There is no such thing as magic either... so no wizards...
or wiji boards... or contacting the dead with a candle lit room...
people love this quackery but won't work out three times a week
blood spilling child sacrifices...? isn't that kind of your thing if you are a devil worshiper...?
It's easier but futile to debate you because you flip flop more than a flip flop... look at your dirty little feet...
democracy has spawned the bloodiest wars in history and the most take overs and coups in history...
but allows you to speak openly with freedom of speach...
who is your handler...? Satan? Well it seeeeems he has abandoned you early on in his trick on you...
You have obviously plagerized most of your material and can't come up with an original thought
I suppose you want us to "believe" you though...
Be - lie - eve
Be (am)
to the evening (dark)
or ----- Am shedding light...?
Believe - Telling the truth...?
Do you even understand youself on a fundamental level...?
you are a liar... you are trying to make up a religion and claim you are not at the same time...
You are pawning it off on some mythical being that resides in your anus plugged up by a pole... if anyone has read your posts... no pun intended...
but literally homo-erotic... you need to do some searching on the couch of a professional mind wiper...
you don't need to remember you need to forget...!
now you're trying to spread your desease... which isn't Satan's "spirit" but insanity...
why don't you just become the Republican gun toter you always wanted to be and own it... many have before you
maybe you are afraid of success or just too lazy to be one... who knows...
You are nearly 40 years old and you want to manipulate those beneath you and can't even do that properly...
I see this ending badly for you... It's really obvious from the outside looking in...
Too many comics... not enough dates, even bad ones...
Your circle closed too soon.... I knew you would be cyclical... and loop in on the thoughts of yesterday but you loop in on youself so suddenly that there's little room for anything but a noose left...
you're loopy
And sometimes you write clearly and other times you write like
Arnold Schwarchenegar.... will you be "bock"?
I'm the only one writing back and forth to you because it entertains the piss out of me... you're funny on a bone shaking level...
I picture you pasting your head on posters of Aliens vs. Predators... and Batman and whatnot...
The only pity will be that without your identity we won't make the connection to the guy that's found hung in his closet with the pound of industrial strength vasoline between his legs...