Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40598 Views Religion Forum |
Love, Joy, Happiness = Positive, GOOD = things that make us want to exist
Pain, Suffering, Depression = Negative, BAD = things that make us not want to exist |
258 Posts • 67434 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Why I'm Better Than You
Sting me.
Not that I want it.
Not that it makes me stronger.
Not that it lets me know you're there
Not that I like pain.
Not that I want you to take i... |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13917 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes, thats so true. But if you look at it this way, you don't need to burn your hand to know that it's going to hurt, just like you don't need to experience deperssion to know happiness... |
25 Posts • 9283 Views Philosophy Forum |
Why do we try?
Why do we love?
Why do we live?
Sometimes I wonder why do we do what we do. I mean in everyday life. Why do we love? Is it really better to love and l... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15157 Views Psychology Forum |
Yeah.. especially when it is someone you know and like as a friend, and you get to know them, so you become closer friends, and they turn out to be a big e-mail chain person. So you try and not talk t... |
Intimacypain and the first time
28 Posts • 8858 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
This has been since Oct. - of course she has already had the sex..
Did it hurt as bad as you thought?
If not de-virginized already , use lube and make-out naked a lot while gently beginning to let t... |
So Many Thoughts
1 Posts • 3014 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
hi there, im a newbie and this is one of my very many poems, which i will also be posting here eventually. This poem i did one day after watching a movie that had inspired me... some people think its... |
Awakendwraith's Headache
3 Posts • 2631 Views Talk Talk |
When I was at the hospital for a broken collar bone I once overheard someone say the same thing except it was for only a few months. The docter suspected cancer... But, I'm sure if you've ha... |
258 Posts • 67434 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Old Friends
It seems I cannot care
I cannot love
I linger.
I toss around my mind
An old familiar
I sit and wait for things
To come and pass
As they have done before.
I try to... |
3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9942 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've come to believe it depends on the person. Though a select few may be all three, I find myself stuck mainly to Sadism. Or Sado-Masochism if anything. I will rule the world one day, but though... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16280 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Apathy doesn't seem so wrong,
When you turn your cheek and let it go.
Puzzling doesn't seem so lost,
When qeustions take hours to answer.
Passive doesn't seem so holy,
When you k... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167900 Views Psychology Forum |
Thanks for the hate dude. Not desperate, just loving. Maybe you will see that in these days to come.
And I do not deny that I have been an ass, in any way. If you would like to talk about it, pick yo... |
When I feel pain, I....
20 Posts • 7160 Views Philosophy Forum |
To help me cope with emotional pain- I clear my mind, and think objectively. I usually go for a long run (about10-20km), have a shower, sleep, meditate or listen to music. They all help me relax and d... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59375 Views Philosophy Forum |
Back to the original question, I believe things are right in proportion to how much happiness is spread and so are wrong in proportion to how much pain is spread. But you've got to understand thi... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
I see so much hurt and pain in this world. And it all seems to be caused by ourselves.
But when you listen to anyone who will be totally honest with you (even if they are good or bad.) they will t... |
Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17288 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree with all of the above.
In addition, I think beauty is something, anything, that is pure. To me, beauty is both light and darkness. Seeing 'lights' in someone's eyes is so beautiful. Pure pa... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views Philosophy Forum |
the distinction of the indivuals perception & the majority, a censensus of perception?
Take an autistic person has a wholely different perception of existence, yet I would wonder do they feel th... |
Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views Psychology Forum |
Her final reason for deciding to break up was simply that she no longer wanted to be in a long term relationship, regardless of how she felt about me.
I don't really know how I feel about just... |
hmm, this is silly, jus read it and tel me if it i
4 Posts • 2506 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
do u hav any idea
how it feels 2 b dead
i think i felt the cold when u were gone
my mindz itz running around in pain
not nowing wot 2 think
i try 2 b whole again
but the feeling, itz there
i tr... |
guy trouble....
14 Posts • 6034 Views Talk Talk |
rancid, so you're saying it's better to date someone who is impatient, and after a quick fix, rather than waiting to find that ONE person who deserves you?
Tell me, how many people do you... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24430 Views Religion Forum |
The actual death of Christ is not what Christians consider meaningful. The Resurrection is the meaningful event because it allowed the human soul to enter Heaven instead of descending to Hell which is... |
15 Posts • 4701 Views Psychology Forum |
So many people in the world try to get through life by being big, macho, tough guys, totally uncaring and unhurtable. Especialy on the internet.
But I don't think Ive ever been as impressed b... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25009 Views Psychology Forum |
its not the same as being cut tho, it feels different, its more like you are "experiencing" pain, rather than "feeling" it. |
Age and time
7 Posts • 2889 Views Psychology Forum |
I've certainly felt that time moves faster as I age.
And I have talked to allot of people my age and over about this phenomenon, and they too agree. In fact, its been almost a year since I saw... |
When I feel pain, I....
20 Posts • 7160 Views Philosophy Forum |
The best way i've found to deal with pain ( very difficult and often times makes seems a bit cynical depending on the topic) is to stop think about how i can't do anything about things that... |