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Tagged > Human body water
THREAD Society & SociologySchool girl frustration
19 Posts • 7451 Views
Psychology Forum
Ya know what'd be great? If people got tested on life skills and everyday things in school. If people got commended for things like art and writting (if your into that). I mean, you can write you...
THREAD Society & Sociologyfiuck it
6 Posts • 5307 Views
Psychology Forum
Yep...work...eat...sleep...mos t of what life involves. Its senesless but it has to be done, we don't have a choice. You don't work you don't make money. Money IS essential in life, if y...
THREAD ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15277 Views
Religion Forum
The old fall-back-on-scripture ploy. I would certainly be interested in hearing you answer Lefty's questions Trish. And how did we get from a Gay Bishop to the Iraqi Invasion? There is conjecture t...
THREAD Religion & Humanitywhat religion are you and why
25 Posts • 7685 Views
Religion Forum
I guess it is best to call myself a Hellenist. I believe there is a God, but I do not believe the stories about the God of Abraham, angles, demons, and humans. I definitely do not believe a God or ang...
THREAD HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12198 Views
Science & Technology Forum
sense of humour wont get you anywhere. Lets get this straight mate: 1. If you didn't care about this point why respond 2. Mammals which hibernate have seasonal fat: aquatic mammals, like huma...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-Consciousconsciousness - define it! Explain it! Any comments?
17 Posts • 11461 Views
Psychology Forum
I know Sorceress, it's hard to comprehend. Even I begin to lose grasp of the overall image of this concept. This idea of the human essence as having varying levels of manifestation was once descr...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27230 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
but again, how do homosexuals "reproduce"? and if "they" do-can it be contributed to homosexuality? heterosexuality--given that the reproduction is done through a heterosexua...
THREAD Before Your Birth?
4 Posts • 2781 Views
Philosophy Forum
i have so many thoughts about this question and therories. ill start off by saying that i think before i was born i could be inside another human but in that human i was close to death. i also strongl...
THREAD evolutýon????
83 Posts • 20516 Views
Philosophy Forum
well stated both lastresort and xanadoool. Life on earth is said to have arisen ~3.5 bya, where the earliest prokaryote fossils have been dated (such as the cynobacteria found in stromatalites in S...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51754 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
patrons will beat and rape prostitutes and refuse to pay them because they can, what can she do about it? But if it was legal, if they beat and rape them and refuse to pay, it could get reported to...
THREAD Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16846 Views
Psychology Forum
In all likelihood the fact that women are also human would suggest that they would have the same kinds of faults as men and therefore not create a balanced system or even a system that is all the diff...
THREAD SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6187 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
To Fleeting_Dreams- Look I never use Wack - a - pedia... I just have a decent grasp of the language and rely mainly on my own experiences, which don't necessarily come with age but it has help...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views
Psychology Forum
Im Chained Wings gnome. This is quite a taxing task for me to write about him because Chained Wings is a very confused person. He really doesn't know who he is. And though I have more intimate...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12201 Views
Religion Forum
And I see someone needs to come out in a positive way, I'll let it be me. Yes, I was strong and even negative in my posts, and this is in turn all you focused on or reacted to, so no debate en...
THREAD DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 24986 Views
Psychology Forum
Often dreams can be based on actual events, feelings or emotions of fear in the 'real world'. Ask yourself- do you fear or at least are concerned about any aspect of the dream- that may have...
THREAD Are all Philisophical minds elitists?
37 Posts • 9520 Views
Philosophy Forum
If something is real in the mind than we will assume it is real in real life. We will assume it because of cogito ergo sum. I think therefore I am. Anything that thinks is real. The only way one h...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12201 Views
Religion Forum
Yes you do have control of your life. I dont pray to any gods or worship anything. I'm happy BUT it is human nature in times of stress to resort to calling on an all powerfull being to help us. M...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73025 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Strangler, I'm scared. You need help. Sure, it's human nature to attempt to capture the forbidden, that enticement that ensnares us all, albiet towards differnt endings, but that sorta shit...
THREAD SocietyThoughts on the School Shooting in CT
11 Posts • 4843 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Rip to them all Absolute tragedy that probably could of been prevented. But it makes me question all mankind when something like this happens. How could any human feel the need to do this. There...
THREAD FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16777 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I think we can't even begin to comprehend how life will be like in 1000 years. Assuming we don't blow ourselves up some of these things will have happened: - many human beings will be genet...
THREAD Society & Sociologydeterioration of identity in society
12 Posts • 2648 Views
Psychology Forum
many of the original cynics, the greek philosophers, ended up living as vagrants, returning to a more anamalistic life. This seems like an over reaction because it doesn't allow you to make full...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19535 Views
Religion Forum
'Intelligent Design' is a tool to promote theology. It seems despondent and rather ironic the term used 'intelligent'. The theory should be called Poor Design. Here are some ex...
THREAD Religion & HumanityQuestion for religious people.
6 Posts • 2879 Views
Religion Forum
Hmm . . . Jesus stated what faith those who not seeing the faith manifest should believe in comparing the faith who were present when He walked the earth in human form. Wonder if this is indictative t...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70924 Views
Psychology Forum
noooo, the tight shirts are not appealing at all, but then again, thats just me. Some other girls (or guys) may like it. But I just think it's best to stay away from that. I like guys when they j...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 37977 Views
Psychology Forum
So Decius, if a person has a mansion, and a beautiful yard, they are indeed setting themselves up for robbery, because they are showing their wealth, and therefor, are not victims when the robber (who...
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