Bet you watch the weather channel like everyone else...
Bet you wear clothes like everyone too, rain doesn't just warp around you does it...?
What special benefit at all have you gotten from your relationship with your Magic God...?
That is besides the special mark on your CHEEK....!
Why not post a picture of yourself and your cheek so we can examine this holy relic...
I mean this is after all, the changing of the gaurd...
The world will never be the same after this.... ha' ha' ha'
I went to your site.... you have a bunch of stolen ideas... nothing original at all... and no solutions to the worlds problems...
not even one invention...
can you float....?
even a turd can float...!
I think you may have fell asleep on a light socket... or on an expoed wire drunk...
or on your hot wheels set... the more i think about it the more I laugh...
Does your dog even listen to you?
Look at your image... it's a picture of some form of "Aliens" you really see yourself as some vengeful angel don't you...
with a big rod coming out of your butt...? Wow
You've got issues with free speach...! You're gonna' ruin it for the rest of us...
Imagine if some house wife were to read your crap... all of us would lose...
you're not even nuts.. you can't even get that right...
you're like a sheep in wolf's clothing... it's a million laughs...
I'm passing you around my friends like a cheap drunk britney spears on prom night...
we're getting so many laughs without even smoking anything... how funny... i had to write this...
check my postings... i never poke fun at anyone... i never ridicule... I try to support everyone's point of view for its own merit.. value or just because you have a right to your views...
but you should really change your way of thinking radically...
It will only lead you to a lonely place where many have tread
Karesh... Manson... etc etc... they end up solitary or suicides....
is that what you want...
6 billion people on the earth practice business...
even if it is just trading sea-shells...
not all of us practice religion...
why start another one...?
are you that lonely...?
that greeeeeedy...?
why not use your minimal intellect to do busines... everyone is capable of that... everyone does business...
it's the most prevalent philosophy on the planet therefore most likely to be the most true...
don't you want some truth...?
Good laughs anyways...
keep em coming...
I know you were just kidding right?