Bush sucks and thats the end of it, all of you that voted for him are weak because you need to be led, you are all sheep in need of a damn Rod, if you read the bible thatw ill make sence
. He knew about 9/11 didn't do shit. Next he brings us to war with so called terrorist, then ALL OF A SUDDEN! OMG. saddam has weapons of mass destruction well shit, North korea does too But i dont see us invading them do you? No. Bush knew damn well you dont vote for a different president in the middle of a war, You just dont and the majority will vote for the man that was in when it all started, For some reason god only knows. Bush sucks and thats the end of it. Im Independent not taking anysides, only one side and that is not liking bush.... and he is useing religion as a tool for the country trying to win votes, I know where he is going when he dies... oh yes.
godbless you all