ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5583 Views Religion Forum |
yes my friend He did. I was a medium size drug dealer who was out of control. I got saved in the first few days of being incarcerated. So i really wasnt sure of what to expect. I m not sure if you und... |
Relationships & LoveRelationships kill, slowly.
5 Posts • 3017 Views Psychology Forum |
I've never known or seen a relationship where the male wasn't subsumed by the female. I have tried to be the domocile male but too much of me has to die in order to make it work. It feels li... |
Life & DeathMy Meaning: Life has none
12 Posts • 3897 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think it's very possible that life may be beyond any conception - and to beg the question "Is life meaningful?", while it may be a step toward greater awareness, will only be an attem... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11633 Views Religion Forum |
Logic is most absolutely neccecary, but I find that many people attach the word logic to their idea in order to justify it. Which is what I thought you were doing.
This is what you said. "The t... |
FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13285 Views Philosophy Forum |
So your argument Against evolution is infact evidence for evolution, you clearly state it is possible for evolution to occure, what's 1 in a trillion during infinate time. You denounce the only l... |
SPC Schwarz
6 Posts • 3171 Views Jokes & Games |
> May no longer perform my now (in)famous 'Barbie Girl Dance' while on duty.
> May not call any officers immoral, untrustworthy, lying, slime, even if
> righ... |
33 Posts • 10061 Views Philosophy Forum |
Magic, I tend to agree with your cynicism regarding therapy and the following of spiritual gurus.
Also with your statement that in general neither meditation nor therapy are of any use. This is becau... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views Religion Forum |
I'm from Russia!
Glossolalia always was the base of Judaism, since times of Abram and Moses, and has played a key role in destruction of curses received by the Earth for a sin of Adam. Hebrews... |
Astrology, Myth Or Magic?
6 Posts • 2753 Views Talk Talk |
As the Earth is only one of a few planets circling the sun we can easily follow the movement of the others. Today we can see much further with our new telescopes but even in ancient times... |
God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14841 Views Religion Forum |
they willingly admit that there is 2 parts to the bible, the Old Testament and New the OT is basically the torah (?), those writing which are accepted by Hebrews as being an accurate testimony (authen... |
Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19573 Views Religion Forum |
My personal belief is that both evolution and ID are theories.
Theory is apart of science because in science we work to prove or disprove a theory.
While it might be easier to prove evoluition t... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12646 Views Art Forum |
I spent most of my childhood growing up around animals, mostly only sheep, pigs, geese, chickens and goats. But the next door neighbours had a horse, I really like horses. We lived on a 5 acre lot, so... |
9 Posts • 3217 Views Philosophy Forum |
No matter how much the nuerons, no matter how big or powerful the brain... It's the will of the learner and the level of self comprehension that will boost his/her knowledge. To understand the en... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views Religion Forum |
Bet you watch the weather channel like everyone else...
Bet you wear clothes like everyone too, rain doesn't just warp around you does it...?
What special benefit at all have you gotten fro... |
Rehab & AddictionMy drug
5 Posts • 2781 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
A drug is an outside substance coming into your body. I would not tell a child that when they are utterly lost in their imagination that they are under a drug, because imagination is a normal part of... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55479 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that we need to take a time out here. I beleive that there is a concept most pertennant to our ideas as philosophers, that most people are not aware of. As I read these ideas from my fellow ph... |
Emotions & FeelingsGUILT - is it a correct emotion?
9 Posts • 4984 Views Psychology Forum |
Ironwood >>
You come in here and off the bat state something that sounds like you're complimenting Decius:
Decius has offerred a thoughtful pragmatic analysis of key factors to take in... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17049 Views Religion Forum |
I am saying that absolutes absolutely exist and that we can absolutely know that absolutes exist. Do you disagree?
"What priests? Scientists never claim truth, you have a few Freuds and Marxs... |
Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4313 Views Talk Talk |
Cold, dual and so alone.
Family and friend have become distant shadows.
From the east to the west the sun never rises to set.
Striking of a match to light my darkest nights.
moon light burns... |
1 Posts • 2450 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sleep has now become a luxury..
Awaiting that long needed retreat to dreamland
where nothing really matters; not a care in the world
a temporary exclusion from the world around you..
Stripped of... |
ConsciousnessLevels of Consciousness
29 Posts • 10901 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are these levels of consciousness from a source, or did you come up with these categories. If from someone else, what is the source?
Hi expansion, I tried googling that entire list with very poor r... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11633 Views Religion Forum |
Will you adress any of these points? Or continure to cling to a mistake of mine in order to ignore me?
Now we can move on since you admitted your error.
I made no such claim as you describe. M... |
ElectionsObama Deception
17 Posts • 6808 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stonewalled? In what way and by whom?
But if you're willing to be open to the possibilities, than you are alright by me. That was a main point of addressing you.
I just don't like it w... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceNeurology - brain telepathy - STOP telepathic psycho terror on me
5 Posts • 12989 Views Science & Technology Forum |
My name is Vinko Rajic .
I am maybe the only really telepathic person in the world. You should not think that I could be Schizophrenic.
I can exchange voice, video, smell, people can move small... |
Alternative BeliefsPieism
30 Posts • 11578 Views Religion Forum |
Godblessyou, first I want you to go and look up the word sarcasm. And while you are there look up irony too. Dont worry, Ill still be here when you get back....
....Now, that you understand the... |