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Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 14

User Thread
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: peewee891994

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To completely understand this controversial Thread (topic) you must read my previous posts:

            April 18 – 20 – 22 – 23 – 24 – 26 – 28

            'The Real MacKay' (member) – April 29, 2009

            May 3 – 4 – 7 – 14 – 20 – 21 – 24

            August 28

            September 14 – 15 – 17

Otherwise, you will not understand the twofold PRIMARY MESSAGE of this Thread (topic):

                        --- Protection of innocent children.

                        --- Imminent threat of Global overpopulation.

You can relate to VHEMT in one of three ways – Volunteer, Supporter, or Undecided.


VHEMT Volunteer:
'All of us should voluntarily refrain from reproducing further, thereby bringing about the eventual extinction of human beings.'

VHEMT Supporter:
'Intentional creation of one more of us by any of us is unjustifiable at this time. Extinction of the human species goes too far.'

'Stop trying to put words in my mouth. Maybe I'm a Volunteer, or maybe I'm a Supporter. I'd like to know more before I decide.'

Our hope is that you research the VHEMT web site to learn more about the imminent threat
of Global overpopulation







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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 37yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that AskWHY is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

World Population


Have YOU told your innocent child the Truth about forcing (birth) them into an existence of
slavery (working class)?

And that YOU don't have sufficient money saved to secure his/her future – food, shelter, clothing, education, medical, and so on.......

The United States of America growth rate is projected to surpass that of the world at large, per Census Bureau projections of 439 million in 2050 – which is a 46% gain from 2007.



In year 2030, all of the 'Baby Boomers' will be 65 and older – nearly one in five U.S. residents
is expected to be 65 and older. This age group is projected to increase to 88.5 million in 2050, more than doubling the number in 2008 (38.7 million).




The population figures aren't inclusive of those enrolled in Social Security for other payments. Examples are: (1) disability, (2) survivor, (3) compassionate allowances.

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"What you think you know, you don’t know."
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that The teacher is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Please keep religious posts limited
Please don't throw in religious ideas in places where they appear to be almost completely irrelevant. If you wish to press your views, you may...
10:31pm 09/28/09

Excuse me just for a moment. Just because you refuse to see the relevance of my conversation. Does not make it irrelevant. It just makes you narrow minded.

You belong to the church of VHEMT and you don't want to be challenged by Gods view of things.

Why is it when I speak of God and God's view of things you want to refer me to the religious section? Religion is made up of the concepts of men. I am totally against all religion. God has nothing at all to do with religion. Religion is created by mans total misconception of God.

Why do you tell me my comment about VHEMT Is irrelevant to your discussion? My point was, according to the prophesies, there will soon be enough death and destruction in the world to greatly reduce the worlds population. The prophesy concerning the final war alone, speaks of the destruction of one third of the world.

So! What part of my comment is irrelevant? Just because I speak of prophesy and God, you want to label my comment religious and irrelevant and toss it in a box with the rest of the religious imaginatives.

It's the same as mentioning God with science, and trying to add God to their equations. Then I become another religious fanatic, that only believes fairy tails, and knows nothing about science. Sorry that's probably what you think too.

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"It is the time of the reveiling."
 68yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that The teacher is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
about it again in this thread lmfao,,,,,,

The Teeacher

| Permalink
"It is the time of the reveiling."
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ah, the positive aspect of war, death & destruction.
Lower the population, providing greater chance for advancement as well as job security.

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 44yrs • M •
Dog Soldier is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

World Population


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"Are You in Harmony with Nature?"
 51yrs • F •
Genetics is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.

World Population


What are YOU going to do when there are 7 billion – wait that's not right, when there are 9 billion – oops I meant 12 billion – uh oh wrong again, it's 15 billion – oh no wrong again it's actually

                     BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS...........no end in sight.

YOUR child will be (and IS) confronted with insurmountable problems due to your teaching and condoning – 'I want a baby (or grandchild).'




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"Your mind has a limited amount of rooms, don’t store nonsense."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Squarepants is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
World over population is just a myth. Look at a map and you will notice the vast amount of land that there is compared to the size of a human being and its population.

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"I hungry"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I don't totally adhere to Vehmts ideology. But I want to stop you right there with your suppositions and half thought out statements. Since I think the last thing we need is people to think there is not a global population crisis.

Yes look at a map. And look at the populations on it. But what you are failing to take into account, is that the land mass that is actually sustainable for humans to live on is only a mere fraction of the land mass your actually looking at. Furthermore, the resources on the map are not magically inexhaustible.

The fact there are constant daily conflicts throughout the world over the "haves" and "have nots" shows that if there was enough to go round, people would focus more on gathering those resources, instead of going to war on those who have them. Why risk your freedom or even your life trying to take what others have if there is plenty of it already on the land you live on?

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Squarepants is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I see what you mean, but I just feel that human beings are using most of the worlds resources to feed their own egos.

It seems to me the body can get by on less resources than the ego.

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"I hungry"
 48yrs • F •
dragngrl28 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
The members must really be peeved at the Duggars if the goal is to limit 'breeding' to a few prescreened selected individuals.

Would the selected be brought to a breeding area or inseminated like horses and cattle?

Who would be the ruling caste of a new world order? Complete democracy is mainly an illusion since the base human desires eventually find a way through.

I applaud efforts to improve life and the environment but this is too extreme for me. For others it may be the greatest truth and solution discovered since the invention of the wheel. Just don't expect everyone to agree and don't call others ignorant or unelightened for refusing to bow down to your ideals and beliefs.

One man's enlightenment is another man's chains.

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"Reality is 10% truth and 90% perception."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: 'Squarepants'

It's obvious that you didn't read my previous posts or research (hours – not minutes) the
VHEMT web site.

And, your two statements* are illogical – which is due to your ignorance about numerous subjects (i.e. sociocybernetics, genetics, psychology, biology, sociology, and so on).

*Post Date: October 9, 2009


It's unfortunate for you, me, and the World that you choose to be ignorant about the required subject knowledge.

         'Time is the coin of life, be wise how you spend it, or others will spend it for you.'

You stand on one side of the fence, and I stand on the other – 'We agree, to disagree.'

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: Chained Wings

You'll find the following web pages (small sampling) interesting and supportive to your statements.





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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: dragngrl28

It's obvious that you didn't read my previous posts or research (hours – not minutes) the
VHEMT web site.



(of a person)

      - having good breeding or education.
      - a well-bred or well-educated person.


      -to have confidence in the existence of something, without absolute PROOF.

The following is my evaluation of your October 10, 2009 post.

The members must really be peeved at the Duggars....


The Duggars are a perfect example of 'immoral rampant breeding'.

SOURCE (Duggars):

Homo sapiens (humans) aren't exempt from the world of genetics. Thoroughbreds don't happen
by accident.

SOURCE (Genetics):


Would the selected be...


Your presumption is that Mankind is worthy breeding.

Whereas, VHEMT's conclusions are that Mankind has proven he isn't worthy of breeding.

And, 'immoral rampant breeding' has proven that uncontrolled breeding results in the birthing of billions of Mutts.

Yet, your implied statement is to condone and allow uncontrolled (environment and genetics) breeding – that's ludicrous and immoral.



Who would be the ruling caste...


Your presumption is that there's a need for a ruling caste.

Throughout the millenniums, your kind of thinking has caused Mankind to inherit his continual predicament (greed, war, immoral egoism, etc.)

Your phrase 'base human desires' isn't defined. Suffice it to say that Mankind's 'base' is
totally polluted.

And your use of the word 'democracy' is illogical.


I applaud efforts to improve...


So be it, then you'll continue to wallow in the current situation of immoral rampant breeding. For how long? Mankind's rate of population growth is creating an extinction level event.

And yes, VHEMT's 'extreme moral excellence' (Virtue) may be conduct which you're not capable
of following.


For others it may be...


You're correct – VHEMT's standard of moral excellence is 'THE greatest Truth'.


Just don't expect everyone...


Oh, but you are ignorant and unenlightened.

'A rose is a rose, and a stone is a stone' – you are one or the other.

Your statements show no concern for the innocent children. And, YOU would have people bow down to your 'beliefs'.

VHEMT is about undisputable mathematical facts and 'moral excellence'.


One man's enlightenment is another man's chains.


Your statement is silly.

Most men deserve to be put into chains because they don't have the intelligence, character, education, or moral excellence to understand the complexity of VHEMT.

            'We are all equal, but some are more equal than others.'

Pollyannas, Mutts, Pseudo-Cynics, and Immoral Egoists are the ones who literally believe all people are 'equal'.

Your 90% perception of reality ignores the simple (yet complex) 10% Truth of VHEMT.



         'Time is the coin of life, be wise how you spend it, or others will spend it for you.'

You stand on one side of the fence, and I stand on the other – 'We agree, to disagree.'






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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 48yrs • F •
dragngrl28 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
To Wooly Bully

You proved my point about the members not agreeing with the Duggars (and I never said that I agreed with the belief system of having as many kids as you want-so you can get down from that particular highhorse) by your extremely long and redundant post. redundant because you say the same things in evey post when someone disagrees with you.

Let me let you in on a secret: wikipedia is not even allowed in most college papeers as reliable sources of information. You might want to consider different sources for your facts. And yes, I do what I am talking about since I haave completed a Bachelors Degree in Social Science and I am currently working on a Masters Degree in Special Education.

"So be it, then you'll continue to wallow in the current situation of immoral rampant breeding. For how long? Mankind's rate of population growth is creating an extinction level event. "

Many of my words upset you ,and that is understandable since you felt your belief system was questioned. But do not presume do think that you are above myself or anyone else on this board. If you cannot handle differences of opinion without attacking people then you should not be on an open forum.

I would rather "wallow", as you put it, then to be grouped with fatalistic, homosapien-genecide promoting, elitist, narcissistic people like you who believe that only certain humans have value.

And for another thing--being highly eucated does not exempt people from mental illnesses such as anti-social behavior, abusive and controlling behavior, psycopathic behavior and thinking, schizophrenia and many others. Humans have not even located the genetics or natural triggers for many mental illnesses, and that is a fact.

Unless you are willing to answer questions in a straight forward manner rather than twist words to suit your purpose and use dubious sources to state 'facts' then a debate with you is a waste of time.

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"Reality is 10% truth and 90% perception."
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 14
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