True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be. - UNKNOWN
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User Thread
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zachf is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I was watching D.L. Hughley's breaking the news and there was a homosexual man on the show talking about gay people not being able to get married. It struck me as extremely odd that I had never thought of marriage before. It is one of those things I wish to accomplish in my life and I am not sure why, maybe its the security.

The questions I would like to have answered is it wrong to engage in religious union if you are not religious? If so why? If not why?

I worded this really poorly mostly because I don't know much about such things. I find difficult to understand what would hold people together for an agnostic or atheist or humanist or why marriage would even be a option for them. Kind of confused and was wondering if anyone else had thought about this a little more.

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"Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. -Edward Fitzgerald"
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If you're not of Christian faith, and really like the idea of marriage, but don't want to follow their rules, you can resort to a non-denominational wedding ceremony.

Finding a Christian Offciant, Unitarian Univeralist minister, or something of that sort could marry you in a church if possible, or where ever the wedding might be held.

just a quick idea..

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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The concept of marriage predates Christianity. This is actually the main reason Christians make me angry at the moment, they are going around acting like they own marriage. They don't. It is entirely possible for an Atheist to be married. It is also entirely possible for two people of the same sex to be married, but not if they are Christian.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Booky is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
= zachfrenzel

I was watching D.L. Hughley's breaking the news and there was a homosexual man on the show talking about gay people not being able to get married. It struck me as extremely odd that I had never thought of marriage before. It is one of those things I wish to accomplish in my life and I am not sure why, maybe its the security.

You being 18 years old then you do need to consider marriage realistically and I say to do it soon.

The older one gets then the harder the problem gets.

A smart girl will find a nice man and marry early and a smart young man needs to do the same.

Otherwise one day you wake up older and very alone.

Marriage is for financial security, and for making babies (and it is better to have babies while young), and the older we get then the females become older and more experienced and colder.

The person you are going to marry, and the occupation we choose for our self, are the two (2) biggest and most important decisions in any person's life.

And if anyone waste their youth and productive years in a "Gay" / homosexual relationship then they will simply miss the mark.

= zachfrenzel

The questions I would like to have answered is it wrong to engage in religious union if you are not religious? If so why? If not why?

The religions (not just Christianity) give the feeling and authority to the marriage that a couple (and their families) needs to make it last long and longer and even to death do they part.

So even if you are not religious but the female is religious then it would be wise of you to marry her in her Church (or Temple) because her Church will help her remain true to you as her husband.

If neither the man or woman is religious then "marriage" is only a civil union and you can divorce at any time for any reason or no reason at all.

Of course there are pre-nuptual agreements now and they can work very well so long as the pre-nup is loving and not a law of self serving demands.

The "Gay" or homosexual community want legal "Marriages" as a way of giving them some form of legitimacy.

= zachfrenzel

I worded this really poorly mostly because I don't know much about such things. I find difficult to understand what would hold people together for an agnostic or atheist or humanist or why marriage would even be a option for them. Kind of confused and was wondering if anyone else had thought about this a little more.

Lust and greed and a "respectability" hold those together, and when those couples are lucky then their marriages do not last very long.

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"Courage is the key to all advantages."
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zachf is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
thanks booky that helped some, i'm not sure if your confused bro i'm not gay .=)

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"Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. -Edward Fitzgerald"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Booky is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

= zachfrenzel

thanks booky that helped some, i'm not sure if your confused bro i'm not gay .

Sorry if I implied that. I just kept refering to "Gay" because it was part of the original post and I figured it was a part of the subject.

When I was young I figured marriage was for old people and I made big mistakes.

Women want marriage early, and they want babies, and as a man gets older it becomes more difficult.

So it is best to find a wife while young and plan the marriage so that it will last long - even plan to last a life time.

And the dating and mating problems get far worse or far more complicated as we get older.

Older women do not marry for love - they marry for money.

And children are for the young because if you have a child at 20 then the child will be 20 when you turn 40.
And women over thirty never get pregnant by accident.

I say go to College for your own education in some subject that you want to do as a job for the rest of your life, and find a College girl to marry at the same time - that is my learned advice.

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"Courage is the key to all advantages."
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zachf is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
lol, I didn't think you were I just didn't want anyone thinking so. But the bit about finical security, it gives me a place to start exploring thought as why unions of two people would benefit a society, thank you =)

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"Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. -Edward Fitzgerald"
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"And if anyone waste their youth and productive years in a "Gay" / homosexual relationship then they will simply miss the mark."

As if it would automatically be a waste because it's a "Gay" relationship. All those years of loneliness and missing out make you bitter Booky?

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Booky is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

= ChrisD

As if it would automatically be a waste because it's a "Gay" relationship. All those years of loneliness and missing out make you bitter Booky?

I am bitter about a lot of things, but I was never a homosexual. I have other reasons to regret and to hate my own life.

In fact I liked the title of this Forum being "Captain Cynic" since I sure am a Lieutenant in the army of cynics.

My family was a dysfunctional mess and I myself was never even taught the simplest of instructions as I gave in my postings of this thread.

When I decided to quit high school and get a job then no one cared, when I started smoking before dropping out no one said not to do it, and me getting drunk and pot regularly instead of school or College then no one told me I was wasting my life. With my marriage I treated my wife as people treated me and so I destroyed my own family like a damned fool and if anyone did care then I never heard it as I stood all alone.

A lot of people do not know and are not told that as we age then we all start to regret and it gets more intense every year we get older and older.

If anyone thinks they will live without their own regrets then they are terribly decieved.

You are only 20 years old for a short time, and you can use it in productive and healthy pursuits or not, and you will pay for your own self just as everyone else does.

By the time I was 20 then I turned to drinking vodka and orange juice, and I would brag on how the orange juice kept me healthy, but at 20 most people are healthy. It had nothing to do with orange juice. The many years of drinking and smoking and unproductive years do not hit a person till they get older.

At 30 years old one starts down hill, then 40 and we feel the achs and pains, and by 50 the life regrets are more painful then any physical body discomfort.

Believe it or not - take it or leave it - I am but a true cynic, Booky.

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"Courage is the key to all advantages."
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"I am bitter about a lot of things, but I was never a homosexual. I have other reasons to regret and to hate my own life. "

Oh I see, because a homosexual relationship would logically lead to regret as a person got older. Despite your other seemingly good advice, you're a closed-minded idiot.

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"The truth will set you on fire"
 34yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zachf is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Chris I'm not sure about what decision you made regarding your sexuality (I know you were questioning not so long ago) but my father was married to a woman (not my mother) who divorced him and she now has a life partner (another woman) who I have spent a fair amount of time with in my life because she is the mother of my 1/2 brother. I have a light understanding of the discrimination brought upon homosexuals and you must not judge people based on their intolerance the only thing you can do is leave people with a positive impression and hope that their mind set will change.

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"Whether we wake or we sleep, Whether we carol or weep, The Sun with his Planets in chime, Marketh the going of Time. -Edward Fitzgerald"
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