SocietyModern Republicans are Monkeys
0 Posts • 503 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm leaning toward Ronald reagan conservitisin myself, aside from the social beliefes. I can say from listening to most of the people that I talk to encounter or hear on talk radio that none of t... |
Human Nature & EmotionExploiting emotional voids.
5 Posts • 6629 Views Philosophy Forum |
first of all, i fully agree with what you are saying here. i have made attempts at getting at this with people but have failed to put it in the the correct wording in the past.
i started this threa... |
Constituion poorly enforced
7 Posts • 3269 Views Talk Talk |
know that thing is how many people out there think this is a waste of a post or that this guy is actually talking about something that is smart, cause in reality it is, every year millions of familly... |
Too Early Is Too Late - My First Seven Fortunate Y
4 Posts • 3409 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes i agree parenting plays a big part in what makes someone. But, lots of people can't help that. I think society hasn't gotten worse but has only improved. Human rights and democracy are t... |
Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8044 Views Religion Forum |
Extropian: Of course, it is no criticism of evolutionary theory that it leaves some questions unanswered. It is the nature of a science to have a narrowly circumscribed subject-matter. What I am attac... |
ElectionsFit For Presidency
12 Posts • 3297 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Great question, probably no good answers.
I'm left feeling that anyone trained in or planning on continuing current political status quo should never be allowed in any public office.
Becaus... |
Habits & BehaviorThe Acceptance of Bullshit
0 Posts • 4671 Views Psychology Forum |
i do see this as being a cyclical thing for me in the future (altho im trying to deny it) right now i could care less what people think of me, but this in turn causes me to feel out of sync with the r... |
There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5934 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Even though im taking your side Summit, though your lack of evidence at this point will fail to persuade many people. Unless that other item that for some reason is not opening on this computer has yo... |
ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views Religion Forum |
Ya I agree. I read the same things when I was teenager where God ordering his people to kill women and children, to leave no one alive. My theory on it was that the bible was wrong, Jesus knew it and... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36776 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^honestly he's not....he's taking it to a sense that we can percieve, the computer!....that's something tangible, but the matrix of life is an actuality, because we're all living... |
Science vs ReligionScience gives proof of God.
19 Posts • 6836 Views Religion Forum |
I believe science is getting closer to understanding the beginnings of the universe and if there is a creative, inteligent force behind that eventually it will be revealed through scientific evidence... |
Society & SociologyCompaint Department
15 Posts • 5680 Views Psychology Forum |
I can relate to your story Shade, as a young teen I have encountered this too.
I usually go with my mom to the store and so on to just get out of the house and to lend a hand, and sometimes she tel... |
LawThoughts about banning same sex marriages.
3 Posts • 2578 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush should have Jeff Gannon/ James Guckert (Gay male escort/ Bush white house frequent guest of honor) read it to him on one of his visits.
Gee, if so many people in the government can recieve me... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13860 Views Talk Talk |
Yeah that does make you a hippie if you would consider that an insult. By get out into the real world I meant be practical. Worrying about animal pain is obviously silly compared to the pain of people... |
Life & DeathLife for people in their 20's
19 Posts • 6191 Views Philosophy Forum |
Dear Decius
No actually I don't. In fact most people get absoultley furious when I talk like that. But tell me, what can be greater than Godhood. Nothing. What can bring you more peace, happin... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23924 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
" If he was such a bad person he wouldn't have been placed in power by us to begin with."
Absolute bullshit. The US in the past has supported terrible people for various reasons, wheth... |
Society & SociologyThe Psychology of Advertising
0 Posts • 1542 Views Psychology Forum |
I have no problem not clicking the icon...Something blinking almost turns me away...it appears too eager. I ask myself "Why do you want me to click you so bad?" But everything is like that f... |
LawDigressing to older methods of punishment
0 Posts • 2081 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A society based on fear? I think there's enough of that already.
Here's what I think and many of you are probably going to think it's 'romantic' but hey I'm an idealis... |
Why did you join this site? How did you find it?
17 Posts • 9120 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was searcing for philosophy forums....I wanted to see what philiosophers talk about....then I found this and another site... I post here more because the guys at the other one are real closed minded... |
GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7212 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So you are saying that people were allowed to own slaves in states that had abolished slavery? You will have to provide some historical proof for me to substantiate that claim.
Yes I was aware that... |
How has coming here affected you?
17 Posts • 5005 Views Talk Talk |
coming here has made me realize (to an even greater degree) my own ignorance as well as the ignorance of others. it has lessoned my hatred toward others, but solidified and further justified my distas... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70966 Views Psychology Forum |
We weren't ever making fun of overweight people...just saying that they needed to dress accordingly. But moving on...I eat like a horse, but for some reason I never gain weight either. I've... |
Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7497 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah man I hear you! Mirrors can totally wreak your mind! It is like a portal to a different realm an alternate universe where everything is spelled wrong.
I is truely strange to stare at oneself- b... |
War & TerrorismWorld's most dangerous terrorist...?
2 Posts • 2813 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Unfortunately, what is seldom remarked on is who recruits, trains, and funds these people, there may be more to the fact that this person was schooled and or otherwise trained perhaps as well in the U... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12733 Views Religion Forum |
I could be wrong - but I don't think it is the Christian teaching or faith. I think you will find it everywhere. The Jew, Islam, Aithiest Communism. I don't know really what it is. In every... |