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Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 3

User Thread
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

The following is my evaluation of your April 23, 2009 post.

You want to argue linguistics?    Are you spoofing me???

Did you know I have an English PhD, and I'm the head coach of........., wait that's not right – I'm the President of the United States.

In this forum it's impossible to verify who someone is or isn't. Therefore, don't try to validate your statement(s) using job titles, education, and so on.

But, I do concede it would be like an English major to discuss the trivialities of linguistics versus
the imminent danger of Global overpopulation.

You stated, 'More to come.' What? Is it going to be a discourse about punctuation?

As of April 24, 2009 / 5:36 AM the following is a FACT:

KGB stated, 'As an English major for a decade...." (referring to himself) – yet, his posted age is 24-years old**.

How curious, since his teen years (14-years old) he's been an 'English major'.

         'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!'

**KGB has been a member of Captain Cynic for 42-months and he's posted 80 times. He was aware of his posted age: 24-years old.

Pause for a moment KGB and think. This is only a forum, not a "Life or Death" situation. If you edit your information, you're impinging your "Honor". Is it worth it? NO it isn't. This is only a forum.

If we were discussing in person we'd both laugh about it, and there wouldn't be any animosity.


The complete premise of your argument is illogical and presupposes that your audience
is undereducated.

Generally, people aren't dimwitted, and though they may be unknowledgeable about a subject, it's usually because no one has taken the time to inform them.

The purpose of VHEMT is to inform people of the imminent danger of Global overpopulation – which in turn is destructive to Gaia.

It's already apparent that your intent is to keep stating 'misinformation' about VHEMT.

The VHEMT web site is easy to read and research. And, regardless of what you or I argue, people will visit the web site to discover for themselves what VHEMT is about. Therefore, it's pointless for you to argue with your 'misinformation'.

Oh yeah, are you almost finished writing your discourse about punctuation?

Come on now, don't get mad. It's just a joke!


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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
[  Edited by Wooly Bully at   ]
 32yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that XFreeGlowStickX is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I dont necessarily agree with this Movement. Yes, some people are just not fit to have children, but what of those who are? I don't know how to fix the problem of children being born into terrible conditions, but we can't completely force people to never have children. It's a free choice decision. Some just don't make the right decision.

As for saving the planet: Our planet goes through a natural change, we cannot stop that. Yes, we could slow the changes down, but they are still going to happen.

I will have children.

And, quoted by Wooly Bully, "If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem."

I believe I am part of the problem then.

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"There is only one Happiness in life, to Love and be Loved"
 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
im sorry wooly bully but i dont care about your "facts" and what not i have to agree with glowstick and if that means im part of the "problem" then deal with it.

also "Are YOU concerned about human overpopulation?"
no not really, it is a problem but it will be delt with, but i just dont think this is the way.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that CrypticTruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
TO: Wooly Bully

The following is my evaluation of your April 23, 2009 post.

Your statement is a fallacy and not logical. VHEMT doesn't make any such claim.

If my statement is a fallacy and illogical then your entire 'movement' is illogical and a fallacy . I wrote that statement with Specific quotes taken from the VHEMT website or directly form Les U. Knight in mind:

'World movement"

'Millions of people around the planet have independently arrived at the conclusion that Earth's biosphere would be better off without humans"

millions of us'

]Your statement is a fallacy. You're using a common debate tactic of trying to dissuade me without using facts or evidence

What makes my statement a fallacy?

You are labeling my statements as fallacies with out evidence. You are as guilty as I in the use of debate tactics

Your complete premise is illogical and doesn't apply common mathematical principles.
Your statement is a fallacy, illogical, and you're confused.

Again I copy and pasted all that information directly form their website or websites affiliated with the 'movement'

What resources did you research to conclude there are only 230 active subscriptions?

Just Google it

Are you spoofing me???

It's apparent that your intent is to create illusions about VHEMT.

No I just using logic and rationality to disprove your points

The use of symbols is another debate tactic used so don't solely accuse me of using common debate tactics

Are YOU concerned about human overpopulation?

Yes but I don't think extremist ideologies will ever solve anything

I suggest you pick up a piece of work by marc galanter you may find it useful

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""Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth" -oscar wilde"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
TO: CrypticTruth

'Time is the coin of life, be wise how you spend it, or others will spend it for you.'

You stand on one side of the fence, and I stand on the other – 'We agree, to disagree.'

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
TO: forgottentruth

'Thank You' for giving me the opportunity to clarify your question regarding VHEMT and suicide.

You've displayed courage by your willingness to discuss this controversial subject.

'Time is the coin of life, be wise how you spend it, or others will spend it for you.'

Thank You, for spending some of the 'coin of your life' discussing this very important subject.

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
TO: XFreeGlowStickX

I'm impressed that you understand there are complex problems regarding human overpopulation.

In addition, I'm impressed that you realize the 'human rights' of children* are being violated daily.
(*50,000+ / a conservative figure: 25% of the 200,000+ daily births)

This Thread (topic) is about a "high-level" controversial subject (controlling human population) that could be argued for hours, and hours, and hours, and.......

Yet, at the end of all that discussion it comes down to one question that a person has to ask himself, and this question requires an intelligent, educated, logical, mature, moral, and
unselfish answer:

         "Am I going to birth a human being into this hostile existence, and Death?

You've displayed courage by your willingness to discuss this controversial question.

'Time is the coin of life, be wise how you spend it, or others will spend it for you.'

Thank You, for spending some of the 'coin of your life' discussing this very important subject.

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
[  Edited by Wooly Bully at   ]
 33yrs • F •
Razzle Dazzle is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Hi Wooly Bully and Everyone,

Sorry, to be late to all the postings.

It's been a busy week between homework, researching VHEMT, and then having family
discussions (Dad, Mom, and my older brother).

Wooly Bully it's amazing how calm you are when answering some (2) of these people. They pissed me off!!!

But if you think that's pissed off, you should have heard my Dad rant and rave about why
overpopulation isn't being talked about by politicians, news programs, school teachers, pastors, and so on. He didn't know Population Clocks even existed, none of us did.

Dad was amazed by the amount of information VHEMT has. I had to wrestle my computer away
from him.

Anyway, this week we've had numerous family talks about overpopulation and children. My parents are definitely 'Supporters' to the VHEMT ideas. My brother and I have decided we're 'Volunteers'.

It's evident to my brother and I that it's immoral to choose for another person (the unborn child) about being birthed into this world. So, we've decided to be involved with volunteer programs that help children. And, maybe one day I'll even adopt a child. My brother isn't sure about adoption, but he really likes the idea of being a Big Brother to a child (me too as a Big Sister, after I graduate).

Talk later.

My Dad said, 'You should get that young man's (Wooly Bully) phone number and call him. He'd be welcomed in our house anytime.'

Of course, I'm not going to do that!

But, I did want you to know that our family is grateful to you for bringing VHEMT to our attention.

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"What you see may not be what you get."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
TO: Razzle Dazzle

'Thank You' for the compliments.

The person who deserves the most compliments is Les U. Knight (founder of VHEMT web site) who is a courageous individual. He's a kind-hearted gentleman and a moral intellectualist.

My phone number is: 732 – 41....

You and your family would be 'Welcomed' at my house anytime!

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 47yrs • M •
Deep Purple is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Yo' Wooly Bully,

I read at Facebook that some guy had restarted VHEMT at Captain Cynic.

Guess I'm late to the party. But, I'm glad I was because there's no way I can write as good as you.
I vote for you to be the "Spokesman" at this Thread. I'll just hang around and watch.

Oh yeah, I've been a VHEMT Volunteer for a long time.

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"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
 49yrs • F •
The Big Picture is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I'm 'vehement' about VHEMT.

I agree with 'Deep Purple' (cool avatar) about having one spokesman for this Thread. And, that spokesperson should be 'Wooly Bully'.

It's easier for one person to answer a question. Otherwise, if numerous people answered it could confuse the asker.

That's what I've been doing the past few days, just watching 'Wooly Bully' answer the questions and unconstructive criticisms.

'May We Live Long and Die Out.'

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"One People, One Earth, One Future"
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that CrypticTruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Voluntary human extinction: One brick shy of a full solution?

Sounds like paradise, doesn't it? Gaia completely cured of pox humanus. Without us meddlesome humans, all other species would get their fair chance at survival.

Naturally, it's not that simple, but just for fun, let's envision an impossible dream: all human sperm suddenly and permanently loses viability - no impregnated human egg begins meiosis to form a zygote - none transforms from embryo into the sacred fetus, is carried to term and sentenced to life. Zero conceptions, wanted nor un.

A wonderful fantasy. Phones in crisis pregnancy centers would fall mysteriously silent. Sperm banks would go bankrupt after fraudulently milking the infertile. Adoption agencies would fruitlessly increase baby bounties, and charge an arm and a leg for whoever's in stock, damaged or not. Needless panic would be hilarious. Like people frantically searching for their oars after the boat has beached.

Benefits would begin immediately for both biosphere and humanity. Resources wasted on redundant breeding could be redirected to existing members of the human family in need. Loving care and nurturing now expended raising superfluous heirs could be given over to stopping the killing and beginning the healing. A sweet dream.

However, an alternative birthless future is also possible. One where people see no need to preserve Earth's biosphere since none of our kind will be around to enjoy cartoons of it. Nature's destruction could just as easily continue unabated as we pass into extinction. It doesn't take billions of humans to destroy massive ecosystems, as shown by the exploits of empires from ancient times through the present.

No, human extinction alone won't save Earth's biosphere. Our collective consciousness must evolve from homocentric to ecocentric: to where Earth has first priority. Then, finally, our efforts will shift from desperate, often futile, damage control to a hopeful restoration of natural balance in Earth's ecosystems.

I truly believe overpopulation is a serious problem, but I also feel vhemt ideologies are extreme

I would be open to discussing other solutions juxtapose to a discussion about vhemt.

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""Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth" -oscar wilde"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
TO: Deep Purple

Yeah, I'm the guy.

With honor, I accept your nomination for 'Spokesman'. But, only if you accept my nomination of you as 'Head Honcho'.

Seriously though, every single person only has one planet to live on – Earth (Gaia). Therefore, people (Globally) should start being responsible about solving the human overpopulation catastrophe versus simply being egotistical, 'I want a baby.'

Of course, there's no such person as a 'baby' – I've never seen a 48–year old 'baby'. They're not birthing babies (illusion / fallacy) – they are birthing human beings (lives 70+ years).

I know you're already part of the solution, but it's quite obvious that 99–percent of the Global population has their '7,000,000,000 (SEVEN BILLION) heads stuck in the sand' – being a gentleman I restrained myself from saying, 'Up their ......'

It amazes me how people can't do simple math, and think that there isn't a limit to overpopulation. Where does it stop, 12 Billion?

No, they're ignorant, so 24 Billion? Who knows, the Pollyanna's keep breeding, so FIFTY BILLION? Not enough? - so on and on and on****150 BILLION****.

Are people that EGOTISTICAL, immoral, and ignorant? Is there no limit to their selfishness?

Are people so blinded by their egoism that they actually believe the immoral and egotistical Intellectualists ('ass')? Can people be that gullible?

And, even worse, are the Pollyanna's with their fantasy stories that are so illogical and immoral – they only talk about adults, and never about the 'human rights' of the unborn child, or about DEATH. Pollyanna's only blather on and on with their senseless drivel; certainly proving that because of genetics you shouldn't breed mutts.

Uh oh, I just realized you only wanted to say 'Hello'. But, I know you understand since you've attained Wisdom.

It's been fun visiting with you. And, since you're the 'Head Honcho', you get to do the talking
next visit.

My questions are "rhetorical questions".

rhetorical question:
A figure of speech in the form of a question posed for its persuasive effect without the expectation of a reply.

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
[  Edited by Wooly Bully at   ]
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
TO: The Big Picture

Okay, if I'm the spokesperson, then you're the 'Head Honchess' (like Princess).

'Thank You' for your confidence, but seriously, anytime I make a mistake answering someone's question(s), 'Please' E-mail me the correct information. In turn, I'll confirm your answer (I'm adamant about research), and then I'll post your (our) answer.

You too have a cool avatar!

Take Care.

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 38yrs • M •
Death Wish is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Hi Everybody (well, almost everybody),

I'm a VHEMT Supporter, or maybe a Volunteer. I keep researching at VHEMT trying to decide. I do know this, I'm not Undecided.

VHEMT has so much information that sometimes it overwhelms me. But, it's fun to learn and I enjoy the videos and cartoons.

Speaking of cartoons I like this one.

Have a great week!

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"DEATH awaits YOU."
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 3
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