Tagged > Individual truth |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23089 Views Religion Forum |
Ah - so you are Muslim - Great - glad to have you here. About time one of you get here. I hope we never argue.
I am not Christian (I don't know what I am, and I'm not going to become any... |
Religion & HumanityUnhealthy Confrontations
12 Posts • 5899 Views Religion Forum |
Decius wrote:
"3) Logical premises are always in existence, for any abstract concept, no matter how distant or presumptious. All the information necessary to make the most logical conclusion... |
Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8617 Views Psychology Forum |
Ack. I cant believe I posted that last post.
I promised myself I wouldn't ever bring my personal life onto this site.
I guess the time Ive spent here has changed me a little. And maybe I fe... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132021 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: dragngrl28
It's obvious that you didn't read my previous posts or research (hours – not minutes) the
VHEMT web site.
thoroughbr... |
GovernmentA Constitutional Duty: IMPEACH IN 2007.
13 Posts • 3241 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's why we the people need to speak up and let all of them know we are going to hold them all accountable, current office, or those past who were party to these crimes, democrat, republican, i... |
GodHave you ever doubted anthropomorphic polytheism?
1 Posts • 2739 Views Philosophy Forum |
Have you ever doubted anthropomorphic polytheism?
Those individuals who comprehend such things, in this case I am speaking of art historians in general and Alois Riegl in particular, inform me that... |
Physics & CosmologyLunacy & Science
17 Posts • 7453 Views Science & Technology Forum |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N uclear_fusion
A better way to teach this subject is from the stand point of Chemistry & the Periodic Table. The reason being that the system of filling electron orbi... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42267 Views Philosophy Forum |
" There are a great many things in this world that differentiate me from you, including our physical bodies and characteristics."
Sorry I wasn't clear, those things are irrelevant to w... |
ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5581 Views Religion Forum |
Yes the freedom is psychological and spiritual.
Now i should tell you that being a follower of Christ wont make you feel guilty all the time. Let me ask you do you think that there is a good guilt an... |
258 Posts • 67432 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is the last apology I'll ever say at all.
I'm sorry you never believed me. At least not in honest eyes.
And I'm holding on to empathy. Well why should I feel at all?... |
ConspiracyExcerpt: Mainline U.S. Church Publishes Book That Claims U.S. Government Was Behind 9/11
9 Posts • 3056 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
DIVIDE and conquer.
There are a lot scientists who are religious who do believe in a higher power.
But if you watch a conservative owned media you will believe that all science is anti religio... |
EconomyWhat can we do to improve international relationships with the USA?
7 Posts • 2916 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
First, open up Google Scholar.
http://scholar.goo gle.com/schhp?hl=en&tab=ws &q=
Then, I'd recommend searching the following...
"neo-coloni alism"
"neo-colonia lism&quo... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32938 Views Philosophy Forum |
- call it intuition or clarity paired with knowledge and experience - but it is possible to recognize truth
That is an outright assumption. Especially in regards to people and lying, as well as spe... |
God in ReligionGod Is Greater Than My Understanding
18 Posts • 4527 Views Religion Forum |
This really wasn't supposed to be about homosexuality, but cover lots of things - but oh well.
Here is the post in its intirety:
In Africa a whole race of people is being wiped off the fa... |
Can you see the blinders?
2 Posts • 2204 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can you see the blinders?
Quickie from wiki: 'Blinders, also known as blinkers or winkers, are a piece of horse tack that restricts the horse's vision to the rear and, in some cases, to the si... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7957 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm sorry if I add any wrong details such as perhaps weapons but the training and CIA aid is not false. My secret files, don't be an arrogant ass, try the governments files.
"As for... |
27 Posts • 17666 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
.For Attolia
If she hasn't long since stopped reading this thread
The direction of this thread seems to wonder into many different areas freedom off speech the morality of child abuse and... |
SocietyWhat went wrong with America
9 Posts • 3618 Views Philosophy Forum |
It seems that you thought what I meant by criticising was attacking. It wasn't. It has been very interesting watching your personality change with your percieved environment.
See, in the beginni... |
Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6148 Views Philosophy Forum |
An open question:
Can an ethical statement be 'true'? Is it simply 'true' that 'thou shalt not kill' in the same way that 'the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second' is true?
I believe no... |
SocietyWorld's Richest Woman
1 Posts • 2791 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is Gina Rinehart (below). She is currently the world's richest woman.
She is an Australian and she's just been in the news for making these comments:
There is no monopoly on becomin... |
Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18623 Views Religion Forum |
Not only the shadows in the photos, also stars in the photos do not exist.
Also, the little cross hair on the camera, is ometimes overlapped by an objext (!?)
Also, the thrust required to land t... |
War & TerrorismPlease Watch This
12 Posts • 3544 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is the American Legacy. This is our history. This is what we are ignorant of and need to do everything in our power not to be.
Even if you swear your life to attempting to disprove this infor... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24972 Views Religion Forum |
It was unfortunate of me to say categorically that God doesn't exist. For assuredly, the absolute possibility of God cannot be denied. But then, neither can the possibility of unicorns or fairies... |
Sexual PsychologyAsexuality
26 Posts • 8161 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I'm going to be brief on my adolescence cause i see it as a time of natural ignorence. at that time there wasn't an "I". Back then i didn't impose on myself idealistic images... |
Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22266 Views Psychology Forum |
well, if you can call metal, punk, or techno music, then i don't see why you can't call rap music as well. even though i really don't like most rap, i agree that it is a genre of music.... |