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Top Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush

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 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Top Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
top eight reasons for impeaching Bush:

1. 9/11
Bush had a report that told him that 'Bin Laden was determined to attack within the United States' but chose to go on an extended vacation at his ranch (apparently there was brush to clear) rather than do anything about it. When he was told about the first hijacked plane flying into the World Trade Centre, he became almost catatonic, and then flew around the country in Air Force One while his advisors tried to figure out what to do.

Then, while no one else in the country was allowed to fly, he approved the evacuation of Osama Bin Laden's family. Yet, somehow, he is still allowed to invoke 9/11 as an excuse for anything. In the real world, incompetence is usually grounds for dismissal.

2. Iraq
Bush's advisors had already made up their minds that an all-out invasion of Iraq was the best way to secure American interests in the Middle East. They simply needed to make up enough reasons to justify the decision. As former CIA agent Paul Pillar notes in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs, 'the administration used intelligence not to inform decision-making, but to justify a decision already made. It went to war without requesting - and evidently without being influenced by - any strategic-level intelligence assessments on any aspect of Iraq.' This wasn't a case of faulty intelligence; it was a case of lying and manipulation. Lying is usually grounds for dismissal.

3. Torture
The administration thinks that it is exempt from 'quaint' provisions of the Geneva Convention and even U.S. law. It has gone to great lengths to provide the legal justification for torturing prisoners of war (even denying that they are prisoners of war) and set up secret prison camps around the world where it can do whatever it wants. Breaking the law is usually grounds for dismissal.

4. Wiretapping
Getting judicial approval to intercept communications is just so inconvenient. Again, the 9/11 defence gets trotted out, but it turns out that the illegal wiretaps were already a reality before September 2001. As well, there is no evidence that the requirement for judicial authorization has stopped officials from listening in on anyone. What the safeguards do is ensure that the government doesn't spy on people merely because they don't like them. Again, this kind of conduct would get a person fired from most jobs.

5. Plame
The White House was so consumed with the need to prove its case for war in Iraq that it went after the wife of Joseph Wilson, who had discredited one of their most important lies (that Iraq had sought to buy yellow cake uranium from Niger). Evidence points to top administration officials Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and even to Vice-President Dick Cheney as culprits in the outing. Vindictively putting one of your co-workers' life in danger is usually grounds for dismissal.

6. Hurricane Katrina
A report this week confirms what was apparent to virtually everyone list summer - that the federal government was woefully unprepared for a natural disaster on the scale of Hurricane Katrina (although it had plenty of warnings). Once the disaster happened Bush cronies proved to be thoroughly incapable of handling the relief efforts. Not doing your job is usually grounds for dismissal.

7. Abramoff
High-powered Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff is facing criminal charges for his activities. His ties to Republican members of Congress, administration officials and even the White House have been well-documented. The former Chief Procurement Officer for the Bush administration is also facing charges in connection with their role in the Abramoff affair. Bribery and theft are usually grounds for dismissal.

8. Advertising scandal
Just to make Canadians feel a certain kinship with our American neighbours, the United States has its own version of the sponsorship scandal. A new report from the Government Accountability Office report reveals that the administration spent over $1.6 billion in public relations and media contracts over two and a half years. Some of that was spent paying media pundits to promote the administration agenda (although there seem to be plenty of them willing to do it for free). Spending public money on your own partisan ends is usually grounds for dismissal.


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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 36yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that awakendwraith is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i really do hate him. no, but he should definetly get impeached..
i wonder, if bush found this site, would he delete it?

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"Why cry for those that often cry? Instead, help them smile, and smile for those that smile."
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If he did - we would never know - that would be classified.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that bmxbiker16 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Honestly, with the Exception of Iraq and the handling of katrina, I really dont think he is doing that bad of a job. I know when i was on here in the bad old days that I supported going there, but now that I have done a tour there, I see things a bit differently. Especially with the fact that Halliburton defense company is handling much of the show over there (for all practical purposes), it made me question what I was doing over there for damn sure.

Trust me, we are doing a good thing over there in Iraq and I really dont mind having to go again when it all boils down to it. We are giving the Iraqi people a chance to run their own show(gov). But the reasons Behind why we went there raise some serious questions.

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"I may disagree with what you say, but i'll defend to the death your right to say it"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What is a bad job to you then.

You question the motive for war, but cling to your own propaganda that its all for the best.

You point out what will undoubtedly turn into a huge scandal if or when all details are disclosed in respect to things like Haliburton, no bid contracts, Cheney stock, etc.

Still I fear you do not grasp the actual reasons for our presence for none have been mentioned by you.

Answer me this.

If the president lied and STARTED and illegitimate war, invading multiple countries killing untold thousands (not to mention killing more through destroyed infrastructure and resource destruction and or contamination), even hundreds of thousands, qualifying him for charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, would that be bad presidenting?

Do you believe we will ever know how many American soldiers died?

If or when you find out that the war in Iraq was long planned for, before 9/11, and intended to secure vital resources soley for US interests and military posistioning for "full spectrum dominance", or what it means for people like Saddam and Osama being CIA assets protected and then patsied, as well as used to usher in an era of domestic abuse of power and authority...

All with actual stated claims of no end, hundred years war, generational, endless vigilance...

Not to mention the plethora of internal investigations being called for, in the middle of, being gagged for national security, and being covered up entirely against this administration from internal whistleblowers like, FBI, CIA, NSA, soldiers, Congress, Senate etc. etc.

With the existing evidence both public record and publicly denied regardless of factuality or possibility pointing towards all major terrorists acts conducted within the US done so by the US as state sponsered terrorism. With no exception, all have been followed by increased government authoritative powers and money for defense spending...

Even though our defense spending is unmatchable, don't know if you have seen the numbers, but one thing has been made clear. The more money and power the government is granted, the more domestic terrorism, police state legislation, foriegn wars, and black ops it implements. Regardless of any actual threat.

When a government has to make up a threat and create the terrorism, destabilization, and war itself, its because IT is the threat.

Just because the mob is efficient does not make it good or legitimate management.

Look, America is indeed under threat, but its not from radical extremist muslims. Its from forces within, global, and in relation to business, resources and consumption, and a world that became for sale at the end of the cold war with those sitting on natural reserves becoming the power brokers.

We aren't one of those countries, and so we are desperately trying to change that. And or internal factions are simply taking advantage of the business deal that is the selling of america before our stock is dead.

We mostly import, including third world country labor and rates, while exporting our jobs and manufacturing again to third world countries with such rates that no american worker or business can compete with, period.

We are running out of oil though we are consuming record amounts, our dollar is falling and I can't begin to explain or emphasize what that means or how important it is.

Our country's social programs, like public education, are being cut to finance an endless war, while still creating the largest debt by a sitting president.

Here is one last point you need to understand so I can shut up. We are fighting a war on "terrorism". The main places deemed terrorist havens house strategic military posistions and resources that mean everything to anyone who would assume power over the region.

That actually wasn't the point, just another, sorry, the point I wanted to make was we are fighting a war on terrorism, but the problem with that is our country both aides terrorists and is a terrorist country.

In fact, we may be among the top if not the top itself. When you learn about operation gladio, northwoods documents, and the quiet updates to old stories as well as current undertakings, or notice how so many national security threats are CIA assets or MI6, all the invaded countries, overthrown democratically elected leaders and placements of dictators, slaughter, bombings, riots, provocations, and on and on.

But you go on ahead and tow their line, Bush said it best about how just following orders won't a valid excuse.

That includes you. In your oath you swore to protect against enemies both foreign and domestic.

And people who say things like this are being called the terrorists, when they are, like myself, merely repeating facts and allegations of others that we find to be of concern.

The government is the one hiding behind secrecy while spying on everyone else, hiding truths or denying realities that would change the minds of all those who blindly follow them. Getting caught in lies and scandal while all we do is question and demand answers, which is not terrorism, threatening, jailing, bombing those who dissagree with you is.

Calling dissent terrorism from a posistion of authority in this country is treasonous. Lying to start conflict resulting in war and mass death is treasonous. Invading countries for their resources, market and economy control, governmental hegemony, is well, simply empirialism and not quite deemed treasonous, but the killing the innocents part is still considered wrong and a crime against humanity.

I can't shut up, we are breaking our own international standards by torturing people, like we say bad people do, we are torturing women and children. Holding people for years, YEARS, with no trial or charge, families, taken whole or ripped apart.

There is just so much to the story that it makes me a little ill every time I hear people say, "well, besides the war and this or that, (borders, economy, katrina, osama, jobs, scandal after scandal, etc. etc.), Bush isn't doin' so bad."

Especially from our troops, the troops we see more and more of on the streets of our cities, another law meant to protect the citizens now erased by bush, posse commentatus (sp).

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that bmxbiker16 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Honestly, when your deploying/deployed, the last thing you want to think about is the Political BS of it all. You're there, you doing your job, everything else is bullshit. You will have all the time you need to thing about the politcal aspect of it when your at home not worrying that someone has a bullet with your name on it. Tho every time I just happened to glance up at the news while I was over there I was just amazed at the amount of BS they were reporting on Iraq.

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"I may disagree with what you say, but i'll defend to the death your right to say it"
 40yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that bmxbiker16 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
All the civilian deaths over there are being caused by IEDs and suicide bombers targeting mainly Iraqi patrols, not us. The insurgency doesent care who they kill, and how they kill them, their sole aim is to take our life, and dont care who goes down with them. Bullets being fired in self defense...maybe, who knows, but in my experience, they know full well that we cant fire a single shot unless we are fired upon. I have been in some situations where I was being fired at, and pinned down, and couldent do a damn thing about cus cus of the ROE.

I know I fully supported the war in the past. Since I got back the 1st time I went, I had a lot of time to think about just why I was there. I dont support the reasons we went there anymore, whether it be oil or whatever, added to the fact that the main security force over there is none other then Halliburton (at least around baghdad). but aside from all the politcal claptrap, we are doing a good thing over there (in my opinion).

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"I may disagree with what you say, but i'll defend to the death your right to say it"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
but aside from all the politcal claptrap, we are doing a good thing over there (in my opinion).

Look, we helped put Saddam in power and helped him throughout.

But when he threatened to venture oil and dollar business of the US, he became an enemy.

Your assertion that we are helping them is void of any substance. If we gave them the hell they had, and plan to replace it with something just as bad, how is that good?

You think happy land is coming or something?

So far, what we've given if far far worse, we've turned Iraq into a war zone, again. One on the brink of civil war.

Its been deemed a terrorist and insurgent hot bed, you mention IED's.

But what of the American and British Special Forces caught dressed as arabs with car bombs and IED's?

You say IED's cause the most casualties? Ignorance is deadly.

We cause more casualties by dropping more bombs in air raids and tomahawk strikes, especially at the beggining, and fire more munitions of all sorts in battles such as fallujah then any amount of IED's can hope to ever accomplish.

Not to mention that our death toll over there has around a 15 year history, whereas this sudden hotbed of terrorism that has allegedly become of Iraq only seems to have occurred upon our presence.

[/quote]Honestly, when your deploying/deployed, the last thing you want to think about is the Political BS of it all.[quote]

Ya, and the people back home are too busy watching sitcoms and struggling to get out of debt and worrying about job security and retirement, oh and health benefits, while getting their opinions handed to them by the most convienient authoritative and convincing source, mainstream news, and most often Fox News.

So no one here is doing much questioning or caring about the politics either, its online that the real debate takes place.

There are those within the government posistions themselves, but the few brave enough to be heard like whistleblowers are usually instantly attacked and discredited or gagged by court order for national security then swept into litigational purgatory.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq
Dr. John Pace drops a bombshell that translates as a whisper through obscure Maltese paper

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | February 21 2006

Proving that Abu Ghraib and Gitmo are the tip of the iceberg, the outgoing UN human rights chief dropped a bombshell when he told an obscure Maltese newspaper that as many as a thousand detainees a month are being tortured to death in Iraq.

Dr. John Pace told the obscure Times of Malta newspaper,

"The Baghdad morgue received 1,100 bodies in July alone, about 900 of whom bore evidence of torture or summary execution. That continued throughout the year and last December there were 780 bodies, including 400 having gunshot wounds or wounds as those caused by electric drills."

Pace echoed previous estimates in stating that 80 to 90 per cent of those rounded up and taken to prison camps were completely innocent...


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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
US-led forces killed 37% of civilian victims.

Most of that was done by the bombing, not the soldiers. Soldiers are trained to take orders and on deployments you don't have access to the news, most of the news you get is the propoganda they feed you. They would have all been heros if it had been found that Sadam had weapons on the ready to fire off on Kuwait, Isreal and even the states, but none were found, so there we are and the terrorists are taking advantage of the situation in the name of Ala who will surely send them to hell if there is such a place.

There are some Iraqi's who don't want our soldiers to leave:



A little known aspect of the tragedy engulfing Iraq is the systematic liquidation of the country's academics. Even according to conservative estimates, over 250 educators have been assassinated, and many hundreds more have disappeared. With thousands fleeing the country in fear for their lives, not only is Iraq undergoing a major brain drain, the secular middle class - which has refused to be co-opted by the US occupation - is being decimated, with far-reaching consequences for the future of Iraq.

Already on July 14, 2004, veteran correspondent Robert Fisk reported from Iraq that "University staff suspect that there is a campaign to strip Iraq of its academics, to complete the destruction of Iraq's cultural identity which began when the American army entered Baghdad."

The wave of assassinations appears non-partisan and non-sectarian, targeting women as well as men, and is countrywide. It is indiscriminate of expertise: professors of geography, history and Arabic literature as well as science are among the dead. Not one individual has been apprehended in connection with these assassinations.

According to the United Nations University, some 84 per cent of Iraq's institutions of higher education have already been burnt, looted or destroyed. Iraq's educational system used to be among the best in the region; one of the country's most important assets was its well-educated people.

This situation is a mirror of the occupation as a whole: a catastrophe of staggering proportions unfolding in a climate of criminal disregard. As an occupying power, and under international humanitarian law, final responsibility for protecting Iraqi citizens, including academics, lies with the United States.

We did a terrible thing - we opened up the lions cages so they could devour the people, now before we leave, we need to try to get them back in their cages, we are hoping that this is what people like BMXBIKER will do, if not, we're going to get them home anyways - while it is currently debated, are the Iraqis better off with us around? There is another train of thought that maybe after we leave, the insurgents themselves will turn onto the foriegners from Syria and Iran.

Anyways - you don't kill the messenger, those who take the orders do so trusting that those above them who have access to information that you or I do not have access to are making the right choices and if not, they are to blame, not those taking the orders.

Concerning the torture - that is awful - when I was in, I had to sign an agreement stating that I would not torture a prisoner even if I was ordered to do so - but I'm sure that went out the window - along with our consititution and everything else.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yes it is, without the military there would be a whole lot more of it.

Just Imagine Iraq today if we hadn't dismanteled their army.

Everything has a purpose and their is a reason for everybody.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Yes it is, without the military there would be a whole lot more of it.

Just Imagine Iraq today if we hadn't dismanteled their army.

Everything has a purpose and their is a reason for everybody.

What are you talking about, try just imagining if western forces, let alone native ones, hadn't been trying to control the middle east most specifically over the past 100+ years starting with the British.

Imagine if we hadn't aided, trained, and help build the army to begin with?

Imagine if we weren't overtly and covertly constantly fucking with absolutely everyone at all times. Not that we are alone in that of course.

Ah fuck it, lets face it. America never became a beacon of freedom or democracy, we just became the biggest and best lying bully who paints the prettiest picture of themselves most convincingly. We are the queen of denial.

A bully now losing its footing and looking for an all or nothing solution, well, an all solution.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
We spilled the milk, now who will clean it up?

It would have been easier if we hadn't destroyed the Iraqi Army that's what I'm talking about.

True - our military is far larger then it should be and true it is used for capitalistic gains, but you don't blame the soldier for it.

leftwood - I agree with everything you are saying, but the soldiers are only instruments. Money is the root of all evil - now will you give up your use of money, no - you need it. We don't need to be a millionaire, but we do need money. We don't need a 500 billion dollar military, but we do need one, and to have that army, people have to volunteer, the volunteers are not the criminals.

The criminals are those who use those volunteers deceitfully.

In Africa whole villages are being wiped out, they need an army to stop it but don't have one, and if we were really the liberators we claim to be, that's where we would be. There is a place in this world for a military, but in an unbalanced world, it appears to be in the wrong place, but that is not the fault of the soldier.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 47yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ironwood is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
leftwood - I agree with everything you are saying, but the soldiers are only instruments.

My main point is that it is the responsibility of all soldiers and citizens to expose and defeat corruption and lies within our government.

I merely repeated what Bush said and is the unfortunate reality behind any war with sides and the soldiers that fall on them.

Taking orders is no excuse for killing innocents. Never has been, never will be.

Being lied to doesn't change the fact that you are shooting, bombing, and even torturing people. This is where common sense, basic morals, and written laws are supposed to come into mind.

But WE ALL ALLOW our government to practice tactics of deciet and manipulation. Then act shocked or simply deny when we get lied to and manipulated.

I'm not blaming soldiers for Iraq or anything, I'm just not dismissing their current importance in what is happening or acting like they should be kept out of the loop in respect to the concerns and allegations regarding their orders.

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"The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is Not Ignorance, It is the ILLUSION of Knowledge. Stephen Hawking"
 65yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"If it was me, I would" are words easily spoken but the heroes are few.

In a world were anybody can just walk into a crowd and blow themselves up, it is difficult to determine just who the enemy is and who is innocent and it is a difficult job to take out terrorists without taking out innocent people.

As I said, we opened the cages and let the lions out, maybe that was a bad example, because unfortunately these lions look just like everybody else.

This is a problem we created not doubt and we are left with no easy solution.

When we pulled out of Vietnam, hundreds, probably thousands died as the Vietcong just came right in and started cutting people down, and likely if we left Iraq today, the same thing would happen. But, if that's what we have to do, then that's what we'll do, and there will be soldiers who will want to stay and continue fighting, because that's what they do, but they will do as they are told, because that's what their trained to do. Some say, brain washed, maybe - but they have to do as they are told, the military doesn't work without discipline.

I've disobeyed a direct order once - the chief turned all red tells me I can be court marshaled, luckily another chief stands up and says I'm just following orders and anything other than that would be an unlawful order. But that was a recruiting command and I already had over 5 years under my belt. It's not so simple for a junior enlisted on their first tour in a place Iraq where some people smile during the day and at night they're shooting at you, where anybody could walk up to you and blow themselves up.

I remember when soldiers coming back from Vietnam were spit at and called names, I remember being spit at and called names and I didn't even go there.

It's an honorable thing to serve your country and just because you wear the uniform or happen to go to Iraq does not mean that you're guilty of any crimes.

That I know of - the only crime BMX has committed is believing in Mr. Bush, unfortunately thats half of this country, and they are not serving in Iraq.

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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
Top Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
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