I gather you have guessed my faith. I prefer to stay in my same place of faith.
My experiences are mine to keep, and my faith has grown over the years.
I have read other religions, out of curiosity. To discern what they feel are the predominant forces for salvation.
I have a deep understanding of my faith. Although a complex religion, it is steadfast over the years. Although I do not prefer to make a statement of my particular relgion, I feel that is due to the argument given that I am trying to convert others into my own way. I find the whole debate process rather disgruntling.
I actually revel in the sheer learning process of debate. The different ideas are so complex. And it gives my brain food.
for thought.
Anyway, there was once one religion. It was so powerful, but because mankind have hard hearts, the reformation of faith had occured. The reform came about for two reasons, mankind
has faults.
The first fault, is power. If given too much, mankind becomes gluttonous with it. Priests, Bishops, and such forth had the entire world at their feet. They controlled Kings, and countries.
Not the fault of the Teachings of the original church, but the corruption of mankind.
Second fault, mankind rebels against laws eventually if they do not befit their own ideals.
We all know we have the rebelous heart.
But looking past all the nuances that man themselves imposed onto the original church we still yeild the basic truths.
Man changes, God does not. Fortunately the church has still upheld the basic truths from the beginning of time.
And yet still, the evil forces try to prevail against it, but it will never happen. As Jesus said to Peter. "I give you the keys to my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Though in the society we have today, the most attacked church is always in the news. The men whom are tempted the strongest and the most, are always in the headlines. The church will prevail, but the times of much dissent will occur at this time.
I look beyond the people in church, I look towards heaven. That is the only way I can forgive and get past all I see in this incredibly evil, and ugly world in which we live today.