Tagged > Internet post graduate courses |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15502 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You clearly have misinterpreted my points, perhaps it got lost in translation through to your angry attitude.
Your attempts to belittle me and my life decisions are dampened by the amount of profan... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57879 Views Religion Forum |
I understand what you're saying Crimson_Saint,
"The answer is it would not be fact, but it would be "very probably true". It depends on the occurance. Egyptian kings were known... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Is that all you have to say on my post? Don't you understand that the only way in which America's presence in Iraq is justified is if you plan on making into a Taiwan or a West Germany.
O... |
Anti-Bush Jokes (or related)
9 Posts • 7842 Views Jokes & Games |
Let's follow the American tradition of making fun of our President and his administration! Post jokes here!
The President, First Lady and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One.
George l... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"but the real issue no one seems to want to talk about is that we had NO REASON to invade Iraq...It was all based on either erroneous intelligence (which I doubt) or lies (which I think is probab... |
7 x 7 = 49
4 Posts • 2848 Views Science & Technology Forum |
If our two cents are important to you, because im not 49 yet then ill have a go, firstly why did you post this in the religious section.. did i miss something?
Dont you constantly go through change... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
Hello Ironwood
In reference to your last post yesterday
You are correct, of course, that religion as a crutch CAN
BE intellectually valid. I was reacting to the fact that I don't think I hv... |
Christianitywe're nothing special
9 Posts • 3353 Views Religion Forum |
I'm going to take a wild stab at this and say that Mugen wasn't referring to common diseases that we have cures for when he mentioned diseases. I'm guessing he was more thinking of AIDS... |
Religion & HumanityMarriage
11 Posts • 3824 Views Religion Forum |
= zachfrenzel
thanks booky that helped some, i'm not sure if your confused bro i'm not gay .
*roll* Sorry if I implied that. I just kept refering to "Gay" because it was par... |
SocietyDoes it strike you as funny...
5 Posts • 3209 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You seem to carry a point, but with those people who you define as logical and unbiased undoubtably come those who have jumped on the anti-bush bandwagon with their own illogical and ulterior motivati... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
Cantersha said:first i would like to adress the statment that the only reference
of Jesus the Christ is in the Bible
and say you ignorant Dunce, you need to stop making statments you know nothing... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59341 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is quite a compelling post it has gotten a bit off topic however....
"Why live if you're just going to die?
What's the point of life anyway? Simply so we can work our way towa... |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82890 Views Psychology Forum |
I know this seems like an obvious response to your post, but not all women are as you describe. Not all women dress slutty and use their sexuality to get what they want. I admit that many,... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39729 Views Science & Technology Forum |
sorry I was trying to imply there could be several ways to induce deja vu, not only brain malfunction.
I understand it like this....your brain can pick up signals (much like a radio). "Aether&qu... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27249 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
If it is a deviation which is necessary for existence--than it is not really a "deviation". Given you know not what purpose homosexuality does serve or contributes...you cant assume "be... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13759 Views Religion Forum |
You didn't offend me, though I can't speak for anyone else.
I'm sorry you chose to take it that way and make it so personal.
Now this I find offensive and sad, you may feel free to spe... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132005 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: NicOfTime
First, 'Thank You' for visiting this Thread (topic). :)
Second, we hope you visit the VHEMT web site to learn more about the imminent threat of
Global overpopulation.
VHEM... |
30 Posts • 8365 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess I should have read everyone else's post.
Murder sometimes has to be. Murder being probably the biggest evil, I don't think warrants hell - However - it might warrant purgatory, I... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62729 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Who is Robert Steele?
http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Robert_David_Steele
Amazon's #1 Non-fiction Reviewer: Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA is "strongest of the 770+ books... |
Human Nature & Emotionnot in love but still benifiting
2 Posts • 3398 Views Philosophy Forum |
i dont know if this should be in psych forum or whatever.. but i was just reading a post by cturtle.. about how "without love their is no meaining in life".. well i was just curious if any o... |
15 Posts • 3711 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well... I think that some are trapped into cycles of negative thinking. They see one bad thing, and expect the worst - therein you are correct that its reactionary, esp. to fears.
It is not necess... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44055 Views Philosophy Forum |
also, if you care not to justify yourself...or prove yourself as all unenlightened beings seem only to want, why did you feel the need to post again.
because i'm still unenlightened.....I'... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64027 Views Religion Forum |
Been a while since I contributed here so please excuse that it is more related to the discussion of previous pages.
But after one of Teen's post about preModern homo siepian (sp) I just happen t... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12450 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Little John I am talking about saving the world here, economic greed of the ubermench and the general lack of concern for the rest of the world that thinks things are preordained and that people cant... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55428 Views Philosophy Forum |
..90% of your post were my own words, and your egotistical response.
i do get upset..but not simply because you upset me, but because your non-productive ways delay progress in all forms of life. I... |