Society & SociologyBurger King
3 Posts • 3605 Views Psychology Forum |
While the commercial is horrible, I'd still like to try chicken fries..
I've come to the conclusion that I just don't care about commercials.
Believe me, I just want chicken fries... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14689 Views Philosophy Forum |
ok ether how do you think god is defined.. and if you go by the common dictionary defintion.. do you know where thatmight have came from.. i mean does the bible or another source a like define god can... |
War & TerrorismThe way of the Samuri
2 Posts • 2432 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To answer a couple of your questions in Japan it is ok to take your own life as long as you've failed your family or country. In America it's usually considered the cowards way out thats why... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10438 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To the best of my knowledge, the only writen accounts we have of Druidic traditions, were made years after the Druids were largley wiped out. Those writting are in manuscripts made by Xian Monks, so t... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12733 Views Religion Forum |
rexwriter - I would call you a true Christian. I don't know about these people who believe in war and claim to be a Christian because Jesus would have no part in that. No where in the new testame... |
To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7376 Views Philosophy Forum |
personally i think it likely that i will have kids at some point or another, as for overpopulation, it wouldnt exist if everyone only had two kids who would basically replace them when they died, add... |
Gender PsychologyHIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views Psychology Forum |
Well I'm darn tired of not knowing how to be sexual from people other than the models of bitchy hoes I see on tv and around me. If there were a variety of models of sexuality for both men and women, w... |
GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well what if the world was flat - The Indian Nation would still be alive today because Columbus would have fallen off the earth.
What if is just another kind of dreaming.
You don't prove no... |
The "What probably is = what is" fallacy
31 Posts • 9397 Views Psychology Forum |
but yet again you are so tragic and serious. what do you think abt the people who don't give a damn and just play the game for the sake of playing...some children never learned how to play joyful... |
40 Posts • 14982 Views Talk Talk |
My favs are outlaw star, love hina, all forms of gundam exept for the cartoon network version of sd gudan(sucked like hell). umm also hellsing was good could be better but then there remaking it again... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6760 Views Talk Talk |
a grade school girl i went to school with back in 1972 well when she was about in 1995 she helped others with hiding weapons when these people in a aprt complex she lived in uh cut out a fetus from th... |
16 Posts • 7272 Views Philosophy Forum |
The problem seems to be that, in general, people aren't as afraid as they should be. For a global example, consider this: The average person isn't afraid of our world (and therefore our race... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16256 Views Religion Forum |
You don't need people involved to be blindly led, though thats how it tends to start, you just have to blindly believe in something, and that too is just as comforting.
otherwise I'm not... |
ElectionsSchwarzenegger for president?
19 Posts • 6994 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I agree with you, both but I am concerned about media star becoming front runners because of their acting abilities & the roles they play. To many people have a hard time getting the stars out of... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41032 Views Religion Forum |
Not only that there are many scriptures and accounting from many people that were never put in, as well as probably taken out, there is a whole contraversy over mary magdeline, how they actually turne... |
Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13818 Views Philosophy Forum |
you really don't want to meet someone LIKE you. :)
There are plenty of people around your city that you just have to seek out - are you studying in college? If so, or if you will be, yo... |
68 Posts • 15270 Views Religion Forum |
Basically you just need to be able to accpet other ppls points of views
You say this while telling me that you do not want to hear my point of view, how hypocritical of you.
True life is not a s... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainWeird things you do when you stay up too late
11 Posts • 7723 Views Psychology Forum |
I used to work 1am-9am and I had hallucinations for about a week until I got into the routine. I remember asking questions to people who weren't really there, or thinking things were falling when... |
Society & SociologyThoughts about society
6 Posts • 2373 Views Psychology Forum |
We're social creatures and thus we must all learn from one another. This is nothing new it is how we've been learning for 1000's of years. To say that we do it is one thing but to say t... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42452 Views Religion Forum |
I belive god is the winner of a theistic showdown the most appealing of powers- man created God god did not create man. Dieties are an invention - tales told to explain things that we never had answer... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43098 Views Religion Forum |
Why would anyone want to be a christian if they are aware of this or believe in it!!!
Why not? Your implication that people should reject Christianity because it has a moral code that you dislike... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Eric Haney, a retired command sergeant major of the U.S. Army, was a founding member of Delta Force, the military's elite covert counter-terrorist unit has fighting words for Bush.
http://www.... |
Society & SociologyRepublicans make me want to puke
0 Posts • 1769 Views Psychology Forum |
Other: Pat, I do believe in all your talking shit, you have shat on the table, do be a dear and clean that up would you.
Crap, see I watched Howard Sten one day and was as usual was mentally scarre... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40785 Views Psychology Forum |
middleness accomplishes stagnity and death. it keeps everything comfortable for neither going forward or backwards. First of all beliefs are a way for humans to find common ground for communication an... |
Friends and what they mean.
6 Posts • 2818 Views Philosophy Forum |
i can empathize with your plight. just a few months ago one such friend moved a few states away. people who teach you to in essense see through their own eyes are invaluable. though not physically in... |