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Khat, your thourghts? - Page 2

User Thread
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jimbobby is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
This is an observance - a lot of scholars are very liberal and objective when it comes to their work output. But aside from this - and in person - I've noticed they stab at each other like men on speed at an ancient battlefield. I think this is generally necessary because it keeps the hunger to carry on. But some grow out of it and then its much more easy to find things naturally. This isn't a personal statement - but an observance.

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"Only gay people have quotes to look good"
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
To Fleeting_Dreams-

Look I never use Wack - a - pedia... I just have a decent grasp of the language and rely mainly on my own experiences, which don't necessarily come with age but it has helped...

For me to comment about a topic I know nothing about... well that would be impossible... because I wouldn't even know the name of the topic...

So whatever I know may be less than you, but your arrogance doesn't allow you to be the master and for me to be the student because you won't take a breath to teach you just want to beat people up...

And in the process you need to lie...

also I rely on my memory... and when that fails me I can refer a few lines above to your own quotes... where you said you used Khat...


I am rather fond of water gardens and find keeping Koi relaxing and whilst out testing my water, i failed to watch where i was going and fell back over the hedge and after a moment or two, realized that i was in a 12ft Khat bush, which has been here ever since i moved in.
From personal testing, all i can say is the effects, in terms of other drugs, is rather pathetic, but to its credit, it dose make a very nice tasting tea, when mixed with peppermint leaves.

Later in the discorse you come along with an agenda which is not to advance the debate and to educate anyone reading... including and especially me...

you want to destroy someone who is contradicting your shaky position...

so you lie....


Secondly, i never said i was using Khat, nor did i say i was experimenting with it. My interest in the drug stems from cultural facets and clashes, present within everyday society.

So now I know that there is no where to go with you...

you malign a beautiful and ancient culture (China) by refering to the monks as lonely dusty head bashing hermits....

when they are too civilized to condecend to an infant like yourself who resorts to abuse of a bush in his back yard and lies about it...

People who lie about the drugs they do are addicts....

So drink you Khat Tea get all antsy and racy... speeedy....

Experiment with all the drugs you can grow in your "KOI" pond...

Embellishing about the lie probally means it never took place...

There are probally no koi fish anywhere near you...

You could be half my age and have climbed Mt. Everest... I wouldn't be jealous... I would be proud of you... because I am proud of myself...

I don't pay for drugs that make me antsy and scared and pay for fear and get in a dark corner ...

I'm a Marine... you hide... and you have proven that you lie

what does that prove? That you cannot be argued with...

you wont tell the truth... you dissemble the truth for your alterior motives... you cannot be trusted... by any of us...

Hence the name... Fleeting_Dreams... like air or the subconscious thought of air....

my name Adam Seth God... represents a direct line of lineage... linear thought...

see how different we are....?

I don't expect you will ....

I expect silly insults... about 21 years worth....

and some lies...

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hey Fleeting_Dreams -

I took the "Liberty" of reading some of your other posts...

Need I say curiosity and time are mine...?

If 5% of what I've read is truth... then we're both to blame... because we've both been playing the same type of game...


I too have been plagued by I.Q. tests of increasing values over the years...

Squirming therapists... ha' ha' ha'... those are cute...

Did they coral you for different leadership courses and camps before your "condition" became what it is today?

Are you still in them....?

Sincere intrests... and is the dissassociative side of things and the nhilistic side of things where the dissembling comes from?

because how can I ignore the koi pond and the khat tea and the denial of experimentation later?

Sczhitzoid? No pun.... in that pain? You may be near the age for the onset of such things in Men...

Well... I really look forward to a reply... the 210 I.Q. well that would be the highest male quotient wouldn't it?

Which would make your I.Q. unrecordable by our standards wouldn't it?

That's a lot to accept but not impossible... To my understanding the most intelligent person was a woman on the planet currently...

I'm interested if you can directly answer but I am not challenging you on these things... they don't matter... I'd like to read the book you are writing though... perhaps you can email it privily to me.

Needless to say but for everyone reading... due to your "condition" (which I place in quotes only because it may be a blessing of sorts)... if it caused our differences that were less than objective...

then good it was the building block of truer communication...

a higher order exists among the few... i may not be what I seem...

I dropped out of "their" processes and did many of my own things... I'll be going back to school soon.. but the family business occupies most of my time and with my father nearing retirement it will do so even more....

Glad to hear from your posts in the past that you are not allowing time to slip by as I did... but experience is the teacher...

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yeah, i guess we have been taking pot shots at one another. Mind games are always fun and so less boring than generic posting. The contradiction was made deliberate and i was going to use it in a latter retort, but under the circumstances, i fail to see the point now, seeing as we both know what each other is doing.
No, i was never sent to such camps, but i was forced into various types of activities, during which i often amused myself by playing with the heads of guidance counselors and those which would like were the banner of 'educator.'

I am autistic/boarder line, or at least that is what they think and i to have turned to many natural and alternative methods, mainly resulting from my own research, i was just screwing with ya
Life is always more fun that way. But just to clear up what i meant, monks = old and dusty and bashing heads upon cinder blocks referred to the martial arts. At this point, i should more than likely state my love of Muay-Thai. Small world, is it not?
Also highest recorded IQ currently belongs to one Mr. Steven Hawkings and is an epic 250 points. Once you get beyond 160, they skip formal testing and turn to active testing, which often includes EEGs and electrodes. Oh yes, life for me, has been fun.

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"The parable to which you bow."
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
may I interject and express my love for muay-thai, jeet kun do, and several other martial arts

I do agree, I find it enjoyable reading two different styles of writing and equally figuring eachother out and then laughing about it.

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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
What's life if one cannot laugh at it. To my mind, it world be boring other wise.

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"The parable to which you bow."
 53yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
MugenNoKarayami - Jeet Kune Do...? Amazing... I'm impressed... I hope you've had a chance to read Master Bruce's writings...

One comes to mind... "...This and that... and the difference we make between is where we create heaven and hell..."..

What a Man...

Most arguments can be made from either direction so the difference is the difference...

I always believed Steven Hawkins was a haox simply becasue he was said to have first begun to communicate through eye movements that his wife began to decode...

what a load of crap...

now he's decoding time and space and event horizons of colliding black holes....?

I think they've made a spectacle like the old romans used to throw people to the lions... but I don't mind it either...

It requires a mild conspiracy to run a high school

It only makes sense that a more complex system like our advanced society would require one as well..

8 years as Vice President George Bush Sr.
4 years as President George Bush Sr.
8 Years as President George Bush Jr.
8 Years as President Bill Clinton
8 Years as First Lady Hillary Clinton

36 Years of Centralized Power Of Oxford / Harvard & Yale Grads

8 years of Potential President Hillarious Clinton..

= 44 years of Centralized Power....

in 2 Families...

That's Half a Century... Half a 100 years...

Thats a Monarchy...

Nixon groomed Reagan... who groomed Bush... who Produced Bush Jr.... Who is 16th Cousins to John Kerry... who "ran" against (LngOL) Bush Jr. from within their same fraternity... a senior society that has all membership and activity during adult membership after graduation... from college.... only 3 specific ones... guess which...

Gore threw the race and then didn't fight for it purposefully... we give too much credit to our professionals.. we allow them the same short comings we have... not so... they don't have our short comings... they have hosts of handlers to prevent them..

Enjoy the show.

The best thing to do is to support both sides that way you can profit from your losses... win when you lose...

don't get excited... that's wisdom.

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
Khat, your thourghts? - Page 2
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