Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
"Yes they are against this war but, not the USA all together. And they said if Irak attacked first they would be over there."
??? What's your point? Irak didn't attack anyone in r... |
Society & Sociologyfashion
26 Posts • 8637 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius, I believe that fashion is an art form, but depending how you look aat it. When you see fashion shows and stuff you may think to yourself, Wow, that is a really ugly outfit that nobody in their... |
Emotions & FeelingsPrison
4 Posts • 2431 Views Psychology Forum |
If you were criminally arrested for something, and was dragged away to prison, how would you feel? You would be dragged away from your loving parents, your girlfriend, your friends, and your life. Loc... |
ChristianityHoly Trinity
15 Posts • 3694 Views Religion Forum |
Hey ppl. Well, reffering to those phhrases of Christ such as 'when you see me you see God', I think it was taken in the wrong sense. Just like the Buddha and other people who had attained th... |
21 Posts • 5622 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
now i dont have a stance on abortion
sometimes it may be for the best who knows
but it just annoys me when woman say they should have a choice to do what they want with there bodies
when they mad... |
SNL Knockoff
2 Posts • 3110 Views Jokes & Games |
Me and my friend tyler have a camera. As you know, when two 14 year old males have a camera, one of 2 things happen, 1.they use it to do something very nasty/funny and tape it or 2.they break it. We r... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40627 Views Religion Forum |
So you believe in God because it's more fun if he existed than if he didn't. The main reason why people still believe in God is because they are so confined to that way of thinking they don&... |
Random QuestionsWhat's your favorite word?
54 Posts • 25315 Views Talk Talk |
The meaning of FUCK*eek*, Fornicating Under Contract Of The King.
A long fucking*eek* time ago. There was a king. He believed it was ok for people to cheat on thier wives. That is of course, after th... |
Repetative Tragedy
5 Posts • 2681 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
What is bad and what is good poetry, is totally dependant on perspective. Just because some people mightn't like your poetry, doesn't mean you should feel sorry for posting them. Opinion isn... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91171 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey .. i find everyones opinions interesting but about the reoccuring life i have to dissagree, unless of course you are saying the people in our lifetime do not exist. an example my friend passed awa... |
Atheism & AgnosticismA case for atheism
34 Posts • 10688 Views Religion Forum |
Logic should not be the cure all, tell all (be all, end all for those who like it that way) because it fails in a paradoxical situation... or perhaps works too well... the lack of an answer is an answ... |
64 Posts • 19310 Views Philosophy Forum |
So uh, where did God come from, and who planned on him planning everything? He sounds like a very complicated (or severly overflowing with these coincidences, including the very ones afore mentioned)... |
Word GamesA fun game to play
584 Posts • 103954 Views Jokes & Games |
Zyphon, does understand people and objectives to a certain degree, but with communicating face to face confrontation he lacks hmmm what I call self-respect. In all cases to rest he lacks dignity!*roll... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhat are you? Seriously.
6 Posts • 2919 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just one... An investment in some stocks allows for projects to be funded by that company. If the projects were of benefit, perhaps money well spent. And, I guess, some people get to decide who to giv... |
Something you always wanted to do in public
28 Posts • 6568 Views Talk Talk |
i've done a lot of the things you guys have said....im a total reactionist.....i love watching people react to strange things that they dont encounter every day......but......i would have to say... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25033 Views Psychology Forum |
well im not really nonreligious...its kind of hard saying what my views are...id say im about as agnostic as a person can be, actually, but i do get kind of pissed when people follow religion blindly.... |
Human Nature & EmotionWhat's love?
7 Posts • 3864 Views Philosophy Forum |
love is culturally and socially defined. it is also defined by era. there is no universal definition of love, no catagorical imperative to experiencing it. at the moment, in western culture, security... |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
yeah i think it makes perfect sense too
and sluttyness can be sexy sometimes , and sexy can be confused with slutty , it just depends on who's judging. I'd say that they're very diff... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18707 Views Philosophy Forum |
it has to be of an age at which it has recognisable differences from its parent culture. also does having the same culture mean that you are the same country. part of ireland has a similar culture to... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21786 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I liked his social security plan"
Thats funny, no democrats and many republicans didn't.
You like threatening countries don't you. Because that's worked so well for us... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19647 Views Religion Forum |
I am going to deny you that much access into my own life. You would not believe me if I told you, and I would not expect you to. This faith is not based on people but rather on God Himself.
I under... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32964 Views Philosophy Forum |
Chill out - quit being so emotional. Geez lol
So you believe that religious people cant also want a secular gov't? I disagree and do not make the same connections you do because I am not anti-... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22680 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am a veteran ass, it is or obligation to not follow through will illegal orders, past that, if stepping up to the government doesn't work what do you have left, sit and take it?
"And ar... |
GovernmentPro Communism in America
14 Posts • 18452 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
One question first. Show me a communist country where the PEOPLE of the nation have more average wealth than the U.S.
You can't find one.
The reason is that communism sounds good in theory... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17060 Views Religion Forum |
What happened to this forum? Uh? It started about Islam then snowballed into how the three main religions are killing each other and oppressing woman*eek* . Boy this is funny*lol* .
I'm ending this... |