Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get? - daisygirl
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Tagged > Feel
THREAD Was I Right? (Relationship Problem)
6 Posts • 4182 Views
Talk Talk
Dude, I hear where you're coming from, But it only gets harder as you get older. Okay as far as my age goes and my Huge amount of Expiernece this as much as I can figure out: Break- "Gett...
THREAD God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12202 Views
Religion Forum
"I dont believe in and kind of god because i dont like the idea of trusting everything to some high being." With this comment it is very clear that you are not trully atheist. An atheist...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70929 Views
Psychology Forum a chubby girl myself....i understand that bigger women want to look and feel sexy,how ever....this does not mean squeezing yourself into something that doesnt fit you....if you a 16 wear a 16...
THREAD Relationships & LoveBreakup E-mails
0 Posts • 2893 Views
Psychology Forum
Dear you, I'm writing you to tell you a story. A story which, if understood correctly, won't be a tragedy or a comedy. There once was a soul, lost inside of a human being but somehow it w...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorThe Acceptance of Bullshit
0 Posts • 4671 Views
Psychology Forum
it was a slow process starting out in sixth grade or so (around pueberty) but i think the biggest change thus far occurred during tenth grade for me. it was my first official year of high school (9th...
THREAD Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4309 Views
Talk Talk
"itisasiseeit, are you speaking from a relatable vantage point of pain and loss? Just curious." Still curious, you missed this question, I wonder because I'm curious if you would tal...
THREAD Children Ruin Lives
25 Posts • 8472 Views
Talk Talk
Well, no one is questioning your personal abilities as a parent here. If I've made you feel that way, that was not my intention. You bring up more excellent points though! I would start anothe...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30284 Views
Religion Forum
I started this thread to see what people thought about the tsunami issue. In times like these, a lot of people I know turn to religion for comfort. I wanted to learn how other people felt about this i...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views
Psychology Forum
Hello. I am Attolia's gnome. Attolia thought she was the only one with a gnome. She is happy that others feel the need to talk to their gnomes, as she has done with me throughout her life. I used...
THREAD SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11614 Views
Religion Forum
I appreciate the positive attitude. I can see where you're not following me. First you said you KNOW what ancient people believed. (btw I when I say ancient I'm talking about humans in the...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12229 Views
Psychology Forum
Of course the next question would be, even if they did read it, would they actually take it in? And are they intelligent enough to? Because if they ARE smart enough to understand the viewpoints and...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42118 Views
Religion Forum
"But what puzzles me is why is it that people who claim to not believe in god feel they have to challange those of us who do. What are you trying to prove, and to whom? me or you!" I don�...
THREAD Judaismcommercialism of the kabbalah
2 Posts • 3894 Views
Religion Forum
I've been studying the kabbalah since I was a child, 9 to be exact. Lately, as you all already know, a lot of celebrities have taken up the religion. A religion that's also known as "th...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7253 Views
Religion Forum
Well of course that "nirvana" wouldn't be achieved unless everyone understood the answer and it was a proven definitive answer (sounds easier than it looks). You see, we are all connect...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-Consciousconsciousness - define it! Explain it! Any comments?
17 Posts • 11461 Views
Psychology Forum
Is this existentialism? Mmmm.. I needed to look up a definition of existentialism to be sure where I stand in relation to this question. Existentialism: A body of philosophical doctrine that...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15249 Views
Religion Forum
I came from a very antireligous family both my parents are physicists and my best subject at school was physics. As I get older I'm realizing every day how little I actually know. If the world...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8393 Views
Psychology Forum
Human nature. People tend to leave forums when they have major disagreements like this one. And this being such a small community I imagine it magnifies them. But the last two paragraphs of what I...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsYour definition of existence
23 Posts • 10128 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not trying to sound depressing but I do not think we could exist if we could not suffer. Existence is merely what one little bit of eternity is focusing on at any particular moment in time. As little...
THREAD How do we describe perfection
49 Posts • 20046 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe that you should all watch The Last Samurai, for those of you without access i'll tell you why. Two men have a conversation early in the movie wherein one of them tells the other that a...
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 10043 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have been exploring for about 20 years I have met hundreds of people claiming they talked to spirits, create reality through the power of thoughts, went out of body and travel, could "feel&q...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39588 Views
Philosophy Forum
Good, I see you are well informed and level headed about most of what is important. I will be curious to see how you take the sex abuse.... comments lol. But I liked your phrasing of the difference...
THREAD new boobs
10 Posts • 3690 Views
Talk Talk
hey there awakenedwrai, to be honest i have always wanted a bigger chest. it helps with self image of being femanine. at one point for about a year i was basically just two bumps and bone. not that i...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167842 Views
Psychology Forum
usually when i get mad at my mom i get these overwhelming feelings to just beat the shit out of her til she is begging me to stop. but lately even when she doesnt do anything to piss me off particular...
THREAD GovernmentInterventionism: Suicide for the American Republic
5 Posts • 3680 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
What religious freedoms or laws do you live with and by, and what role does government play in religion and vice versa? This is a small thought in terms of international complexities but, I can...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious Wars
6 Posts • 2737 Views
Religion Forum
Faith no... but organized religion yes. Religion is just a way for people to increase power and control over one another. It is that power and control that cause war. Absolute power corrupts absolute...
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