss yelled at me because she wanted me to cut this woman's pizza really fsat. i told her that i wasnt cutting, that jubal, my otehr manager, was, and that he told me just to do breadsticks. he was standing not three inches from me.she then said "i dont care. she is a cop. do it now. she has to get back outside. she is on duty."

now ofcourse most cops deserve some respect, but not this one. if your jon is to protect the common welfare and stop all crime, do you think you stop in at pizza hut for a slice when your still on duty. NO ! FUCK NO ! my boss didnt understand that. she is my boss. arrrggg! ! ! ! ! i really hate stupid people.

im at my freinds house and guess what he ate for thanksgiving. a goat. fucking mexicans.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that etherealmeekle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
now ofcourse most cops deserve some respect, but not this one. if your jon is to protect the common welfare and stop all crime, do you think you stop in at pizza hut for a slice when your still on duty.

So on duty police officers are not entitled to eat? No wonder people don't want to become cops...

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"Speak out, even if what you have to say is unpopular"
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
you know what else i hate... people that always kill the mood. i mean, one time i was talking about how this person i am supposed to respect as an extremlly hard working figure of athurity when that person is actually an ass-hole and thinks that their life is more important than everybody elses pisses me off, and this random person started arguing with me anout how the cop, i mean person, should be entitled to get paid, by our tax money mind you, for stoping in at pizza hut for a half-hour when they have a lunch break anyway. i hate when people do that.

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Conway is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
All through my life I have had this unexplainable attraction to the thought of God. It has led me (only at an older age) to thought's on philosophy, love, and much relegion. At times I think myself to be cazey. But oddly after 20 years of pretty much crap for 'cards' in life, I seem to be doing well beyond anything I could of imagined (not that life's perfect, but damn close). And I now have a huge queston mark in my life's path. How long will this last. Do I deserve it. And am I liveing day to day "christ-like enough"., to continue to have this amazeing prize. Always I think "We'll when thise times are gone, at least I can say I had them." There by admitting it's eventual lose. And it makes me sad, but I know to just enjoy it and not be sad. So then I cheer up. It's almost like a perfect balance of 'fearing the future' and 'not careing' all at the same time.

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""So this is where im supposed to wright something snazy and truthfull?"-impossible."
 32yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Oblivion is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
went to homeroom...bored....went to chorus,sang,LA la LA la LA....then it was L.Arts.......bored......then math.....sleep........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........science......work.work.workwo
rkwork........history...oh,theres a shit load of good news.....test...then bored.....then Reading...read.read.readreadread,then work some more.....bored again....still bored.....then bus....sleep......home...computer....typing this shit....then bored again.........
ya know....school sux...it sux so bad that i wanna burn it down.......i bet anyone that reads this that no one will read it...i know that makes no sence,but oh well,i dont care..........hum...hum...humdadahumdahum

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"If You Aint Ammo, You Aint Shit."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that eliasan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
very interesting rant, my day sometimes sounds the same way.

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"Fear nothing for fear is the mind killer."
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I hate myself when it comes to social graces. I can strike up a conversation with absolutely anyone at all, from an eight-year old to an eighty-year old, but when it comes to people I like, I'm a blubbering idiot in size thirteen shoes. Also, I can't read minds, so I don't know what they're thinking, I've been a coward and and idiot all in one day. Sent her a message earlier, if she responds like I think she will, I'll have another rant to put up. But if she responds as I hope she will, well, I'll put up another, better oriented rant. Here goes nothing!

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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
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