 34yrs • M • 
Hapad is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
How are women more discrimated against than men? |
I PROMISE I'm not trying to vent or troll by this thread. I simply have had a professor push this issue so hard at me all semester in a class not even related to the subject, so I naturally think about it. It is my understanding that real feminists seek the abolition of gender roles and EQUALITY[b] for each sex. The womyn who want to dominate men aren't being logical. I digress... Women: The biggest complaints I've heard are that women don't get paid enough for the same job, men look at them like meat, they want equal opportunity employment and education, etc. I've also heard things the average person wouldn't think of like: They don't want to be expected to do things like shave their legs. Men: They are expected to be chivalrous and open doors for women, defend them, save them first in disasters, etc. They are expected to pay for things. Only men must sign up for the draft. Men can't opt out of fatherhood without being thought of as deadbeat scum while women can get an abortion and at least be accepted by pro-choice people. Women aren't tried as hard in cases of rape or child molestation. Women almost always get the kids in a divorce. All a woman has to do is say a man hit her or decide AFTER THEY HAD SEX CONSENSUALLY that she didnt want it, and the man is screwed. Also, just like women, men have expectations due to society. They must be strong, never show emotion, be the breadwinner, etc. Basically, for ever thing that is sexist toward women I can think of one against men. A person advocating just the elimination of a female's problems is advocating tipping the balance in their scale. Is it so wrong that I think we should fix everything for both genders (impossible because the only way to distinguish would be by gentiles) or that we should live with the fact that both genders suffer equally? I may not be making sense, but basically I guess I don't understand when someone is telling me about all the things wrong with society that are unfair to women because there are just as many for men. So what's the point in being feminist r masculinist? Just accept that we're people and work though your problems. Can someone explain what feminists might be thinking?
 34yrs • F • 
Xenon is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
I'm thinking you overlooked the equality part of the feminism definition. That means (at least in my mind) same treatment in all areas you pointed out yourself. Feminism is not a mysandric domination theory. It's an equalization movement.
 34yrs • M • 
Hapad is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
I agree. What I'm saying is, by focusing on making things better for women, we ignore men. That will just make them the more discriminated against party. Therefore feminism should be replaced by humanism. However, my point in this post is that saying this in real life invokes an angry response from most. They take it to mean I think women should be oppressed or something. Can people follow my logic?
 30yrs • M • 
Orion is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
If i understood you right, then i totally agree with you. I mean i think it was a great idea, the idea of feminism, but i also agree there is no need for it anymore at least in europe and america i guess since we are pretty much equal at least my experience say. If anything men are discriminated in my opinion and here is why... i had a friend that wanted to go to a roller coaster and didn't want to pay so much and with 3 words got a discount in 10 seconds. Don't understand wrong i am not a masculinist (how ever it is written right) but i agree there is no need for feminism anymore if anything be a humanitarian and do good for everyone. also i don't really want to diminish the differences between men and women because then there would be really the only difference our genitalia