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It's a great day in America!

User Thread
 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It's a great day in America!
Well I tried to tell all you bleeding heart liberals that you were in the minority but you wouldn't have any of it.

Looks like the American people have spoken HuH?

I wonder if all you backward lefties will now get with moving on and rather than tearing this country to pieces you might try doing something for the good of it instead.

You know, before you can fix a problem you have to admit there's one in the first place. The liberals are a dying breed and fast.

You libs need to take a good hard look at your platform, apparently the majority of Americans did.

Steve From Texas - only off two days this week. Going fishing and loving life. How about you HuH?

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Americans are free to practice their god-given right to shoot themselves in the foot.

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"Durch Nacht und Blut das Licht"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Backwards lefties? How many republicans were talking smack about Bush, a lot. The people spoke indeed, as much as the entire country hates Bush, they couldn't convince themselves to elect Kerry. There is no victory in this, all the Bush votes mainly come from scared people and fanatics (religious, war, etc.), both categories that Bush plays to very well.

Steve it is such bullshit of you to criticize people criticizing a government that you admit to be faulty yet want to do nothing about it other than shut people up who want to fix it.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hey Lefty,

I was curious, what's it like?

I mean for you have such great insight as to what everyone in American thinks, feels and anticipates? Truely you must place yourself up with Jesus, the all knowing and powerful HuH?

You sure do stereo-type everyone but I guess that's only your nature.

I wasn't aware that all Americans hate Bush? Also, what percentage do you consider "Alot?" And also I would like if you were to cite your sources. Can't be too accurate ya know.

I'm also assuming from your thread that the majority of Americans are "scared people and fanatics (religious, war, etc.)"

Looks like you're the only normal person around HuH?

Damn, I wish I were more like you

Steve From Texas - Going out for a jog and then for a beer.

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh and lefty,

In case you didn't know it's my right to criticize people, and governments of who I believe are wrong. You know, just like the lefties do HuH?

You can get off that one-way street now and join the rest of us in reality. Let me know when you do, I'll buy the first round.

Steve From Texas - always speaking the truth!

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I don't think I'll do that awake,

You see as an American I have a right to free speech, even if you don't like what I say. Guess you didn't know that HuH?

From what you just said I bet you're a lefty too. You know why I think that? Becuase you're worried about repercussions on his/her job.

You see, you lefties think the government's job is to take care of everyone, handing out welfare checks, paying for healthcare, etc.

All you lefties have just gotten plain old lazy, afraid to work and wanting a free ride. You hate Capitalism and think anyone with money has to be crooked.

Well I'm glad to say I don't depend on anyone else. I learned a long time ago that so-so secrurity won't be around and I better do something to take care of myself. One more year I retire from a major airline and I started up my own business 12 years ago. Needless to say I'm sitting pretty good and making damn good money.

If you're going to make it here you gotta learn from the immigrants and suck it up and get to work. Most of all don't rely on anyone else for your income otherwise you'll be spewing the crap you just did in your thread.

Steve From Texas - had a great run and now enjoying a great stout. Bet you wish you had one too HuH?

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Now listen awake,

you're not paying attention to good but I can understand that you being a lefty and all.

If you would have taken in what I said you would realize that money is one item I'm not concerned with. It's taken care of, I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Why? Because of good old fashion hard work. Now that's something I doubt any of you lefties know anything about. No wonder all the union goons support the left. They want high wages for little work.

You seem to fit in this left thing well awake? Guess you want a handout like the rest HuH?

Steve From Texas - hard work keeping you lefties straight!

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What do you do at your airline, and what is your business? I know plenty about hard work and laziness alike, and I know that when you're working hard you don't have time or desire to deal with other problems, like possiblilities of henous government crimes, abuses of power and religious fanatacism being made law. I don't disagree with the need for productivity and hard work, but when I see people not making enough to pay bills working full time and harder than some people will work an animal, I have a problem with that.

I never said all people hate bush, there are far too many stupid people and fanatics to get away with such talk

I think you are the one making grand assumptions of others, when I call you stupid I tend to mean about something you said, we all say stupid shit.

And I would hope that Bush were right with some of his grandiose notions, but I don't believe that the sanctimonious America is the Jesus of countries, as you seem to.

Its weird, you talk about all this hard work, but you just buy up anything pro american, and dismiss anything of a conflicting nature, rather than find out the legitamacy of it, but I guess that's just your way.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Uh lefty, you seem to be spinning here. first you make a statement that reads:

"The people spoke indeed, as much as the entire country hates Bush, "

and then you come right back and say:

"I never said all people hate bush"

I wish you would make up your mind. You're making me dizzy with all this flip-flopping. I bet you voted for kerry didn't you?

I'm also curious as to your definition of religious fanatacism?
Are you saying that anyone that believes in God or goes to church is a religous fanatic?

"but when I see people not making enough to pay bills working full time and harder than some people will work an animal, I have a problem with that."

I sure as hell don't. If you see people like that then it's just old fashion lazyness. Those type of people have no desire to go back to school, get a skill, get educated and find another line of work that does pay well. They would rather sit around and cry to everyone else how the government should take care of them, oh boo-hoo-hoo.

If people want to work it's there for them to do and no, I'm not talking about burger flipping jobs either.

Change is constant and sometimes that means changing career paths.

I had too, went back to school, started-up my own business and it's paid off well. My kids are out of college, and all my assets are paid in full.

Nope, I have no sympathy for crybabies and lazyness. That seems to be a trait of all lefties HuH?

Steve From Texas - going fishing. Hope y'all have as much fun as I am

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Bush's votes came from religious wackos and the people Bush convinced that we're in the middle of World War 3.

So yeah, I think Americans are scared/religious as well.

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"Durch Nacht und Blut das Licht"
 40yrs • F
A CTL of 1 means that Danipog is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm a leftist. I'm also a sophomore in high school. I have high honors grades in AP and honors classes. I'm also holding a job at some shitty video rental place. I work hard. I do it for my own success, not that of some corporate piece of shit.

I also regularly vandalize, smoke, and drink.

Disagreement isn't laziness, and laziness isn't a trait of ALL leftists, so stop generalizing. Why should we work, anyway? So some fat, self-indulgent CEO asshole supported by the president can scam our people and afford his private fucking jet and mistresses?

Simply because we're sick of this shitty, oligarchic system set up to benefit the aristocratic pigs at the top of the ladder doesn't mean we're lazy. We're tired of being lied to and stolen from.

We do believe the government should give us a helping hand. Why shouldn't they? We're ruled over by the richest government in the world. What do they have to lose by lending the impoverished a little money? Learn from the immigrants, eh? The ones who depend on affirmative action and welfare? Or the ones who are simply exploited by fat, white pricks until death?

So, Steve, what is that business? What airline did you work for? What was your job? Do gays and blacks keep you from doing it? Tell us all, Steve, do you support gay marriage? Do you support affirmative action?

How do you feel about that average Iraqi Muslim right now, locked in his half-destroyed home, watching the American tanks roll by? Or the Christian Iraqi who lost their children to an American bullet? Do you believe these people should get a helping hand? Because right now they're living in a war-torn hell.

It is fact that the Bush strategy was to woo the far-right Christian fundamentalists in this country, those that thrive in the "heartland" of America. Those who consider gays an unseen, unknown evil, and those who about 150 years ago would have killed their fellow man to enslave others.

If this is America, no, I do not belong.

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 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hey Danipog, glad to meet ya. You didn't have to tell me you were a libby, it's written all over your thread.

"Why should we work, anyway? So some fat, self-indulgent CEO asshole supported by the president can scam our people and afford his private fucking jet and mistresses? "

Oh please, that's just the type of crybaby whinning I'm talking about. Yea, why not just throw in the towel, give up, run away. That is the way of the libby HuH?

You being a sophomore I really can't expect you to understand. I felt your same pains when I was in high school too but you know what, it gets better.

Keep that hard working trait, that's a good one and you'll do fine. Hell, I shoveled shit for $1.50 hour once in high school. I worked on an arabian horse farm and loved the job. I learned about showing horses and much more but shoveling shit was part of the job.

Just please stop the whinning feel sorry for me why should I work attitude. It's unhealthy and will drag ya down.

Not all CEO's are as you descibe. Most spend a lifetime of school, studying and setting goals to achieve that status. They deal with decision making that would make any normal person shake in their tracks knowing their lively hoods are at stake. They get little sleep and deal in a high stress enviroment.

To think any other way is just plain stereo-typing. There's good and bad in all positions and in all people.

Be patient, good things come to those that can wait.

and danipog I won't name the airline I work for but I can tell you that I'm a consultant in the Tech-Ops division acting as a liason in negotiating lease agreements with vendors that do maintenance on our widebody fleet. I also work close in hand with the F.A.A. and Boeing in help to set of the maintenance spec that our maintenance programs are guided by. Our widebody fleet, and some narrow bodies, are subbed out to facilties all over the world including Rome, Tel Aviv, London, Ireland, Cananda and several locations here in the mainland. Our 767's are currently being done in Hong Kong at Haeco.

I started in aviation in 1978 as a pilot. I still fly for pleasure but now, fishing, cycling and triathlons are my passion.

Gays and Blacks do not keep me from doing my job. Matter of fact, nobody does. What do gays or blacks have to do with that?

Do I support affirmative action? Hell no! That's just another tool for the lazy man to get a handout. Let's see now, why not award this contract to this company only because their a minority.? Nevermind they aren't the best qualified, they have more blacks. What a stupid law. Had to be a left winger to throw that out.

And one more thing. You should do a little research before assuming that everything the tv says is true. I know many many services men and women over in Iraq right now. They tell me that the majority of people living there are thankful we are there. It's only the few fanatical groups there that want you to think otherwise. Do your homework sonny and quit being so mad at the world.

Steve From Texas - don't sweat the petty shit, instead pet the sweaty shit.

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Well, Steve you seem to be about the right age? Did you serve the USA in Nam? Just wondering how you felt about serving some lies & deceit, I know I wasn't to happy with this government when I came to that rational understanding.
Wonder how the Iraqian war veterans like it?
Well, at least my children are safe from such ignorance & stupidity, so far anyway. Glad I don't have to worry about them dying on some foreign soil for the (God Almighty dollar) sake of maintaining a lifestyle of riches & rewards of American capitalist.

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
[  Edited by cturtle at   ]
 67yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that SteveFromTexas is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
No turtle I didn't. I was a little too young for Vietnam but I share your feelings concerning that war. Both my uncles were over there and I sure was glad when Nixon brought them home.

Now then as far as the Iraq war I don't share your feelings that the only reason we're over there is for the (God Almighty dollar) sake of maintaining a lifestyle of riches & rewards of capitalism.

You and I will just have to agree to disagree on that point. I have respect for all vets. Nobody likes war me included.

Steve From Texas - always respecting other people's point of view

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"Any day above ground is a good day"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hmm you are for spreading capitalism in Iraq but not in Vietnam?

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"Durch Nacht und Blut das Licht"
It's a great day in America!
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