Our educational system is designed around the basic premise that the students will accept what is told to them and that this acceptance is very important for their future welfare and for the welfare of the community.
Well, i did agree with the rest, but here i may present a counter-argument on the matter.
it might be because the education system did not benefit me in any way, but what i was talking about before is that as i see it,
The human creature is a "compulsive" thinker. Thus if a question presents itself , not once, nor twice but in more common terms. The mind will not rest until it presents that "creature" with a knowledge they can assume, or remember (in lighter terms).
Anyway the whole point i was presenting is that it is very possible, and skepticism is a very valid concept (to me of course), to improve oneself,
But the argument of the whole matter is that each time u are presented with the question, That is if u're living in iraq, and they're bombing ur ass, u will always have to listen to ur mind trying to work out an answer, since it is probably the only way to be able to accept anything.
Your mind will eventually present you with an answer (maybe because it's tired from thinking about the subject, so the purity of the thought process is destroyed and you assume whatever suits your other senses, as in if you're living in america, and u'd be thinking about the question if there are WMDs in iraq. the most "suitable" and by suitable i mean in no way "right" answer would be that yes, "what they're doing is within reason".
Now what i've just been trying to explain that the mind is not a perfect organ. It is flawed (after all we're only human), and is affected by society more than anything else.
You might consider it as "peer pressure" (on bigger terms of course) but the fact of the matter is that we ALL know subconsciensly it's better to be happy than right.
And the answers we most commonly choose without much thought are answers that are most suitable to our condition.
What i've just mentioned above is a very common issue in society, and has been the driving essense of our world (whether the crucifixion of christ, world war 2, or any religion). Now i am not saying it is good or bad.
But that's how 99% of our minds work, and that's how "society" functions.
I believe it is up to whoever chooses to believe or deny anything to not push other people to follow him/her.
basically this is the rise and fall of our human society, but without it we'd be extinct.
As much as i hate to admit it, social living (or basically the followers syndrome as i put it above) is what made Man invincible (as in the whole species) in terms of the other earth creatures/ Still it might lead to our downfall as well.
I am not looking for an answer to the question here, I prefer to try understand the questions than find an answer.
I do believe in keeping the answers to ourselves, and to only share the thought process behind it.
and here it all falls down of course (am i right on this subject, or is it just my opinion)
It might be best to only answer such questions with probabilities, that way there's never a definite eternal answer to anything, if we choose to force our mind to make decisions in terms of what is most probable, without the word "right" or "wrong" in our dictionary.
But that's just crazy talk

(at least to everyone i've known so far)
So then you see what i mean by all this that people see the word "right" as in what is best for "me" , "us", "our community". Not in what's best for this species.
As long as the human creature wants to be social, it will always divite itself into groups.
Cause as much as people would like to believe otherwise. We all are NOT the same ( different doesn't mean better or worse)