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Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 15

User Thread
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

TO: dragngrl28

'Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself, can spare time for personal contention. Still less can he afford to take all the consequences, including the vitiating of his temper, and the loss of self-control. Yield larger things to which you can show no more than equal right; and yield lesser ones, though clearly your own. Better give your path to a dog, than be bitten by him in contesting for the right. Even killing the dog would not cure the bite.'
   - Abraham Lincoln


Did you know I have a Special Education PhD, and I'm the head coach of........., wait that's not right – I'm the President of the United States.

In this forum it's impossible to verify who someone is or isn't. Therefore, don't try to validate your statements using job titles, education, and so on.

But, I do concede it would be like an uppity Masters student to discuss the trivialities of your immoral ego versus the imminent danger of Global overpopulation. And, as always, none of your statements show any commiseration for the 'innocent children'.

Regarding your unsubstantiated statement about Wikipedia:




You need to let go of your 'college mode thinking' and join the real world.

Wikipedia is a valid source of information and an easy starting point for research. Of course, numerous sources of information need to be researched and evaluated to establish a credible argument, research paper, legal brief, and so on.

Don't take yourself so seriously – you're only a walking corpse.

            'Human existence is hard, and then you die.'


My gravest vituperation to you is that you think like 'most people'.

Link (tit-for-tat):

You stand on one side of the fence, and I stand on the other – 'We agree, to disagree.'

      'Time is the coin of life, be wise how you spend it, or others will spend it for you.'

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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Squarepants is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Its our ego that makes life hard, like a parasite of the mind, it makes us care about things that don't keep us alive, with out it life would be so much easier.

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"I hungry"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Squarepants is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
To Wooly Bully.

If life is only a walking corpse why care about over population.

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"I hungry"
 48yrs • F •
dragngrl28 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Dear Wooly,

You have called numerous people on this discussion thread ignorant, immoral, unelightened and so forth but choose to call me uppity because I indicated that I have been to formal schooling?

You don't have to believe me. I could care less. You are a hypocrite though.

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"Reality is 10% truth and 90% perception."
 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
"Human existance is hard, then you die." I agree to an extent.

Human existance is hard, only because we make it hard. The human race are so power-hungry, egoistic, big headed liars that we make our lives hard, and others around us. We cannot come to any sort of agreement so we go the complicated way and start a war.

We are incapable of doing anything right without a consequence. But dieing out is not the right way to go about it I'm sorry, well not to me anyway. We need to learn from our mistakes. It is impossible to learn from a mistake if you're dead.

We need to agree on one thing that the entire world will agree on and live in peace. It is impossible to do so if you are dead. Agreeing to disagree is no use, because no matter which way you slice it, it is still a disagreement.

Before you reply Wooly Bully, that is if you do, think before you start calling me ignorant, immoral, unelightened or whatever you want to say. There is no need for it. Disagree with me if you must, which you will, but everyone is free to there own opinions and this is mine.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I agree with Decius. Give a man a sword and he will destroy everything until he is finished and has nothing left to distroy, give him medical supplies and he will heal everything he can.

If a human is brought up in a violent and agressive world, he will be agressive and violet.

Look at Malcom X and Martin Luther King for example, Malcom X was brought up, his father was murdered and no one was convicted, his house was burned down, and ended up bringing in "black power" and "the black panthers" and becoming very violent.

Martin Luther King on the other hand was born a son of a Baptist Minister, graduated from a blacks only university. Became a Baptist minister in 1953 and then ended up with his bus boycotts, freedom marches and non-violent disobideant attitude.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that pupa ria is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i agree too. we shouldn;t give up on what we can do in time's of crises. cause in these times we become intinctual...we can move walls. haven't u noticed that when u r in a threathened state that ure body gains such force that it can overcome anything? in a state of stress the body doesnt think it just does. i hope we reach a state where we become our bodies and leave all this intellectual lazyness to sleep. cause really we are sleepwalking, sleeptalking here.

i don't agree with the Vhmt whatever it is, cause it advertises hate to our own kind. we are what we are and instead of destroying oursleves we should overcome our wejknesses, cause really the human being has a wonderful head.

Humans contribute to the above and more as opposed to elephants primarily due to our superior intellect

i don't think we are superiro even if there some gene quantity differences, each his own language and nature.

My belief is that it is a combination of cowardice, lazyness, and a lack of critical thinking that leads one to the belief that humans' intelligence cannot ascend its currently destructive phase and ease into a more peaceful and productive one.

i agree to that. but i don't know which drastic event will wake and shake us up. i hope we don;t go that far in our own self-destruction. cause every system destriys itself when culminated with internal energy. and nowadays we are lost between the cult of the intellect and the cult of the body. we are both and none at the same time speacially in front of our pc screens. at times i said that i wish we could all commit a collective suicide but thats only desperate and weak. the human with all the badly drawned lines within him is a masterpiece of nature and i wouldnt like to loose faith in that by volontereeng to vhemt

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"I'm the mirror that will make you invisible"
 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I generally conclude that fear is the culprit - fear that humanity cannot ascend, will not ascend, or will destroy itself before it ascends.

We will have no chance to ascend if we destroy ourselves before we are capable of it, and frankly causing the human race to die out is basically desrtoying ourselves before we are capable of ascending.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that pupa ria is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
very true. and another thing, how come "we" from the animal kingdom are the only ones to have the odea to extinct ourse;ves. why don't the cows in new zealand do that or the overbreeding rabits. just because we think of the damages we have done? the past will remain a past and we can't fix it bleh. but can a comfortably and conveniently capitalized, marketized brain accept change. i know some peopel who have lung cancer and who still smoke. we are just vain but i still believe in a spark of hope in the human, the best of the human which is not his hamburgers or his well paid marketing job but rather the feeling he gets when he feels endangered in his solitude. i wish we were still in barbarian and gipsy times.

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"I'm the mirror that will make you invisible"
 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I agree with your cow theory, I mean every time a cow farts it weakens the ozone layer, thus destroying the world very slowly, whats the difference between that and what humans are doing? Yes, our cars may be equivilent to the farting cows but we are now adapting, we only recently understood what we were doing, and now we understand, we are changing it with our H2O and electrical cars.

We need to understand before we can change.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Before I write this, or...type... I just want to point out, I am NOT religous. But thats not the point.

According to God, we were made in his image and humans are sacred and special. (obviously shortened version)

According to Buddhism all life is sacred because "being reborn as a human is as likely as a blind turtle which is swimming in a large ocean and surfaces once every thousand years, putting it's head through a small golden ring which is floating on the surface of the water" which is a quote from Tibetan Buddhists.

And finally, The sanctity of life, believed by many people, religous or not, that says that all life is holy and sacred no matter what. I am a big believer in the sanctity of life but at the same time the world sucks, but being humans we are or should be smart enough to change the world.

If Martin Luther King can change America with simple words then I am possitive the entire human population, all 6951892035 of them, can change the world for the better with its technologies and a shred of kindness.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
[  Edited by forgottentruth at   ]
 59yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that MsLisa is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I am sorry if this is off thread but forgotten truth for being 14 yr. old. You are amazing. I believe that if we had more young people like you that are at least thinking..Then extinction wouldn't be even considered...You are starting out considering your surroundings... I feel secure that you are our future.. Stay positive!!!

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 30yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that forgottentruth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Lol why thank you.

As charles Darwin rightfully found out, we evolved from apes, so if we let ourselves die out would we not have to kill all of the mamals in the world so that our kind cannot evolve again? Would it not mean that if we die, our kind could evolve again over a period of a few million years? And if we didn't kill our mamals so that we couldn't evolve again then causing the human race to die out would be pointless.

'Time is the coin of life, be wise how you spend it, or others will spend it for you.'
Thats why I spend my 'coin' finding an alternitive way to stop the world from ending that DOESN'T include dieing Well as well as other things obviously.

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"All we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allan Poe"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wooly Bully is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

World Population

Daily Birth Rate (approx.): 217,666
(Global / after deaths)

"I relate to VHEMT as a Volunteer."

TO: Everyone

It's important to enable young people (and old fogies) to REFOCUS their thinking – social conditioning* is a precarious environment.

For me (maybe others) to fully understand your posts "Please" write a beginning statement:

                  "I relate to VHEMT as a (fill in)."– i.e. Supporter
                     (read Post #1 - copy below)

OR, you could use the statement:

                  "I don't relate to VHEMT. My post clarification statement is..."
                     (fill in with your forty (40) words or less**)


                  "I don't relate to VHEMT. My post clarification statement is that the current Daily Birth
                  Rate (Global) is acceptable to me."

How do you relate to VHEMT?

Three (3) ways you could relate to VHEMT are:


'Stop trying to put words in my mouth. Maybe I'm a Volunteer and maybe I'm a Supporter. I'd like to know more before I decide.'

VHEMT Supporter:
'Intentional creation of one more of us by any of us is unjustifiable at this time, but extinction of our species goes too far.'

VHEMT Volunteer:
'All of us should voluntarily refrain from reproducing further, bringing about the eventual extinction of Homo sapiens.'

**If needed, you could express yourself differently than the three ways listed above. But, for the sake of my understanding (limited attention span), – 'Please' use forty (40) words or less.

I (maybe others) will be appreciative of your helping me (us) to fully understand your posts with
the beginning statement.

* Link (Social Conditioning)


***Link (VHEMT Thread Topic – Post #1):


Hello everyone,

Have you heard of Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT) ?

VHEMT website

Please share your opinions with me.

Personally, I'm a VHEMT Volunteer (vs. 'Supporter'), and agree with its statements.

What about you?


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"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
[  Edited by Wooly Bully at   ]
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that allimar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Save nature?
Has anyone ever toyed with the idea that, the only reason why anything on this planet would continue to exist after the planets inevitable doom, is that we would bring them to other planets? Nature's survival depends on us just as we depend on nature's survival... well for now.

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"The more you learn, the less you know."
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - Page 15
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