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Astrology, Myth Or Magic?

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 38yrs • M •
ramsatya is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Astrology, Myth Or Magic?

As the Earth is only one of a few planets circling the sun we can easily follow the movement of the others. Today we can see much further with our new telescopes but even in ancient times, the people could see a few planets.

Inner Planets
Mercury and Venus are circling between the sun and our planet. They can always be seen close to the sun, though Mercury is a bit shy as it is very close to the sun. Venus makes a proud appearance no matter if we can see it in the morning or evening.

Outer Planets
Then we have Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, all visible with the naked eye. Meaning you do not need a binocular or telescope to see it. Because they are so close the wander around between the stars. The ancients could see this and roughly 1000BC. A superstition originated in Babylonian religion.

Birth of Astrology

According to this the planets supposedly influenced the fate of kings and great nations. The Greeks would later adopt this and extended the influence to all individuals. In short they believed each persons destiny was thus determined by the positions of the planets along the ecliptic at the moment of the persons birth. The ecliptic in short is the path along which the sun travels.

Since the planets do not move exactly along the ecliptic ancient astrologers then defined a wider band centered on the ecliptic. This we know as the Zodiac. This band was divided in 12 parts, each named after a prominent constellation.

Aries the first
The first sign Aries begins and runs eastward where it joins up with Taurus and so on.
The validity of astrology has been tested and as far as Astronomers are concerned it lacks credibility. Astronomers find astrology a somewhat irritating superstition, a left over from ancient- worshiping religions.

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""failures are the Stepping stones for sucess""
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
To the people the magician practices magic, but for the magician it is science. I may start a thread on the concept of magic so as not to pull away from the subject of astrology.
Have you ever heard these two expressions?

"here on earth as in heaven."

"the universe is contained in a grain of sand"

Astrology can be a valid science but sharlatans and "science"
has discredited it. Let us not forget that for thousands of years In ancient civilizations it was a valid science. what made it a valid science. I understand that as a science astrology like alchemy was constantly developing and progressing. Some cultures allowed the science of astrology to stagnate. It is said by the hindu culture that the god shiva dances at the center of reality and as shiva dances all other things dance accordingly. this suggest that all of the universe dances to the same ever evolving tune. there are many different forms of fortune telling and each seems to be based on disciphering information from seemingly random phenomenon qhuantom physics are and eastern philosophy seems to suggest that nothing is realy random because of cause and effect. We can deffinitely say that the sun and the planets have an effect on our own and what propels the sun? whatever controlls our sun in essence controlls our planet. because of the suns drags planet earth through seasons it in essence controlls the state and condition of our birth and conception. It is possible that people born in different seasons will have different personality traights that may be in part due to the time of their birth.

of course one thing that any tealeaf reader, palmist or oracle will tell you is that nothing is writen in stone. lets say for instance you start your life as a sagitarous but something intense happens in your life that changes your personality to say an aires. that would effect the whole outcome of the astrological "rule". I my self am a sagitarous I happen to match up uncanily in my personality traights to my sign. I also happen to match up well with my chinese sign and element. As for my horrorscope I cant be bothered the trade is too saturated by sharlatans. As ramsaytya said astrology has influenced kings throughout the ages so astrology could likely be aplied to bigger spheres.

I do not believe that it is wise to tamper with a dimension you can not grasp (the future). For one it can not be fully relied upon. Even modern science is not with out fallability. look at genetic engineering, chemical manufacturing, nuclear energy etc. We in north america feel as though science has given us alot of good things. Like what exactly? Vehicles that cause us to carve up our world with ribbons of concrete and poison the atmosphere? Telivision and other forms of media that make us docile slaves? or is it the more effective killing machines for wich to steal our neighbors wealth at gun point. Now yes there are things that science has achieved but so often do they falter and cause death, suffering and destruction with their irresponsible push to power. all i am saying is that people should explore morality before they explore power. one the best sayings and concepts from alchemy talks about transmutation it is this. allow me to paraphrase.

befor you transmutate lead into gold you must transmutate your own soul into something better

Instead of learning and manipulating future events we should focus on improving how we deal with the here and now.

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"i have nothing original to say."
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
of course one thing that any tealeaf reader, palmist or oracle will tell you is that nothing is writen in stone. lets say for instance you start your life as a sagitarous but something intense happens in your life that changes your personality to say an aires. that would effect the whole outcome of the astrological "rule".

I never heard of that before. What kind of traumatic event would cause this? Is then when a sort of "rebirth" happens? Do you have any links to sources that talk about this?

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i do not have alot of time to write this post so i will be brief. I have studdied mysticism for years and have read alot of books on the many aspects of this subject. I am ashamed to say that the book were i have read that rule of fortune telling is not coming to my mind. It may have been from eliphas levi or crowley. My wife and some of my people go to get their fortunes told by different means. (as i have said before i do not condone it). I just called a girl friend and asked my wife and they have both heard of that rule. I could be mistaken though and should have changed my post slightly. instead of saying any fortune teller i should have said most (my bad). this rebirth that I am refering to is more based upon experience and my own anylization of the subject.

whether you are reading tea leefs, the stars or the guts of a seagul interpertation really comes into play. There are limits to the science of astrology one of them is that we do not see all the stars or what propels them. Think of astrology as a intense equation within the field of quantom physics. There is what is called a strange varriable this is a number that could effect the out come of the equation that was unacounted for. Since astrology has so many strange varriables it sometimes shows a large margin of error with in the person in relation to their sign. my wife works in a metaphysics store and has talked to different people who study astrology. she told me that what I have just suggested was recognized by astrologers that she has known. They suggested that people especially those who are close to the cusp of their sign can some times go over the edge to another sign and in rare cases can some times change to a sign that is distant from the birth sign. This kind of goes back to the strange varriables. The bhudist monks practice astrology as well and one of there more valuable points with regards to reality is that change is the constant law of reality.

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"i have nothing original to say."
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
oh and the experience doesnt neccasaraly have to be traumatic it just has to be intense and at the right time of a persons life. This kindof reminds me of the bardo state. this is the state that one is in when inbetween one state of mind to the next. The funny thing about the bardo state is that there are no limits to bardo states and that they are constant. almost allowing a transition. there are many different degrees of intensity in the bardo states. for instance their is the waking up from sleep. birth and death. these are some of the basic bardos. based on my studys of the tibetan book of the dead (main theme bardos) i believe it is a state were any thing can
happen and i meen any thing. i think but you may have to research some of the bardo theory to get your own grasp of it incase i am mistaken I am still a student of bhudism.

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"i have nothing original to say."
 44yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that nyrlathotep is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
By the way word to the wise stay away from fortune tellers. Though what they practice has some merit it is rather dangerous to take seriously. use astrology and mysticism as theorys to help expand your mind but do not use them as tools.
live in the here and now.

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"i have nothing original to say."
Astrology, Myth Or Magic?
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