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Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 7

User Thread
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
your analogy about the coin made very little sence you were comparing pending time as though it was money. but then proceeded to talk about us being on two sides of a coin.
when comunicating you need to actually explain the connection between two seperate ideas to effectively comunicate. so maby it seemed clever to you but to me it seemed like an incoherent paragraph.

ill check back on your reply but i am pretty well through with this post unless you can actually explain to me how this organization is not worthless. but in reading previous posts of yours ive yet to find much of any thing worth commenting on

thank you for correcting me on my spelling of my name. not a lot of use to me now but thanks. but hey are you a fan of lovecraft? im a big fan (despite my poor spelling).

I should mention that i have looked into your organization or movement or whatever it is you lable your selves as. i looked through the basic points of view and all i can say is
and more folly

most of what i said in that last post was satirical in nature I was having fun at your expense.

your movement has a infinismal chance of success so.... it is folly.

and though you may not call yourselves a cult from an external perspective you seem as idiotic as the scientologists.

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"i have nothing original to say."
 42yrs • F •
Wiggle Wobble is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

World Population


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"There is ONE Truth, and many falsehoods."
 40yrs • M •
Cynical Fiend is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

World Population


Human Breeders don't care about the costs to YOU or the innocent children. They only care about fulfilling their immoral desires, 'I want a baby.'

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"Mankind = EVIL."
 33yrs • F •
Razzle Dazzle is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

World Population


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"What you see may not be what you get."
 32yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that XFreeGlowStickX is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
From reading all these posts, I feel very hurt by the number of people who support this "movement". I understand where you all are coming from, but to just stop "breeding", that's rediculous. If we were to stop breeding, we would be stuck with the same people. No one new would be coming into this life to possibly make a difference.

The world is a hard and sometimes terrible place, but if You make it the way you want it. I feel for those who have tough lives, but there is only so much we can do.

I'm sick of everyone tearing down those who want children! I want children! I believe I will be a great parent. Everyone is looking at the negative, well I for one, am looking at the positive. I'm done with this topic, it makes me very angry.

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"There is only one Happiness in life, to Love and be Loved"
 72yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that NicOfTime is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm all for population reduction. We should have stopped at no more than 2 billion people on the planet -- which means that we're at least 200% over-populated.

But extinction? Sheesh. That's a bit extreme.

A severe population reduction, and the development of a culture that isn't based on contiuous economic growth, would have a number of huge benefits for all of us. I have nothing at all against children. I believe I used to be one at some time in the distant past, long, long ago. But I also think it's irresponsible to create children at a pace that is mathematically unsustainable if all humans at the most reproductively prolific ages produced offspring at the same rate.

This generally means no more than two per couple -- but that's a formula more geared to equlibrium between the birth and death rates rather than any real population reduction, which I also think is a worthy goal.

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 42yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that eye is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If this was successful (in terms of a group of people who believe this planet is over-populated), thus that group of people would stop breeding.

But that would mean the values of these people would die out with them. Thus creating the problem all over again.

(if anything evolution has taught us it would be natural selection, or the survival of the most suitable to earth's current , not future, conditions).

Now we are heading towards extinction, i do not deny that.

Unless we convince the majority of "humans" on this planet to slow their breeding rate rapidly, it might not really work.

Why don't we go for a solution that would not simply wither in time.

How about solving the issue without simply giving up. Cause not everyone will. and since the human race once prospered to this level among the other creatures, it is mostly inclined to do so again.

If we chose to ignore earth problems and simply "give up", the earth might die out eventually as well. Since we might have already done enough damage for it to have a momentum towards destruction.

consider if we chose to leave the earth to it's fate. After all we are responsible in correcting the damage we've done.

i simply believe it's the simplest way, not the most responsible one.

Now it might be the only value that we can teach.

but i think it's very improbable to work.

we should feel responsible for the damage we've done, Not just run away from it.

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"i think therefore i think i am"
 72yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that NicOfTime is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I agree, Eye, that the most desirable solution to this is not necessarily the most achievable solution. I don't think anything will happen until the problems reach a certain critical mass, a point where enough people are motivated to actually do something. Historically, this usually means a pretty high and widespread misery index. Those who see the handwriting on the wall now are generally regarded as doomsayers and crackpots. Humans won't do anything on the prediction of doom -- they'll only move when the doom is already occurring.

Hence, my qualification to be in a community where "cynic" is a part of the name.

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 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: XFreeGlowStickX

You wrote statements on April 24, 2009

I responded with answers on April 25, 2009

The following is my evaluation of your May 19, 2009 post.

From reading all these posts....


- Emotions (illogical) versus Logic.

- Egoism versus Selflessness.

- Immorality versus Morality.

- Delusion versus Reality.

- False Data versus Mathematics.

and so on...



XFreeGlowStickX you're still confused about many of the issues regarding the imminent threat of Global overpopulation.

You're failing to properly educate yourself about Global overpopulation.

You're using VHEMT as the 'culprit' of your emotional disharmony. In actuality, your own subconscious self is factoring information too, and its conclusions disagree with your conscious (emotions) self. You dissent?

Okay, then my challenge for you is to continue educating yourself about Global overpopulation. VHEMT is a valid resource to begin your research. And you have the Sum of Man's Knowledge available at the World Wide Web (Internet).

'Please' stop using VHEMT as the culprit of your emotional disharmony. It's only an educational resource which is offering 'ideas' and valid DATA.

In addition, you're trying to excuse yourself with your statement of:

      just stop 'breeding', that's ridiculous.

That isn't the only way to relate to VHEMT. You can relate to VHEMT as a 'Supporter':

VHEMT Supporter:
'Intentional creation of one more of us by any of us is unjustifiable at this time. Extinction of the human species goes too far.'

But, if you choose to Breed then you are:

            'Not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.'

What this means is, you're a cause of most problems that exists in this World. Why?

Because Global overpopulation is the ROOT cause of Global distress (economic, environmental, disease, war,........).


XFreeGlowStickX my challenge for you is to 'read for understanding' the following web page:

At the web page when you're 'reading for understanding' you must use Logic – NOT emotions. Otherwise, you'll fail to comprehend the information.

For interpretation of this chart go to:

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
[  Edited by Wooly Bully at   ]
 72yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that NicOfTime is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I wouldn't say that overpopulation is the root cause of global distress. I believe ignorance has that honor. After all, the globe has been in distress as long as humans have been able to write about it -- millenia before real over-population as we know it today was an issue.

Although, as a humorous aside, I might agree that "over-population" could be an appropriate word to apply to ANY conflict between humans -- which may well mean that more than one human on the planet could be considered "over-population", since humans have such a curious proclivity towards confrontation at one level or another.

That said, I most certainly agree that over-population as we know it today has a huge number of distressing side-effects -- and that many problems that we're currently experiencing (and will likely continue to experience) are certainly exacerbated and amplified by over-population, even if over-population is not directly the root cause. I believe humans are already suffering the effects of the "too many rats in a cage" syndrome, where global anxiety has been dramatically increased as a direct result of too many people on the planet vying for a relatively limited supply of natural resources.

If we had a more manageable and stable number of humans on the planet, and would develop a culture/mindset consistent with population stability, we could begin to make real headway solving so many of humanity's problems -- poverty, disease, all sorts of suffering. We could (at least theoretically) turn the human species into a species we could all be proud of.

Ain't gonna happen in my lifetime, though...

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 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: NicOfTime

First, 'Thank You' for visiting this Thread (topic).

Second, we hope you visit the VHEMT web site to learn more about the imminent threat of
Global overpopulation

VHEMT (link)

The following is my evaluation of your May 19, 2009 (10:39 am) post:

I'm all for population reduction........ But extinction? Sheesh. That's a bit extreme.


'Thank You' for your support.

VHEMT Supporter:
'Intentional creation of one more of us by any of us is unjustifiable at this time. Extinction of the human species goes too far.'


We should have stopped at no more than 2 billion people on the planet -- which means that we're at least 200% over-populated.


Your statement is simplistic and deceptive.

Global overpopulation is a very complex issue. 'Please' read the following web page:


A severe population reduction, and the development of a culture that isn't based on continuous economic growth, would have a number of huge benefits for all of us.


You're not offering any valid data, resource references, or plan outlines. Once again, you're making a simplistic statement.


I have nothing at all against children......I also think it's irresponsible to create children at a pace that is mathematically unsustainable.......


'Thank You' for your support.

VHEMT Supporter:
'Intentional creation of one more of us by any of us is unjustifiable at this time. Extinction of the human species goes too far.'


This generally means no more than two per couple -- but that's a formula more geared to equilibrium between the birth and death rates rather than any real population reduction, which I also think is a worthy goal.


Your statement is completely FALSE / INCORRECT.

Global overpopulation is a very complex issue. 'Please' read the following web page:

SOURCE (Chart at bottom of page):

This isn't a simple chart to understand. I'm serious.
"Please" research this chart at the VHEMT web site.


The following is my evaluation of your May 19, 2009 (12:28 pm) post:

I agree that the most desirable solution to this is not necessarily the most achievable....


EDUCATION is the key. Hence, VHEMT.

Turning the key would require the leadership of clergy, politicians, judges, and the military –

                                       'The few have always ruled the many.'

Is it going to happen? Unfortunately, 'NO'.

But, does that conclusion remove the responsibility of YOU 'trying' to educate people? No, it doesn't.

It actually means YOU have to assume even more responsibility since you're been educated about the imminent threat of Global overpopulation.



Once again, 'Thank You' for visiting this Thread (topic).

And, our hope is that you visit the VHEMT web site to learn more about the imminent threat of Global overpopulation.

VHEMT (link)



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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: eye

First, 'Thank You' for visiting this Thread (topic).

Second, we hope you visit the VHEMT web site to learn more about the imminent threat of
Global overpopulation

VHEMT (link)

The following is my evaluation of your May 19, 2009 post:

If this was successful.......the problem all over again........go for a solution that would not simply wither in time.


Your statement is completely FALSE / INCORRECT.

'Please' read the following web page:
(Third question from the top)


How about solving the issue....... we should feel responsible for the damage we've done.....


Your statements are conjecture, some illogical, and most are simplistic theorizing.

It's obvious you haven't researched VHEMT, or read my previous posts.



Once again, 'Thank You' for visiting this Thread (topic).

And, our hope is that you visit the VHEMT web site to learn more about the imminent threat of
Global overpopulation

VHEMT (link)



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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that pupa ria is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
ok ok no matter how evil what i'm going to say might sound it seems to me the most least it doesn't involve the annihilation of the human race in it's whole:

There will be this global intelligence keeping records (from hospitals and clinics) of names of all the women in a state. Each couple is entitled to one child, after the birth the intelligencia doctors hehehe do an "endometrial ablation" and that's that. finito, caput. why the records? so that the people don't cheat. anyway the ablation of the uterus wont affect the libido. we will be all living the neurotic freudian dream. ( neurosis being characterized by the deviation of the sexual idrive predestined object...which is in all the animal kingdom is reproduction).
I'll say we are worse than rabbits and at least rabbits are cute...we are not.

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"I'm the mirror that will make you invisible"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: NicOfTime

The following is my evaluation of your May 20, 2009 (10:36 am) post:

I wouldn't say that overpopulation is the root cause of global distress..... was an issue.


You are using my statement 'out of context'.

In addition, you're confusing Earth Science with the misery of human existence.

Global overpopulation is the ROOT cause of Global distress (economic, environmental, disease, war,........).


Although, as a humorous aside, I might agree that "over-population".....


Humor depends upon the audience.

A VHEMT 'Volunteer' considers a similar statement valid (human extinction) as the ideal condition for Gaia.


That said, I most certainly agree that supply of natural resources.


Ninety-five percent (95%) of your statement is correct and is reflective of the information offered


If we had a more manageable and stable number.... ain't gonna happen....


Your statements are conjecture, some illogical, and most are simplistic theorizing.



'Thank You' for your support.

VHEMT Supporter:
'Intentional creation of one more of us by any of us is unjustifiable at this time. Extinction of the human species goes too far.'

For interpretation of this chart go to:

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: Everyone

The member "pupa ria" is the local jokester.

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 7
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