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 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that danman2_2999 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
coincidence or what? |
hey do little things ever happen to you that make you think WOW maybe there is a god or something out there? or is it just coincidence? anyway, ive got two stories, the first was a couple of weeks ago when my computer started to act kind of funny, so after reading online for a while i decided to check out the hard drive for any physical damage. when i took out the hard drive, i was reading the front, or top, side for useful info about the speed of the drive and what not. i noticed it did say that the hard drive had 4200 RPM, which i knew from the specs of the drive. anyway, i took it in another room to look up specific info on the drive on my other computer, and when i looked back , the hard drive had a small red circle sticker stuck over the "PM" of 4200RPM. and the small sticker had an uppercase G in the middle. i was like WTF this sticker wasnt just here a few min ago!! the sticker was firmly stuck onto the hard drive, it didnt just accidently somehow stick itself on there! i dont remember seeing that red sticker when i first was looking at it, but then again i did know that the hard drive was 4200 RPM so maybe my brain filled in the "PM" itself? the second story is in a way similar. yesturday afternoon my girlfriend and I were kickin it in my room and i noticed that on one of her toes (which she had "done" liek last week) the rhinestone looking diamond thingy that they glue on there, had came off. no biggie, right? i mean they can only stick on for so long. we talked about it for a min or so, but it wasnt anything to make a big deal about. i didnt even bother to look at her other toe, we just dismissed the whole thing. so later, after we smoked a big bowl from my bubbler, we reheated our dinner, and as i laid down on my bed and put the food in front of me, there was a tiiiiny ass rhinestone sitting next to my plate!! i was like OK WHAT THE HELL we were just talking about it like an hour before, and now that little shit is sitting right next to me. hmm maybe its god trying to show me a sign? i ask for signs all the time from him, but then this discourages me because this could be a sign, but just as easily be absolutely nothing at all! am i just crazy or what? what do you guys think?
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Navin is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
that is quite interesting, the thing about your computer. i dont really understand the other one but if indeed it was a sign from your God then i dont think that i should. I have also asked God to show me signs because i have a hard time believing things i cant see, ya know ,like many of you guys. i told him i wanted to believe but my mind would not let me, i figured he would understand em on that. I was looking everywhere for signs, all day long i was stressing my vision all over the place trying to make sense of things, but after awhile i realized that the God i believe in isnt a God of a physical sense, my God is completely in my thoughts. I believe God is conscience, my thoughts, my mind. So i started looking inward, and for the last 6 months after numerous things that have come up that would depress me or worry me i would have sudden comfort, like instantly. for example i havebeen ging through alot of soul searching lately and have decided to go on a journey. A few things came up with my bank and pretty much depleted my whoel savings for my trip, i thought shit now im going to have to start saving all over (2000$) but instantly i felt ovrwhelmed with ease, i couldnt really explain my thoughts, i dont even think i had a concret thought that made me feel secure but i just felt fine. thats one of many times that my mind has developed a way of interrupting negative thoughts with a warm feeling and just somehow knowing ill be fine. Its really hard to explain, i dont even think its meant to have diction to convey it, its completely personal. hope it made some sense
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"To kill man's hope is to kill man"
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that danman2_2999 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
i told a buddy of mine of the situation, and he says "if god wanted to make himself known, then why do little dumb things that dont even really relate to Himself anyway? Why not do something GRAND so we'll all (or those who arent anti-god) will bow down and glorify Him? or at the very least something small but obvious." i wish i could just go back and take a better look at that hard drive the first time and pay good attention to the description!
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Navin is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
if it the bible that guides your beliefs of God; He does not make him self appearant because then we would not rely on faith. God says it is not his responsibility to make himself appearant, it is our option to seek him and let him guide us.
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"To kill man's hope is to kill man"
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: Why not do something GRAND so we'll all (or those who arent anti-god) will bow down and glorify Him?
Ya, I know what you mean as I watch the present hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. I had receently heard how Bush is promoting off-shore oil drilling to ease the gas dependency so this strom should at least show us the falliacy of such thinking? Then I thought what if the storm were to suddenly just disappear. Being as large as to cover the gulf, chrunning up wind & water, heavy seas turn quite & calm.
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that danman2_2999 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
but the problem is that hurricanes happen a lot there anyway, its not wierd that they happen. and there has been more violent weather in earth's past anyways. if God wanted to reveal Himself, he shouldnt do it through nature if he expects us to take it in and believe and worship him.
 37yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
In many instances God does use nature according to the Bible. For example the story of Noah's ark. Joshua leading the chosen people into the promise land had to split the river or stop it. Apparently a small earthquake at around that time stopped the flow of water according to scientific studies. So if the bible is correct God has used his presence with Mother Nature.
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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 41yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
funny little story, im not one to ask for signs. to me asking for signs means youve already dismissed the possibility of a higher power. i do however see them quite frequently anyway. i believe that if you are a conscious observer you can witness signs, but if you seek them they will not present themselves. this past weekend i went on a meditation retreat. the retreats general theme was about letting go. saturday was a vow of silence. i woke up saturday morning, went to the door to leave my room when i realized the handle was broken. i had a few moments of confusion.... i didnt want to break my vow, but i didnt know how else i was going to get out. after a few moments of fiddling with the handle i finally let go of it and stepped back. i laughed at myself and my situation for a moment and then suddenly the door opened on its own.
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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Jesus asked for a sign in the Garden. Three times he asked then told the disciples to keep vigilance & went to pray. Each time he received the same responce, upon his return he would find them asleep. quote: if God wanted to reveal Himself, he shouldnt do it through nature if he expects us to take it in and believe and worship him.
Probably why GOD sent prophets to call attention to what transpired before it happened.
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."