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User Thread
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that St. Jimmy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Its a short rant.

What really gets me is when some random person decides to make it their business to try and start an argument on every little thing. I mena come on! we should be allowed to vent our anger through words rather than through violence, public defication, revolution, or E-crimes, not that there is anything wrong with any of these(ok maybe there is something wrong with public defication) but where would we be if the first setlers to the USA decided not to break off from England and form their own country? If anyone in this forum is whining it's the people who criticize the rest of us for expressing our thoughts and opinions in a long-winded and somewhat humorous way.

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"He who does not question is lost."
 401yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that poser exposer is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
want some cheese to go with that 'whine'? ROTFLMAO...

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"i hate cRap!"
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that St. Jimmy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

(It's kinda profane)

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"He who does not question is lost."
 20yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that fireflys is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
how come there are no female cereal sponsors? i mean really....there's captain crunch, tucan sam, the lucky charms guy, tony the tiger.....WHERE ARE THE FEMALES??? ARE THEY NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR CEREAL????? i'm not a femnist but this really bugs me and i don't know why. lol. kinda pointless, but hey, whats life without pointless questions anyway?

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"Don't sweat the petty things, don't pet the sweaty things."
 36yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that WanderingNobody is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I was thinking, what you make you happy?What would make you truely happy that if you were to die now you can say 'this is it, I can die now, and I feel genuinely happy'? What is the essence of you happiness?

It sucks because I don't know.

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"Crap. I lost my watch, now I'm lost in time."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
ah god i hate people. all i wanted to do was watch some frikkin fireworks, but of course idiots had to try their damnedest to ruin the whole experience. this happens everywhere i go, some jackass decides its cool to get up in the middle of some grand experience i am attempting to absorb. i become entranced and enthralled, then suddenly an ugly ass shoves itself in my face. people dont think, they have no consideration for others. little kids suck too, every time there was a "boom" ...didnt matter if it was loud or not... kids would burst out screaming bloody murder for no good reason. ok, the first few times is understandable, after that the parents need to get their kids in order for crying out loud. if they cant handle it they shouldnt be there. its just like movie theatres, jesus i hate little kids in movie theatres. all of a sudden parents decide its cool to let their kid go hog wild in the middle of the climax of greatest movie ive ever seen in my life. same with fireworks, its time for the grand finale and all of a sudden its cool if they let their kids go apeshit and prance around like they have ADHD coupled with a heavy dose caffine and lord knows what else. i was already irritated by the end because apparently people dont know how to sit their ass down for thirty damn minutes. whats great is when people get up RIGHT when something starts. nice move jackass, your planning skills are only superceeded by your ignorance. as if all that isnt enough, then i see some jerkwad trying to profit off of a great american event. clearly not liscensed to do so either. then there are the retards in the background (who ive chosen to completely block out) doing their best to light themselves on fire by doing some sort of trance dance with as many sparklers as they can possibly jam in every oraphus they have. i hope all you idiots who play with fireworks like they are water guns die. jackasses.

Wondering - there are those high points in life where you feel like you could die and it would be ok. your post made me really think. have you had many of those high points? do most people even have any at all? i think knowing that you are a good person inside (everyone has flaws, these define character to a certain degree), knowing you have had some sort of impact even tho it may seem small, just being confident in who you are is almost enough to make it ok to pass on/expire, whatever.

heh, reading both these paragraphs makes me look insane. perhaps i am, but i think i just have a serious love/hate relationship with people.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 39yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that neuterdbynature is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
very true Wyote. people are idiots and i don;t know why but when fireworks get involved their level of stupidity increases. i'm driving home and i see people placing fireworks in the middle of the road. I mean what the hell, so many accidents can be cause like that. And then they look at you with the most idiodic expression on their face when you speed up just as their going towards the colorful explosive like the road isn't meant to be driven on, atleast not on this day. It pisses me off even more when I see the parents encouraging their kids to go out into the road to light the fireworks...because thats always safe. And then they wonder why little timmy got runned over or why he caught on fire...hmm i don't know maybe because your poor excuse for parenting skills allowed the child to wonder off in to the road, or allowed him to play with fire...maybe thats why timmys hurt [idiots!] And I mean its not like the parents did not know what was going to happen its common sense and the news have been giving out warnings for weeks on what not to do with the DANGEROUS!!! fireworks, and the parents still have the never to complain. Give me a god damn break ....Thess people should not be allowed to breed, their stupididty must be stopped.

And I would gladly voulenteer for that job....XD

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"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"
 401yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that poser exposer is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
would you like some cheese to go with that whine?

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"i hate cRap!"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that eliasan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
yay rant on about anything. don't ya just hate it when the film industry kills movies. I mean that is really just a dissaponiting thing to see happen. note this is an extention of my thread on charlie and the choclate factroy. i mean it looks rather weird and just seems to kill it by watching the traliers. I appologise if any of this is spelled wrong or something Im typing this fast and at midnight so yeah sorry for any thing thats off. Anyway if you do see any movies that are remakes of earlier ones and you want to rant on about them then do so. Now for anoter random topic. Why do we have to play battlefield 2 on the internet, sure its the only way to get new maps and weapons, but still what about the poople who have bad internet or don't have it at all, fourtunetlly i do have good internet but still. i feel sorry for those people and i feel this is one of the few downsides of this game otherwise it is F*cking awsome. Play it if you get the chance.

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"Fear nothing for fear is the mind killer."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
the thing that is bothering me more and more is that there are so many remakes/rehashes that there is virtually no new creativity going in to movies these days. analysts sit around and scratch their heads as to why movie sales are down. ill tell you why sales are down, its because everything has been done and is simply being redone now. people have already seen everything. batman, bad news bears, bewitches, charlie and the chocolate factory, war of the worlds, king kong, superman, the lion the witch and the wardrobe. all the comic movies that are coming out, sure its cool to see them in live action but the concepts are old and have been done. aeon flux? why oh why... not that im not looking forward to it, but its been done... just like everything else.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What is the deal with the movie industry now? There are plenty of now ideas out there, it's just nobody has the brains to figure out how to put them on the screen. I mean, look at Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. It's the SAME DAMN MOVIE!! only with pretty-boy Depp cast as the psycopathic moron. Also, 'The Dukes of Hazzard'- It was a good TV series, I watched it as a kid. Now we got Willie Nelson as Uncle Jesse (I never would have done that) and Jessica Simpson- (Correction- Not Jessica Simpson but rather Jessica Simpson's 1's and 2's) as Daisy Duke. I am RETCHING!! I know all the old actors have gone to seed, but can you at least stick SOMEWHAT to the ideals of the show? There are movie classics- those epics like the Odyssey and the Idiad, and Macbeth- and then there are those wild grabs for money by banking off past sucess, I.e. TROY (Just got dragged to it by my girlfriend- needless to say, I was, uh, annoyed)
Not only that, but where has creativity in general gone? Look at out music industry, all that's happening is different people singing the SAME SONGS!!! ah.....I need a drink...

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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
alright, what is with all these people claiming to know everything? seriously, you dont know shit. "smart" people dont even know anything. your exsistence is such a small spec on the grand spectrum, yet you all go around thinking you are gods gift to the human race. if youre such hot shit, go fix world hunger, go find a cure for AIDS, figure out a way for Al Qaida to coincide peacefully with the rest of the world. seriously, you cant do jack, accept it and move on. we all have an affect of some sort, we all make a difference either directly or indircetly, willingly or not. for crying out loud, just do the best you can and then do better. is that really so much to ask? maybe you wont be the next Socrates or Ceasar, maybe you will. at the end all that matters is that you are a good person through and through.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that eliasan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
yay another great time for a rant, its 1 30 in the morning here, so i have time to kill. i have been reading all these threads and i keep finding all these religous threads outside of the religon thread so i haven't read them but by the sound of the tittles they sound like the might want to be in the religon one but i guess the adminn thinks they don't qualafy for it and im ok with that. sry for bad spelling there. so i guess this really isn't much of a rant then. like i said i need time to kill and i felt like ranting some. whats also anoying is that when ever i go on a trip with people from another state somewhere i always find someone i really like and yeah i know its my own fault for that but its funny how this happens. its almost like my state hates me and has some people i like in it but others that i like even more too far away from me. I could try a long distance relationship but that would never work. so yeah i feel good about this random rant thats not a rant.

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"Fear nothing for fear is the mind killer."
 36yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that WanderingNobody is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I hate it how I waste money. I save it all up then waste it in a flash to buy things I don't need or sometimes even want. I also hate it how much I tend to eat. I'm kinda freaked out that I'll get a stroke or a heart attack by the way I'm going, it runs in the family i guess because my grandpa and my aunt died because of heart's just that I eat even when I'm not hungry, I'll eat even when I'm full, or I'll eat when i'm's kinda gross but sometimes I just can't help it. Does anybody else do that?

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"Crap. I lost my watch, now I'm lost in time."
 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
eat when bored? Yep, you're not alone, Wandering. Also, as to saving up money, same here. Just bought a laptop after three weeks of saving and still have nothing to do with it.

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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
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