With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg
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Truth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast - Page 3

User Thread
 55yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nickols_k is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
My hour has come, and I appeal to you.
From tops of mountains and from valleys I appeal to those who are looking for the Truth.

Those who accepted Satan believed themselves and try to reassure others in his power and the superiority over the Creator.
Well, the weak person chooses to himself such patron whom considers worthy himself.
He accustomed that it is necessary to suffer still and in the future all will be good.

Satan teaches for credulous:
"Look at himself, human. Than you are worse than the Lord? Than your desires below will of Lord? Than your force is weaker Lord? Or are you afraid of Him?
Be not afraid, because I with you. I shall learn you everything. Go with Me, and henceforth there will be no prohibitions for you.
Go with Me, and now will not reproaches for you, because everything will be measured by your desire.
Archangel Michael has told, wishing to flatter the Lord: Who as God? Nobody as the God."
Later Satan teaches, saying: "You are like God. And there is no other God, except you. Also there is nobody to worship for you.
And there is only you, your aspirations and desires. And who will convince you in opposite?"

In the same time, Satan in the whole imitating God-Father! Of course, under certain circumstances,
it is possible to imitate the one whom you hate during year or two and three, but to imitate whole life it is
possible only for the one whom you adore whom you esteem the instructor and the teacher to whom it is
betraid by all heart and all soul. Satan requires the Creator, His wisdom, His knowledge because
without them - he does not possess that force and knowledge which preaches about himself.

The satanist believes that sooner or later, Satan will overthrow the Creator from His throne and will sit instead of He, having established the new world order.
He believes that Satan monitors every breath, every act, every thought of the people and it is impossible also for a step foot which Satan would not know.
What does Satan give him as exchange?
They say that the assistance say that the support and knowledge, say that the hope for a new world.
Only where this assistance where this knowledge and support, where this new world and new world order? Who saw it?

Going on impudent acts of opposition to the Creator, devoted to the Satan speaks:
"Satan will protect me, he did not betray me, he will make my life happy."
And so he flies into Hell, and then into the lake of fire, unable to renounce Satanism.
And so he flies into Hell, and then into the lake of fire, holding an unrealizable hope for the kingdom of Satan.
And so he flies into Hell, and then into the lake of fire, failing to grasp the powerlessness of Satan against the Creator.

For there are at Satan not free in his glory, but loyal and devoted servants.
And not wisers speak from name of Satan, but satanists.
For, as speak his servants about himself: warrior of Lucifer!
Your Satan - the patron of war and slavery, instead of happiness and freedom.

Many who remain to serve Satan, having lost their will, feel himself happy, and follow obsequiously
for their ruler and pastor - Satan. They have so assimilated to he that later were unable to find
in their own nature, almost anything that would allow them to solve their further
destiny independently. And they have joined to he in the fall, continuing to serve he faithfully.

Hearing let will hear!

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[  Edited by nickols_k at   ]
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It's a good thing people don't take you seriously. Your type of insanity is extremely dangerous to the well being of others.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
An avatar online -

a heavenly one

versus an avatar online... a hellish one...

battling over an online heaven and an online hell...

which will be the online reward of the avatar...

you guessed it your avatar soul... gets to inherit the wind...

I'll develop the game... and everyone can play it... and pay me tithes...

at the "collection plate avatar" supported by visa and paypal...

which will pay in real currency of course because I need to support the real world...

where I'll go to Tahiti every winter from now on because the North east snow is cold... good for skiing... not for tanning...

If Nicholas(special)K wants he can be the ultimate Satan Avatar...

He's probably sick of playing world of warcraft and dungeons and dragons.. and what-not

and any holy-err than thou can play god... I just want the money...

At least I'm honest...

Oh yeah... for effect I should plug in a coupl of booga booga boooga's


OOOOooooo..... AAAaAaaaaaAhhhh....!

And you can't hear it but I scratched my fingers across a chalk board and tore some paper....

Old- Satan-Nick can probably make better sound effects than me

Man you leave me in pieces...

The best acid doesn't make your back hurt the next day...

a candle and a mirror...

but if you are given to these flights of fancy don't dabble...

you will definately have a bad trip and not come back like poor Nicholas...

I'm to understand this latest epiphamy from Darth Nick is that "Satan" threw a tantrum and we should too....?

For all the same empty promises...?

Fool me once shame on you...

Fool me twice shame on me..

You can't stop the rain... you can't start it...

All you claim to be able to do is keep track of everything...

Isn't that what we do already...?

What would be nice is if Nicholas_k would admit that someone else is feeding him this nonsense...

Every translation of bible reads differently... Not only christian but every human endeavor is tainted with human error and human frailty...

Look in the mirror Nick... listen to how you sound condeming

"Christianity must die"

You're the new blood thirsty inquisitor... what makes you think you have the stones...

or the power or the will...?

What makes you think you can overcome me?

Yes personally....

I destroy bullies.... despots.... whatever

What makes you think we would want to give you the power to end one form of expression and replace it with your own...

when this current existence allows all forms to be side by side...?

This is how you are a danger to yourself... if anyone took you too seriously... they might end you early before you grew up...

Semper Fidelis

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 55yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nickols_k is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Only serious people are able to have serious relation to my article!

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 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
you see... if some one debunks your clap trap THEY are not serious...

but you are the one advocating a spirit war... spirit battles

where the combatants are ghosts... good ones and "bad" ones...

doesn't matter which is which...

and you are claiming that everyone take their individual internal ghost or spirit and move it from an imagined nuetral state and pick a side...

and the rewards are spiritual...

not physical...

so if we never see any RESULTS why start at all...

That's pretty serious...

Idiotic really...

If an employer asked you to work all week for no pay that would seem silly or slavery

If you asked for a weeks pay for no work... that would be just as idiotic...

So how does your fantasy world enter the real world at all Nicky?

ha' ha' ha'

You have an undefensible position and the more you defend it the more it appears as such...


The only solution is to stop immediately because you have already gone nowhere...

Circling your own carcass... will be your unfinished thoughts...

I'm literally laughing out loud... I'm creating a spectacle of myself...

They say laughter can lengthen life... so you are the life giver after all...

Booga' boooga boooga

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 55yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nickols_k is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I nowhere advocating spirit of war!

That speaks AntiChrist, who was born to be free! Who was born under sign 666!!!

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 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You ARE advocating for the taking of "sides" with one of two "spiritual" teams...

Yours is the Antichrist... which you say is the true good for man...

One "spriritual team" is at war with the other... and has been since the STORY was written and told...

And most recently you advocated for the death of Christianity...

Which you may at this time say that you mean literally... which is kind of worse...

But if you mean as an ideology... again... spirit war...

How is this "At no time" advocating for "spirit of war"

And don't try to lead us down one of your rabid rabbit holes ....

of means derived from...

My original point is that your entire un-reality is locked in the false world of SPIRIT....

a place of no consequence in the real world... nothing there will ever be dealt here... only there... no reward or punishment here only there....

After millions perhaps billions of years the eyes are on the front of our heads...

Somehow it doesn't matter to see behind us at the same time as looking ahead...

so trying to spook everyone out into believing there is some devil behind them... when they can never see behind them...

unless... everyone carries a mirror with them... then they can see behind them....

all the time...

but then they wouldn't be able to see in front of them would they?

While the people close their eyes and pray, Nick picks their pockets....

Nicholas_k.... you did advocate for the spirit conflict... it's the basis of your argument...


but you are the servant of the "dark one" so lies are par for the course right..?


You should have mixed in some numerology... it's harder to debunk that junk... math is more believable... not to help your crap ... but you'll just rename yourself and do it all again anyways...

Watch for Nick in the future... under such new fangled names as

The Church of the Empty Heads


Boooga Boooga Boooga, Are we Scared Yet?

Until then enjoy his next response it should be a doozy...

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 55yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nickols_k is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Christianity spilled to many hiuman's blood to pretend on right religion. Christianity is religioin of war and murders. Did you remeber catolical camp-fires for witches and sorcerers? How much childrem's blood did they spill during 11-19 centuries? Christians drink the blood of their Lord and make wars with all who disagree with their bloddy ideology.


That speaks AntiChrist, who was born to be free! Who was born under sign 666!!!

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 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
There is no such thing as magic either... so no wizards...

or wiji boards... or contacting the dead with a candle lit room...

people love this quackery but won't work out three times a week

blood spilling child sacrifices...? isn't that kind of your thing if you are a devil worshiper...?

It's easier but futile to debate you because you flip flop more than a flip flop... look at your dirty little feet...

democracy has spawned the bloodiest wars in history and the most take overs and coups in history...

but allows you to speak openly with freedom of speach...

who is your handler...? Satan? Well it seeeeems he has abandoned you early on in his trick on you...

You have obviously plagerized most of your material and can't come up with an original thought

I suppose you want us to "believe" you though...


Be - lie - eve

Be (am)


to the evening (dark)

or ----- Am shedding light...?

Believe - Telling the truth...?

Do you even understand youself on a fundamental level...?

you are a liar... you are trying to make up a religion and claim you are not at the same time...

You are pawning it off on some mythical being that resides in your anus plugged up by a pole... if anyone has read your posts... no pun intended...

but literally homo-erotic... you need to do some searching on the couch of a professional mind wiper...

you don't need to remember you need to forget...!

now you're trying to spread your desease... which isn't Satan's "spirit" but insanity...

why don't you just become the Republican gun toter you always wanted to be and own it... many have before you

maybe you are afraid of success or just too lazy to be one... who knows...

You are nearly 40 years old and you want to manipulate those beneath you and can't even do that properly...

I see this ending badly for you... It's really obvious from the outside looking in...

Too many comics... not enough dates, even bad ones...

Your circle closed too soon.... I knew you would be cyclical... and loop in on the thoughts of yesterday but you loop in on youself so suddenly that there's little room for anything but a noose left...

you're loopy

And sometimes you write clearly and other times you write like

Arnold Schwarchenegar.... will you be "bock"?

I'm the only one writing back and forth to you because it entertains the piss out of me... you're funny on a bone shaking level...

I picture you pasting your head on posters of Aliens vs. Predators... and Batman and whatnot...

The only pity will be that without your identity we won't make the connection to the guy that's found hung in his closet with the pound of industrial strength vasoline between his legs...


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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 55yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nickols_k is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Try read this article^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominican_Order as history of christianity!

That speaks AntiChrist, who was born to be free! Who was born under sign 666!!!

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 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If you are angry with Christianity...

Then why are you taking from Christianity

The Devil and Satan and Angels and all that imaginary stuff comes straight from Christian viewpoints...

Why would you base your whole life on PART of a system you say is flawed in the first place?

Your Devil-worship or Satanism or whatever is just a flipped side of the same coin of Christianity... that's why it's the same....


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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 55yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nickols_k is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm on religious forum but not on christians! I don't worship to Satan. If christians too ignoramus and guess that angels and Satan are not visible then it proves that christians religion is false religion!

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 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Again you are unclear about your own intentions...

but that only helps your position of no position at all... which is where you get your mystery... and how you attempt to spread your misery...

YOU claim to have seen the Anti-christ or BEAST in the afterlife in your "near death" or "full" death experience...

This of course can only be confirmed by you making you the what...?

THE Authority... on the subject...

Sooooo... Your beast cannot be seen by anyone else... so by your own standards you represent a false religion...

If christians too ignoramus and guess that angels and Satan are not visible then it proves that christians religion is false religion!

Of course like everything else you will probably claim this is not what you're attempting to do...

Just what are you attempting...? Revolutionary thought...?

Speaking like Jar-Jar-Binks... "Me say Beast real... me say him a' big scary...!"

Not likely to catch on...

Talking in circles and never owning what you say or admitting a position...

then going on a scripture length tirade about the "other side"....

Boogey men are for backward little minded people who believe in such superstitious things and can be conned out of their real life's works for some non-existent other-worldly "reward"...

Not for people who want to discuss the principles that are foundations of truth found in all religious beliefs regardless of faith...

Not for people who may be searching for deeper meaning to their already firm belief system or reaching across the isle towards a cousin - faith like one of the children of the Abrahamic traditions Jewdaism... Christianity or Islam...

People looking for relationships through principled stands not looking to overthrow all others and replace it with something that came to them while watching sponge bob on nickelodeon...

grow up already... you give all russians a bad name...

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 55yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nickols_k is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm AntiChrist! I had the meeting with the beast in afterlife!

I received the mark of the beast which I have right now. Which other evidences do you need also?

That speaks AntiChrist, who was born to be free! Who was born under sign 666!!!

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 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If you have the mark of the beast on you, then you can just upload a picture of it to prove Adamsethgod wrong.
All you have to do is press the Browse button below the Upload Image section. It is in the lower bottom corner of the page when you are replying to a post. It will let you browse through your files and pick a picture of you with this mark.

Once Adamsethgod sees your mark he will not be able to call you a lair.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
Truth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast - Page 3
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