SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
He's often not even fulfilled that promise.Just what is the need & what is wanted or desired?
Would that include giving an oppurtunity to share or to help others? Jesus healed a person, aft... |
SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10456 Views Religion Forum |
Sought, This post of yours is about a month old, how you thinkin on this these days, I noticed your post referring to the influence of god and satan and the "need" as you put it for us to do... |
Lost In Translation
3 Posts • 4745 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I have not seen this film yet- It does sound interesting though- Bill Murray is Awesome if you like him I strongly recomend:
very good films indeed !!!!!
Also I ini... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62331 Views Jokes & Games |
http://www.captaincynic.com/th read.php3/thrdid=13133-u-frmid =18
We established a rating system on the first page, read up.
I'll just edit so I don't "boost" my post count. I... |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16352 Views Religion Forum |
i created this thread and i dontreally care what view you give.. i did however kind of mean the bibles interpretation of judgement day because that is the only one that i know of that has written sign... |
81 Posts • 21655 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not sure the originator of this post is a believer? I'm not sure I am, and I'm not sure if I am not.
I think the original question was asked to pull our chain and get a reaction.... |
HomosexualityI am a man in a women's body?
6 Posts • 2747 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
So what you are saying is that perhaps it comes down to this physical whatevas, but it was most probably influenced by tv, soaps, music, perhaps im putting words in your mouth, so you think it boils d... |
Gender PsychologyHow are women more discrimated against than men?
4 Posts • 3336 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree. What I'm saying is, by focusing on making things better for women, we ignore men. That will just make them the more discriminated against party. Therefore feminism should be replaced by... |
Society & SociologyLittering/Recycling
10 Posts • 6023 Views Psychology Forum |
When you are reading a post and you see decius scream out of no where, You F*cking Liar... that is just a great way to wake up to the day with a good laugh.
I recycle cans and newspapers, I don... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132012 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: The Big Picture
Okay, if I'm the spokesperson, then you're the 'Head Honchess' (like Princess). :D
'Thank You' for your confidence, but seriously, anytime I make a mistake answering someon... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301108 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Ya, I draw, so most drawings I post will be mine, I'll say otherwise if not. Why you likie? I also posted one poem in the love lost 4 good, its an ok one if you want to see if i'm any good a... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views Religion Forum |
Okay, this may sound pretty lame, but I can't help but mention it.
I've been trying to understand the logic behind the initial post of this thread and the more I read it, I think the seco... |
ConspiracyTom Coburn and The Franklin Cover Up
12 Posts • 23538 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thanks - I briefly looked thru it, will read it all and check out the links when I find more time. I am sorry, if I had read that post earlier I might have believed it was made up.
On another forum... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122955 Views Religion Forum |
Hey Elemental, mind if I hit you up point-by-point? Maybe I can clarify for everyone what you are trying to say in your post.
1st:I guess it does depend on your definition of Gdo, but I am not sayi... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107400 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
not nearly as mentally addicting
I retract my previous post and should say that for all angels of addiction. I should have known better to speak in absolutes. *roll*
I personally am not physi... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7204 Views Psychology Forum |
That might be it. I've another theory as to why I don't want to be wimpy - because, people around me, who were +/- friends, some 3/4 people in these years all of them had mental issues, but... |
Comforting an atheist on their deathbed
11 Posts • 6175 Views Talk Talk |
Well, Im kindof an airhead so I dont really know what facetiose means....
But what I meant in my last post was not that I would FOPRCE them, or even push it... all I meant is that I would at least... |
EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9650 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://story.news.yahoo.com/ne ws?tmpl=story&cid=573& e=1&u=/nm/20041105/od_nm/c anada_usa_dc
Doesn't it kick ass to be a student, because I don't have to deal with this shit!... |
Kahlil Gibran Discussion on one writing of his pro favor? (No it is not in espanol)
17 Posts • 9428 Views Philosophy Forum |
hehe, i'll post something when i run into a good one. But do read the poems of Tagor, they all grasp you from within.
meanwhile i got a chinese poem that goes like this: Never let your heart ope... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167885 Views Psychology Forum |
Yes I have, but instead I took all her money and her cards, then spent it all, because my dad died from alcohol. I have post traumatic stress, so i have no memory of my childhood, my mum never wanted... |
Relationships & LoveIs there solace in being alone?
8 Posts • 3357 Views Psychology Forum |
Thank you Chained Wing, you seem like a great person and I hope you have many happy, healthy years to come. Good people deserve good things. Everyone who replied to this post really helped me a lot in... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers II (YouTube)
110 Posts • 23476 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Yup...ther e it is. There is that full blown explosive orgasm. I left a window open last night that was a detailed descripion of the end of the world in 2012, I didnt get to finish... |
War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8569 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Just where in my post did I state the reason for the invasion was Saddam using WMD on Kurds? They have courses that can teach understanding skills. The reason for the invasion was 17 resolutions that... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46368 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
how about we want to ravage who we want to ravage. it really doesn't matter why. does it? if your atracted to someone so be it. it has nothing to do with genetics or chemical imbalaces. sorry. i... |
GovernmentPro-Bush thread
33 Posts • 9773 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I was blocked to post in "anti Bush thread". Don't know why. Anyone can tell me?
Goofy things happen when the white house is poking around in our computers. I checked, I posted in... |