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Tagged > What is pain
THREAD Rehab & AddictionMedication for depression?
25 Posts • 13223 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
I agree with most people on this Forum, anti-depressants are a NO NO. I always say the I've been depressed ever since I was popped out of my mum. I know its a horrible thing to say but my childho...
THREAD What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16280 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Hawksong I wish to you sunshine, my dear one And treetops for you to soar past. I wish to you innocence, my child I pray you don't grow up too fast. Never know pain, my dear one Nor hunger...
THREAD What is Important to you?
8 Posts • 3083 Views
Talk Talk
Well from what I've seen you're a pretty productive 16 year old. You have/had a car, job, school and a social life and maybe you're just taking on too much at once. Death looks pret...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12470 Views
Religion Forum
this post of yours has rather funny timing leftwood. just last night i had a very elaborate discussion with a friend of mine about god and how people experience it. he got in to something that i re...
THREAD SocietyPay Attention
14 Posts • 4230 Views
Philosophy Forum
Farming is not for me natural or self sustaining its another constant pain of maintanance, I'm not saying every invention has become a nuisance but most people I know don't know a world with...
THREAD How to avoid a fight?
13 Posts • 3517 Views
Talk Talk
I hardly associate self-respect with inflicting physical pain on others.. but i'm sorry to say that beating this motherfucker down might be my only option.. he's a moron that thinks that fig...
THREAD suicide with heartbreak?
16 Posts • 12048 Views
Talk Talk
Well it pretty much shows we have ALL been there at one time in our lives, whether we're 17 or in my case 35. Pain SUCKS. Rejection sucks even worse. If for some reason we are rejected, we look a...
THREAD Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59353 Views
Philosophy Forum
The reason why we live is so we can learn, so we can experience different things, so we can find out who we are. so we can accomplish things, so we can have pleasure and pain, so we can do whatever th...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49765 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I was crying and for some reason I couldn't stop. A storm brewed with in me, As my tears destroyed me from the inside--there flow would not cease. Scattered through out my being, I could not gat...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59375 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe things are right in proportion to how much happiness is spread and so are wrong in proportion to how much pain is spread So if I as one person gain great happiness by helping somebody it...
THREAD PoetryA New Poem "It Jus Isn't Ever Right"
8 Posts • 2622 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
What i love about poetry is that we can take it however we want, when i found out that benazir died today i felt sick tgo my stomach, and i thought what can i do, theres nothing i can do, people h...
THREAD Lets learn a little #1
12 Posts • 4067 Views
Talk Talk
1)Biggest peeve: Mean spirited hypocrisy. As far as I'm concerned, homosexuals can fondle all they like in public, just as long as they do so with a generous spirit (which means they are not tryi...
THREAD Life & Death*Making Life Pointless*
20 Posts • 6768 Views
Philosophy Forum
so my lifetime thought that "Ignorance is bliss" has just been shot out of the saddle ?? the best and most lasting lessons I have learned in my many many years -- are those that came from...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views
Philosophy Forum
We are but a part of a huge world, created by a Force, whom we are here to be tested. When the test is done, we move on to the other realm, where we permanently exist without pain, or war, or hunger i...
THREAD Worst hours.
11 Posts • 2321 Views
Talk Talk
When I was Just married I got a job as a daily Nanny and the hours were 7.30am - 6pm with an hour to cycle there and back - so I was getting up at 6am to leave for 6.30, cycling for an hour (which in...
THREAD Addicted to you
1 Posts • 1988 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Get off of my mind, get out of my head. Im just wasting my time, God I wish I was dead. Why can't I leave you alone, why am I so addicted to you? How do I stop feeling this way, what do I need...
THREAD ArtworkIn response to: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
2 Posts • 4210 Views
Art Forum
What was done was very terrible. A combination of an uncaring youth, wisky and pain killers. Young men who would have never been excepted in the military eight years ago. The American public is...
THREAD Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12931 Views
Talk Talk
Torture: the infliction of severe physical or psychological pain as an expression of cruelty, a means of intimidation, deterrent or punishment, or as a tool for the extraction of information or confes...
THREAD why continue?
63 Posts • 20689 Views
Philosophy Forum
THREAD DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views
Psychology Forum
I think weather you like the effects on any substance depends on your personal health beforehand. If you say have a stomach disorder where you're in agonizing pain every time you try to eat, or y...
THREAD Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18546 Views
Science & Technology Forum
yes yes yes....i agree with you...don't get me wrong...but power for us is to much for us to handle....with it we cause pain and suffering, d those other
THREAD PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10958 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Grandfather. Grandfather, you taught me so much. The difference between opaque and transparent, and the concept of anagrams. You read to me at night And I still remember that tale of The Ma...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy are people so difficult
10 Posts • 3432 Views
Psychology Forum
I am a evil. <backwards> I am alive. Evil could be proof that you are alive i guess is what im trying to say. I mean non-living things are not evil. Pain=pleasure, type thing i guess. You kn...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorAnimal Magnetism…
2 Posts • 1855 Views
Psychology Forum
What is it that attracts us to things?.. I'm not simply talking about that something looks good and we tend to walk towards it… Though that definitely is part of it… What I am talking...
THREAD PoetryJust a poem i thought up last night
20 Posts • 7101 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
to bad you stand there null, nubm and blank scared to take the hit scared to take the pain empathy is in all of us seems like im the only one who can think see i've got the solution the mi...
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