14 Posts • 5689 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
"UFO'S" are not just alien space crafts you know..a ufo can be a number of things just when people here of a ufo they automatically think of alien spacecrafts a UFO can be a plane that... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50365 Views Religion Forum |
If hypothetically you believed they did nothing wrong then from your perspective your beliefs would be right. But from my perspective you would be wrong.
But without an absolute standard people... |
Religion & HumanityReligion?
21 Posts • 7206 Views Religion Forum |
Ok, what is you're religion and why do you believe it?
I personaly have no religion I think.
I don't know where i'd be grouped.
Hell, I honestly like not being grouped :)
It gives m... |
Gender PsychologyChances are high when it comes to rape
22 Posts • 6902 Views Psychology Forum |
With that logic than no one has responsibility for anything while being intoxicated.
If you get drunk and do something illegal that is your responsibility. However if a woman is drunk it is assumed... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77305 Views Psychology Forum |
"there is no such thing as a stupid question....however, there are a lot of inquisitive idiots"
Damn that's good...lol, I'm suprised to see that my thread is still here....then... |
do you ever?
18 Posts • 5916 Views Philosophy Forum |
its not exactly that we have a long way to go. i think its more that our current status is far below our maximum potential. we will probably never reach that maximum, and as a result, the people who a... |
Rehab & Addictionshould marijuana be ligalized?
15 Posts • 5373 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
The problem with legalisation is it is a slippery slope argument, once you legalise marijuana, many people will be asking for the legalisation of other drugs. However, if you were to legalise all drug... |
258 Posts • 67488 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
They are all inspired by real things that happen in my life. Some of them are a bit exagerated, others are hypithetical situations if something had happend differently in my life, but most of them are... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59414 Views Philosophy Forum |
One cannot be selfish and selfless at the same time. It is like being dead and alive. If you act purely selfishly then how can you do anything selflessly. You claimed to act purely selfishly, so eithe... |
vampire teeth
4 Posts • 2307 Views Talk Talk |
I need help, i want vampire fangs put in, that means i want typical fangs, i want two teteh knocked out, and just slightly pointy teeth, BUT, i dont know where to get it done. does anybody have any id... |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15689 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
People keep comparing two things that are completely different. Being gay is a choice, and until you give me some good evidence that it's not, it's wrong. Disabilty is something that ISN... |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15689 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Dug, I know, I'm not saying that you were mocking anyone.
I just feel that it is ridiculus that people think that they can follow the bible and not follow the bible? Why if by its standards be... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26659 Views Talk Talk |
shade: but alot of people DO "read books by there covers" not that thats a good thing but hey it happens. but you do have a good point there is a little thing called personality which is mos... |
Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6125 Views Art Forum |
Though I see that this forum was made with the best intentions, the reality of it the unfortunate truth. The people who care, have no power. Those that are in power, don't care.
Ah , , , the light... |
The Living Dead...
2 Posts • 3157 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The Living Dead are the only movies to ever give me bad nightmares. I usually enjoy nightmares, except when there are lumps of dead flesh wandering about munching on people. *dead*
I think it is m... |
Life & DeathRules Of Life??????
18 Posts • 7457 Views Philosophy Forum |
these are common sense human capabilities, which people can give ideas (such as in the bible) but i didnt get it from the bible.. so the bible was probably written by humans like today with common mor... |
Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71197 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Nice translation :)
I was joking of course Joel :)
If Mugen, who speaks Japanese, cant read it, then it's beyond my capabilities.
But I am friends with a few Japanese people.
Gaijin b... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13702 Views Philosophy Forum |
ithink mostpeople look for reasons to get offended .
its like when someone says something like
"man this ice cream is cod."
i could say
"your mom is cold!"
and if they were st... |
A Thing Called Shame
19 Posts • 5944 Views Philosophy Forum |
By "ashamed" do you mean something which is nobody's buisness but is criticized anyway? I mean, people should be ashamed of pedophilia for example, but I don't think that's wh... |
Random Questionsquestion in need of an answer
17 Posts • 5114 Views Talk Talk |
if you think your sane you usualy end up insane, because insane people think they are getting saner
by the defintion normal society's context i am sane.
But we are straying from my orignal... |
Myspace.com is a disgusting existence.
17 Posts • 5851 Views Talk Talk |
the only difference i see between myspace and captaincynic is the pourpose behind the site. at this site, we try to learn and talk with others that are intelligent. at that site they try to meet peopl... |
God in ReligionKeeping God in the Pledge
30 Posts • 8396 Views Religion Forum |
Yes, but there is an important difference between argueing and debating...if we could all just debate, and not argue, that would be wonderful.
Have you checked out the "rules for a good debate&q... |
Law & GovernmentCan law and justice be maintained without religion
21 Posts • 7945 Views Philosophy Forum |
How many people use religion as there purpose in life? How many christians and jews live to go to heaven? They use God as their purpose in life, take it away and what do they have? Nothing to believe... |
Relationships & LoveI'm 14 and in love, so what?
26 Posts • 9247 Views Psychology Forum |
Just make sure she's not throwing the Word around that's all , People Often throw words around they don't, mean if you catch my drift.
And When I said " your never to sure" W... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24306 Views Religion Forum |
Why, have you met someone that authentically has? And even if it did occur, what would make a religious achievement?
I have not seen it done but I know those who have. It is not a religious achiev... |