Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. - PhoebeKnowsAll
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Just a poem i thought up last night

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 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Just a poem i thought up last night
The first part was posted in awakened's "im really tired" so ill remove it and place it here

Why oh why do i even try
Every time im about to die
I get back up wipe my face
Felt like i had left no trace
No one would know my troubles my fears
No one around, to see or hear
I live all day not thinking why
I sit down at night, inside i cry

Everyone sees me kind and cool
I simply play them all as fools
They think they can read my mind
But they can only read what they find
They find nothing and then they pry
Theyll find nothing, on that i relie
Why am I like this i have no reason to
I live secluded, but hide from who?

I simply don't know, from myself, maybe
What do i gain from this stupid chicanery
I lose all and don't even flinch
But my soul won't stur, not a single inch
Its too late for me to improve
So i ask others to go away, to move
Ill sit here alone, in my cold, dim mood
Save others from the grief, i simply say good.

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
the rest i just finished writing now

All these thoughts are yet to be said
"Why am I up? I hould be in bed"
But I sit and think about myself
Staring only at a vacant shelf
So empty, so lonely, strong and untested
It represents me when im rested
I should speak out, confess
But would they think of me less

I wake up tired and lie unmoving
Will i tell them today, what should i be proving?
There is no need i can still lead them on
But this feeling i have i want it gone
Knowing what follows can i follow thru
Why can't i just just let go and tell a few
What harm can be done if they know
That i feel so bad and cannot show?

I step up, now im there
But it feels so strange i think, "where?"
These people i call my friends
Now to them i will make amends
But i dont speak up, i only grin
They respond with polite nod of chin
I feel my soul quickly grieve
But physically i dont even heave

Why didnt i use my chance
I only stood giving a glance
Inside i know what i should do
Here in my head there is a coup
My conscience cannot decide
But by it i must abide
My head is torn and no more relief
My choices are stolen, i my own theif

Night again, why dont i tell
My mind each day a truer hell
I need relief, i need to escape
This stupid thing, we all call fate
I dial a number i dont know whose
Now it rings oh who did i choose
Ive called in vain there is no answer
the dial tone is now my entrancer

I cannot think of a single reason
I feel ive only committed treason
To and others i appear so different
But to me this is now irrelevant
Now I'll sleep and no longer wake
I will not continue to be a fake
"No!" i say "i will live a new life"
I cannot submitt to my minds trife

Ill change myself thru those, the few
I will let them in, show them thru
"Ring," my fear returns
"Ring," my soul now burns
"Ring," why do i hesitate
"Ring," now in the stupified state
"Ring," should i let it ring
"Ring," i pick up the damn thing

"Hello, are you alright."
I dont respond, my grip is tight.
"Please answer are you ok,"
Why dont i answer my thought betray
"Tell whats wrong i can help you,"
But i think theres nothing to do
Now is the time i must confess
Now i speak and say "Yes...."

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Attolia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Great Especially because I've been thinking about that topic lately.

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"How can we be just in a world without mercy and merciful in a world without justice?"
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Excellant poem - you're not completely hiding inside yourself, you're writing poems and its an excellent poem.

Keep writing and eventually you'll get to what is actually bothering you so much and at least that stress will be gone.

Poetry is the best therepy a psychitrist told me once.

You have talent, keep writing, Looking forward to more.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
This is how i feel sometimes

Nice guy

Girls like me but not that way
Always have nice things to say
I just like to listen when you talk
And stand beside you when you walk
I know it sounds so sappy
But I like it when your happy
Im the sort of guy
Who is sad when you cry
I only try to help you
But sometimes dont know what to do
When in this i faulter, i feel helpless
I mess up, being selfless
I only make things worse
I think its just my curse
I make you angry at me
Why? I was trying to help cant you see
But you cant and thats to bad
Helping other only makes me sad

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I went to the fridge and pulled out a Dr. Pepper and i came up with this


Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Coke
At my teeth they seem to poke
"After a every swig you need to brush"
The dentist says, I think hush
Of them all i like the taste
Why wash it away in such haste
Coffee is too strong
And tea takes to long
Soda is quicker and sweet
I can drink whenever i eat
It keeps me up, and about
Sometimes it makes me shout
Not so good for my body
But not like beer, its so naughty
This rhyme is simple, not so bad
But it might make some a little mad
Well that is all i have to say
Im getting a drink now, have a nice day

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
to bad you stand there
null, nubm and blank
scared to take the hit
scared to take the pain
empathy is in all of us
seems like im the only one who can think
see i've got the solution
the mirical drug
stand up for yourself
say whats on your mind
stop just standing there
and fucking speak up
the remdey for your curse
something i do often
the feeling of your loss
something i've completely forgotten
tell the truth, all of the time
say what your realy feeling
when they, when we ask

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
[  Edited by awakendwraith at   ]
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i just thought if this randomly so here it be

I have many friends, many girls
With their hair straight or in curls
I am nice and always polite
I keep my cool in every light
But sometimes im a guy
At these times i only sigh
I often forget and start to stare
Imagine their breast naked and bare
But they notice, hit me, man it hurts
I deserve it, guys can be jerks
But i must admitt i like their eyes, much much more
For in them the spirit lies, and that i adore
I rather look in them with awe
Emotion their is strong and raw
Untamed and free
For all to see
This window the most important part
It gives the visage of the heart
I like it when they wonder why
And sadden when they begin to cry
They easily entrance, enthrall
They hide nothing, showing all
I love a girls eyes so full of feeling
Before their eyes i feel like kneeling
When i get a quick fast glance
There is not a single chance
That i do not understand
What i need to comprehend
I cannot help it in them i stare
Caught in their enticing snare
They steal my mind, its not fair
But what do they know they dont care
But in the end i dont mind
In them happiness i find

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
This is just a thought before i go to sleep

Dreams (Whatelse)

My dreams often simple often strange
They can become complicated in range
Sometimes i dream sometimes i dont
Some ill share and some i wont
All in all my minds a flight
Floating adrift like a summer kite
Maybe ill dream of an artic thaw
Or a women with a red shaw
I dont know its all a blur
Was it seconds or hours im not sure
Each night i sleep it all seems wrong
But is it a speech or is it a song
I cannot say its all a jumble
I try to explain but only bumble
There is no point in what i dream
Is it a stitch or is it a seam
Nothing holds together, mayber itll get better
Why is it warm what with the sweater
I cannot differentiate
How can i appreciate
I dont understand these thoughts
They show little, meaning i sought
But there is not reason to search
On this thought, a bird, I perch
They're only dreams now i know
I can only imagine what they're supposed to show
Now my mind is clear
I can see and hear
They are there to entertain
Of this i cannot complain
They aid to keep me sane
On them nothing can i blame

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Next time you have a strange dream, put it in a poem, you might be surpised of the masterpiece.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Unheard voices sing the loudest,
Silence is the medium they traverse,
They cry out in anguish, in pain,
Or carry joy and hope
The sound of nothing,
The meaning of all,
They are but whispers,
Only the heart can read.
Make no sense,
But connect two minds
Feeling emptiness
Feeling completeness
Relay only true messages
Only accepted with understanding
Or denied without sentiment
Unheard voices cannot be heard
They are but unspoken thoughts
The signs of truth
Within our minds

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The question

What do i seek?
What can i find?
Why do i search?
Why am i bilnd?
The anwers are simple,
The question difficult.
I only seek to find,
But only find to seek again.
I find all that is unwanted,
But not what is sought.
I do not know what i look for.
I will know when i do.
I may seek the truth,
But the truth is wrong.
Myself i search for,
That could be it.
I cannot seem to get it,
Don't know who i am.
The answer is ever changing,
The question remains the same.
Who am i now?
Is the question i seek.

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
it doesnt really flow well but most thought don't

My life seems aimless
Great but pointless
I live it daily, in routine
Live like a machine.
My potential is boundless,
I could do anything.
I have all the choices,
Select not one, not any.
I sit and contemplate,
I do not appreciate,
What i could do.
Seems i have no limitation,
But filled with hesitation.
I'd lose nothing and gain all,
Nothing to fear, but fear to fall.
I'm afraid of what?
I do not know,
If i continue ill have nothing to show.
Thru implication one can see
Im the problem only me.
Those around try to help, to aid,
But in isolation i have laid.
There is no logic in my actions,
I openly seek disatisfaction.
I seek no answer,
I ask no question.
For some odd reason,
I find inaction.
I will go no where,
Reach it fast.
Leave this place,
Raise my mast.
Its my last chance,
The die is cast.

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm not tired,
But need to sleep.
I'm not hugry,
But need to eat.
I'm not thirsty,
But need to drink.
I'm not pensive,
But need to think.
I'm not sad,
But need to cry.
I'm not happy,
But need to smile.
I'm not angry,
But need to yell.
I am alive,
But do i need to live?

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
 36yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Gmunk is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Its getting late im not tired,
But i cannot sleep, though not wired,
My bodies numb without feeling,
Playing cards but no ones dealing.
The shivers let me know im still alive,
But in the cold i do not thrive.
The thoughts are random, quick, inconsistent,
they push me foward ever persistent.
I impede my progress, stop my flow,
Going upstream backwards i row.
All i say i then contradict,
but in this i accurately predict.
There is no need for what i do,how i act
Unwanted feeling it does attract.
I only seem to falsely portray,
In all i do in every way.
I all try is to seem happy,
end up making them feel crappy.
Sometimes just make some mad,
Or end up gloomy, and so sad.
If i could only rid myself of the facade,
put back from whence it crawled,
Maybe i could stop the shakin',
Mind myself truly awaken.

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"Simplistically made, my mind wanders, Dwelling on thoughts and blunders."
Just a poem i thought up last night
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