I didnt really watch the video its to long I just scaned through it
Why all the plastic coffins ?
Does the us government plan to kill of (ethnically cleanse America off all its dissidents !
Or lets takes a wider look
Natural disasters
Earthquakes ect
mass numbers of plastic Coffins where you might want to keep bodies so they can be identified and disposed of in a humane manner .
Did Nazi Germany whilst trying to wipe out the Germanic Jewish community or Khmer rouge trying to turn Cambodia into a socialist state Use coffins do you think they cared about each person identity.
Piers and pits where there final resting place
Fema is planning for the very worst
A mass global pandemic has passed its predicted deadline by about 6 years now many biological scientist believe where running on borrowed time.
It will probably be some kind of variant influenza when it finally does happen.
And I really hope this is something the scientific community is wrong about
But lets not stop on the most obvious
Natural disasters take a look at Indonesia and the boxing day Tsunami 300,000 died. All those people swept out to see drowned in a massive inland swell and the clean up and identification process that came after
this is what disaster relief funds and agencies are for .
Wait you say America will never suffer from a Tsunami ?
http://www.oce.uri.edu/~grilli/Maretzki-Grilli-Baxter-07.pdf what happens when half a volcano falls into the sea
I don't think I need to harp on about this one to much I only need to whisper San Andreas fault and Californians get twitchy .
almost 304 million citizens live in America how can 20,000 Uniformed troops ever hope to control that many people if a totalitarian state was created .Saying that Uniformed troops on street corners is A big no no in any free democratic society.
They can only be rolled out in the advent of a disaster ,when no other option than to enforce Marshall law to help protect and save the innocent from the desperate and Criminal Elements that thrive in such circumstances.
Katrina showed just how unprepared America was to deal with Disaster with images of predominately black people sitting on roof tops after having lost everything and peoples homes being looted.
Also known as Americas shame .
F.E.M.A is a contingency plan for 304 million Americans you should feel privileged that your government is organised and responsible for its citizens welfare, that this has been created for you
Pakistan India and many other countries have to look outwards when s**t hits the fan
Homeland Security
http://www.thenyic.org/images/uploads/ICE_Endgame_Strategic_Plan.pdf http://www.dhs.gov/xoig/assets/mgmtrpts/OIG_06-33_Apr06.pdf This is predominantly why the camps are being built (although I cant find much evidence of them on the internet). The US government or the stakeholders as this dossier puts it is going for 100% deportation of all illegal immigrants or undesirables through Legal means, this also includes a exchange programme for prisoners.
there are a reported 12 million illegal Aliens in America and the influx is predicted to escalate due to Global recession which no doubt will lead to food shortages in neighbouring countries to America, only aggravating the influx off immigrants entering America illegally .
This abhorrent programme is not designed to enslave America it will make America a gated community only letting in those with useful skills and money in there pockets .but lets think about the numbers for just one second
America wants 100 % extraction the dossiers plan started 2003-2012 it has 4 year to reach fruition
that means they would have to completely secure there borders and deport 3 million people a year 250,000 people a month 62500 people a week 15625 a day that's assuming you could find them all.
And that's not even taking into account any influx because borders can never be 100% secure.
The means and tools have been put into place apparently, now all that remains to be seen is will America use them.
Will the common person stand by while people discriminated for the nationality are forced to leave what they now call there home .
This would truly be the Final solution to Americas Immigrant problem
This is the most insane notion
America no longer cares if the public no about its totalitarian plans
If the U.S. government no longer care who knows about there sinister plans for a totalitarian state where is the web site that explains it.
Just because America is choosing to deport Those it believes are not legal citizens does not make it Totalitarian. It is not trying to control the thought processes of the common person or his views through coercive action and oppression.
It just makes those who agree with the deportation policy complete tools.
Soviet Union
the only example comparable in size to a totalitarian state ,seeing how much that failed and American political and public aversion to it why would anyone try and enforce it.
You would have to nominate a mad man for president as you did with Bush and he didn't manage it either .Will your slightly better choice in Obama remains to be seen ,although there are rumours he has given the nod for the deportation camps to be used I haven't found any hard facts as of yet
Well what about china ROC
Well from its communist Totalitarian origins it has evolved through pressure from its citizens and outside political will into a two party democracy ,not a prime example I know
America becoming a inward looking totalitarian state
I don't think so but I'm just looking at you from the outside
Again my standard apologies for any grammatical error
Arrogant Brit with bad teeth