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Tagged > Online masters degree
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85859 Views
Science & Technology Forum
7 February 2013 Comet Lemmon near the South Celestial Pole Image Credit & Copyright: Peter Ward (Barden Ridge Observatory) Currently sweeping through southern skies, Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6)...
THREAD BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12152 Views
Talk Talk
Jacker_Jones, Would you say that through economics and political science, you have or are on your way to gaining fulfillment? Like gaining it through working in areas similar to risk management? D...
THREAD ElectionsObama Deception
17 Posts • 6802 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafte...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyLunacy & Science
17 Posts • 7449 Views
Science & Technology Forum
The moon began to rotate due to something called angular momentum. Yes, we tend to use different forms in discussing reference frames; one is the gives the coordinates as intersecting lines but we als...
THREAD Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6305 Views
Talk Talk
and besides if things get bad there are always more goons for hire to set things right.... Some say that is exactly why the borders are left so wide open in a time of such fear of "terrorism&q...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsI don't understand, at least look
6 Posts • 2721 Views
Psychology Forum
I see people who are nice and friendly but my inner insecurities keep me from reaching out and taking a chance that someone might actually like me for me not just because I like the same music and enj...
THREAD Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9965 Views
Psychology Forum
allusions or dillusions? There is something that bothers me, personally. I play this game online & normally enjoy it. But I have been having misgivings about perceptions inherent to playing? It...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29195 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Confucious's China was defeated, practically colonized and economically dominated by Great Britain. The British Isles are a bunch of small rainy islands off the coast of Europe, China is the larg...
THREAD Alienation of all my friends
0 Posts • 1924 Views
Psychology Forum
I have to admit when I read your first posting you came across as a very narcissistic person, but after reading your last post (if you are as you read) you have a tender and caring soul. I complete...
THREAD Can't we just hold it?
6 Posts • 2598 Views
Philosophy Forum
What you're stating here as i see it is a very vague view on my view of extreme agnosticism. The following is just stating my point of view on this matter. (note that i am agreeing with ur point...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33959 Views
Religion Forum
How do you differentiate between what really is the conscience of the pure soul What is the definition of a pure soul? I can only speak in the contents of my life; I would define my self as a pu...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsProblem with knowledge.
3 Posts • 7265 Views
Talk Talk
I have very little interest in other peoples personal lives, some exceptions exist and that as well I have learned well. The problem is I can not find something, any kind of knowledge that interest...
THREAD God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10018 Views
Religion Forum
This statement is inaccurate; because when people decide they want something they simply change the laws so that accountability is negligible. And be held accountable to whatever degree of accounta...
THREAD ChristianityAntichrist
36 Posts • 10481 Views
Religion Forum
Nostradamus' great intellect became apparent while he was still very young, and his education was put into the hands of his grandfather, Jean, who taught him the rudiments of Latin, Greek, Hebrew...
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6697 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
But who draws the line? Remember: "Judge not, lest ye be judged?" We are all everything. You are a product of all the people in the world and all of history - in degrees. At what degree of &...
THREAD PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7204 Views
Psychology Forum
I'll post that voice story thing when I've the time. Been a bit busy. Dawn, Indeed, a lot of that made sense to me. And I agree that it's probably indeed the case regarding that...
THREAD University Students
3 Posts • 2273 Views
Talk Talk
I think you're right that the problem is education (and education of yourself) but not for the same reasons. I see plenty of idiots at my college who attend just to get by, not for the knowledge...
THREAD Spiritualitycoincidence or what?
9 Posts • 3745 Views
Religion Forum
hey do little things ever happen to you that make you think WOW maybe there is a god or something out there? or is it just coincidence? anyway, ive got two stories, the first was a couple of weeks...
THREAD Video GamesSocial networking of now
5 Posts • 2932 Views
Talk Talk
I play a game called World of Warcraft. Played a number of MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) and found this to probably be the best of the bunch. Games like this seem to be the s...
93 Posts • 30397 Views
Philosophy Forum
My personal Weltanschauung (philosophy of life) is not one I usually share with others; however, I do enjoy studying and contemplating other people's views regarding this subject. I suppose this...
THREAD GovernmentTop Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
15 Posts • 4884 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
but aside from all the politcal claptrap, we are doing a good thing over there (in my opinion). Look, we helped put Saddam in power and helped him throughout. But when he threatened to venture...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42406 Views
Religion Forum
Jesus, you people are down right silly. Although it is near impossible to explain, I think you better start taking a better look at you "experiences". I have experienced such things, and...
THREAD ChristianityBad things by Christian's
5 Posts • 2594 Views
Religion Forum
Many groups claim to be what by definition their actions make them other than... Christian = Christlike... Crystalized into oneness with Christ... Muslim = One who Submits their will entirely to...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11223 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Do you think my approach here is an attempt to blow off psychic phenomena? No, but I do sense the general resistance that most people have. I still have it to a degree as well. On the point of r...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy is ideology like a prism?
1 Posts • 1869 Views
Philosophy Forum
Why is ideology like a prism? Webster says a prism is 'a medium that distorts, slants, or colors whatever is viewed through it'. It appears to me that Marx was the first great thinker to have co...
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