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I Hate Cheating

User Thread
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I Hate Cheating
Lately at my high school I have noticed guys/girls cheating on each other. And really, among people my age, this is actually starting to be considered normal and not such a big deal. BULL SHIT. To me, cheating is one of the worst things you can do to another person, because it causes them sadness and plays with their emotions. Cheating also reflects how a person is on the inside. I would also like to get into that. My friend Tyler is a good friend of mine, but I have to say in all honesty he is a complete jerk. He's had 24 gf's so far, and he's only 14. The way he treats girls is awful. Sometimes a friend will dare him to break up with his gf, and he will just because he thinks it's funny. As you can tell, he has no care for other people's feelings whatsoever. He's not one of those people who "may falter sometimes but have good intentions and wish no harm against anyone else", but the complete opposite. I have also noticed that a lot of girls hit on him, even though he treats them like shit. It's sad really. The only reason I can see a girl hitting on him for is.......his hands are HUGE. I mean seriously, they are about 11 inches from palm to finger tip, and about 5 inches wide. And everyone knows what big hands represents. Well, girls look at his hands and obviously get turned on, so they hit on him. Well, any girl that hits on Tyler knows how he acts. He likes to say "fuck you" and "go away" all the time. Yet after all these insults they continue to flirt with him. I guess the whole point I am trying to make now is that the world is a sad, sad place. Any thoughts on this or anyone know someone like this?

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that §hÄDÉ is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
BIG hands eh? That is so old... Please everyone Knows thats its not True PSSH!
But yeah I mean If the Girls are being stupid and which you can obvisouly state that they are. And if they Know him as a Jerk as it is, and just want to be blessed by him dumping them then there is something wrong with the girls at your school.
But On the Other hand they Boy should really show some respect to girls flirting with him he must think hes gods gift to women I bet. But we all know thats my Department But In anycase, Maybe A girl with straighten him out someday.
BAh ZaH!

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"I'm afraid of the dark,and suspicious of the light"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that §hÄDÉ is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh and Cheating is BAD BAD BAD BAD shame on you!

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"I'm afraid of the dark,and suspicious of the light"
 45yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wesdawgy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Believe it or not, there are a great many girls (and women) that depend on that shit. I mean they want the rejection and bad treatment that those types of guys give them.
On that note, I am a firm believer in being responsible for what choices you as an individual make. So if you are that girl, and choose not to see pass the facade, then boo-hoo.

I'd like to interview a bunch of these girls that get played by "jerks" or "assholes", the questioning would be interesting.
Q: Hey there...Bambie, is it? Was this guy nice at all when you met him?
A: No. I mean he was...
Q: Did you see any signs of significant change when you guys started screwing in his car?
A: Uh...No, I uh...

Enough of being so "rant-ish", he he he.

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"I'd like to say something profound....."SOMETHING PROFOUND""
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Thanks for responding guys. And Shade, actually it's scientifically proven that the size of your palm and your finger tips is in direct relation to the size of your penis, in case you were wondering.

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Dugbug is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
*ponder* *ponder*... how am I goint to get this hand bigger

I know what you mean. But I hate when women say they like a nice guy, but they end up going out with some guy that only cares about the three things that are behind her underwear and bra. But if women like to be treated like crap, then go ahead. If a guy is just going to use you, and you don't care, then that is their fault, there isn't much anyone else can do.

Even though you can't do much to stop them from being hurt, if they do get hurt, you can always show them the true way to be treated, and the shoulder to cry on .

So people, lets keep on treating these women with their respect.
*Looks at hand again* hmmm

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"If the opposite of Pro is Con, then is the opposite of Progress, Congress?"
 45yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wesdawgy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Wholly shit...19 inches, whew hew!!!!!! Damnit, wait a minute, that's the millimeter side...shit.

I like the "not going to get my second ticket to the movies" way of putting it. True. True.

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"I'd like to say something profound....."SOMETHING PROFOUND""
 46yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Aura is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Not saying it's their fault that assholes cheat, but girls who are aware of it and put up with it certainly does not help the problem.

Shoot them both, I say.

Really though, underdawg, it's cool to see someone as young as you (if that's your real age) taking a moral standpoint .

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"I'm here to live... OUT LOUD!"
 45yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wesdawgy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I agree with you Aura, shoot 'em both, lol.

- - - - - - - - -

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"I'd like to say something profound....."SOMETHING PROFOUND""
 39yrs • M •
spankster501 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
i know exactly what you're talking about. i had a friend in high school whose hands are huge, and he got laid all the time. But eventually the whole thing bored him, and what really mattered was a decent relationship with one girl. He's been with his fiance now for 2 1/2 years.

So...the way i figure it, eventually some knockout will break this guy's heart in fucking two and he'll realize how much it hurts. Theres always tomorrow for cosmic justice.

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 38yrs • M •
mobyman is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
lol first of all it has nothing to do with his hands.
Girls like him because, he gives them the impression that he doesnt care about them, which makes them want to earn his respect more. Its also known as playing hard to get.

haha u cant put it all on his hands.

And cheating in school isnt that bad. If its done passively and mutually. Its stupid to get hurt about someone copying your work. its basically saying that u feel underappreciated and you want more credit. Ohwell, sorry to be harsh

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 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that UnderDawg is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
1st off, yes Aura I'm really 14, I mean, I really don't have a reason to lie about my age.

I do think cheating in school is bad. I mean yes, I cheat on some people's test, not very often though. But screwing around with someone's feelings is a little worse than using your neighbors answers so you can pass a biology class so your dad doesn't turn your ass into.....a big red thing.

And nah, dude, don't worry about being harsh. Hell, I'd much rather you be upfront with me concerning whatever is on your mind.

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"My drum skills > Your drum skills"
I Hate Cheating
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