War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23924 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Okay, One thing I've noticed alot is the word "Freedom" being thrown around. First off We don't know what Freedom is, Because we have had it for so long yet we still complain about... |
The Ring
10 Posts • 4895 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Have any of you seen the movie Ringu? This is the Japanese film the movie Ring was based on. I feel it was a much more logical story (it sticks to the story in book one.) The horror is there, the scar... |
Brainwashing anyone?
4 Posts • 2505 Views Religion Forum |
Religion and politics are the only places you can post a video now?? *confused*
Watch this video and tell me this guy isn't completely unstable and on the verge of a psychotic ep... |
GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7212 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No let me give you an example of an opinion:
"America is responsible for killing more people than any other country."
Not only is that an opinion but it is about the dumbest and most... |
8 Posts • 3202 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everyone has obligations that must be fulfilled, but it doesn't mean that it should consume every thought of the day. We shouldn't be worrying about the past, which is a major problem to ove... |
70 Posts • 22693 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I try to be as open as I can about music.. I'll try anything but I don't like everything. Ihip hop.. not your basic jay-z or 50 cent bullshit but real hip hop artists that don't get as... |
SocietyThe New World Order: The Final Showdown for America
7 Posts • 2706 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Finding a way to actually get the masses to break apathy and irrational degrees of dismissal of the subject matter.
We as the masses possess all the power we need to stand up for ours... |
War & TerrorismAl Qaida is US puppet
24 Posts • 7592 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Al Qaeda is More of a U.S. Propaganda Campaign than a Real Organization
Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook wrote:
Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally t... |
28 Posts • 7167 Views Philosophy Forum |
"So why the fuck are all these damn people waiting for some physical God to come from the sky?"
God isnt presumed as a physical being..
Wise men dont intend to argue with fools, bu... |
Medical research drug trial
8 Posts • 2085 Views Talk Talk |
So I did not exactly misunderstand. It is still a potential risk. It's not like very many people who get drunk end up losing digits, but the risk is there and is increased due to the consumption... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36290 Views Religion Forum |
ya, the bible does make some predictions of events that occured as well.
Oh by the way, I was wondering about the creation theory, do stars include all stars or was it indicative of those producing r... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33476 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The collapse of the dollar can be defined many ways. but the most important being its sheer worth within the national and global economy.
From the decline as the oil reserve standard, to the loss of... |
LawDo you think Black Economic empowerment in SA is racist?
6 Posts • 30780 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i live in South Africa and i know that when i finish my studies i will not get a job in my home country because of my skin color, only if i have a friend that works in a high position i might have a c... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34682 Views Psychology Forum |
"The truth is, what is." - Lenny Bruce.
I'm afraid that what all of us are facing here, all from our different perspectives, is a glimpse of the realm of resolving dualities.... |
Its not Like TV - killing people is not an easy thing to do
3 Posts • 2753 Views Philosophy Forum |
In 1977 when I joined the Navy, a lot of these guys came back into the military because it was the only place they could feel comfortable. It was terrible, back then everyone hated our country and you... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Just a rephrased reminder, the war on terror and the resulting legislations being passed all the time is not expected to end anywhere from 40-100-indefinite years as per Bush and company's own wo... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12993 Views Religion Forum |
I am so pissed off right now because I just spent ages writing a response that I was really happy with and when I went to post it I had been logged off and I lost it all and I'm not sure I can be... |
Conscious and Sub-Consciouswhy do i over think?
3 Posts • 6081 Views Psychology Forum |
Perhaps it would help if you were to keep in mind that the journey your own feet take you on is every bit as noteworthy and deserving of respect as the journeys that other people take. When you encoun... |
Phone Etiquette
3 Posts • 2861 Views Talk Talk |
I am a helpdesk agent I work in a call center environment. My job is to help people over the phone with computer related issues. Unfortunately the client I am assigned to is State Users. I've als... |
SocietyThe Pekka-Eric Auvinen Manifesto
0 Posts • 2282 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Reading about this person and seeing some of his ideas in the clips, I feel very confused. Mainly because there are some things he says that I agree with.
I dont go in for all the 'being free' or '... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60697 Views Philosophy Forum |
we have no fate. we got this 1 life to experience the structure of the universe the chance of your life existing is about 1 in 18 with 403,166 zero's after it, almost zilch. life's a gift... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11713 Views Psychology Forum |
my dear, God did not create us like this. Heck, we don't have any peronality when we'r born. It's through the impressions that life leaves on us do we kill or decide to become Buddhists... |
Relationships & LoveIn love with two Men
10 Posts • 28021 Views Psychology Forum |
Of course you can be in love with two men. It's absolutely unnatural, unrealistic to be in love with one man the rest of your life. This is one of the reasons why the divorce rate is so high. You... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12482 Views Religion Forum |
Patrish, I had no intention of offending you or insulting your beliefs, so please don't be offended. What I was saying is if you want others to believe as you do, you need to change the way you t... |
Lets learn a little #1
12 Posts • 4067 Views Talk Talk |
1. My biggest peeve has to be...when people interupt when your talking to someone.
2. dipping cheesy puffs into chocolate yogart lol hahah
3. uh...if you see my room you would know the answer *l... |