War & TerrorismDecius B against the War?
55 Posts • 15043 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
and then Saddam is using civillians as human shields.......Bush's response......"We will not stop until we have won" He doesn't give a shit about the people fishting, as long as he... |
God in Religionunfair senario
12 Posts • 4437 Views Religion Forum |
i find that obscure.. i know good (to say the least) people whove died (young) and i cant think thta they were meant to.. thats just oo weird.. and what if they didnt go to chruh but believe in god..... |
ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5951 Views Religion Forum |
How can sex be a sin? If nobody had sex there'd be no more humanity, that's just stupid. It's how you conduct yourself as a sexual being that's important, by being a respectful par... |
SocietyMatt Damon Condemns Palin
5 Posts • 2807 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
so matt daemon comes out of the woodwork.
I've actually been looking up everything I could about her lately, and everything seems to lead to the same idea that Palin shouldn't even be con... |
The Next Step
7 Posts • 2719 Views Philosophy Forum |
The appendix holds bacteria as a back up, when we get sick and wipe are system it replaces some of the essentials.
Wisdom teeth are really on there way out I only had three my orthodontist said its... |
War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7563 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wow TB. I for one find that very admirable... and I'm sure it's been your practice in martial arts that allowed you to maintain that state of mind when confronted in such a manner. Most peop... |
Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15371 Views Philosophy Forum |
Where is it written that to make a judgement is sinful?
Well if taking down To overthrow Saddam is a good thing the action may be percievably wrong but the intent is good for it will save many lives.... |
PerceptionConcieveing Certain Things
16 Posts • 6177 Views Psychology Forum |
i used to think about that when i was a kid, like for people that dont believe in many lives: what happens when we die then? we never exist again? we stay dead for ever and ever?. And then i tried to... |
DrugsWhats so appeling about drink?
15 Posts • 3265 Views Psychology Forum |
What I find most interesting are the people who leave the emotion in until they are intoxicated and then release it and start crying and get really upset. It's like you need counseling this isn... |
Atheism & AgnosticismScared to be atheist
22 Posts • 6320 Views Religion Forum |
i dont know, i cant tell people because they'll look at me like im about to die or mentally ill, but theres some stuff i just dont get. how can eveyone else in the world miss this if its so true.... |
BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 7026 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I think that really depends on the person as an individual to begin with. If a person jumps into meditation because it's the new kaballah bracelet, they are losing their individuality. I do not t... |
God in ReligionJesus of Nazareth = Horus an Egyptian God
6 Posts • 7150 Views Religion Forum |
Here is a decent film which delves somewhat into the matter of which you speak:
http://www.captaincy nic.com/thread/73791/zeitgeist .htm#73791
It seems this information may finally be reaching peo... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainThe Mind - Reading Material on Computers
3 Posts • 2836 Views Psychology Forum |
The last report I read was a 1973 study that found black on light yellow was the easiest for people to read without fatigue or the mistaken transposition of words, numbers or individual letters. I do... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57961 Views Religion Forum |
Also, whether or not such a life would have a point was mentioned. I personally feel most lives are meaningless anyway, but even if not, needing things from other people is not the root of living mean... |
Habits & BehaviorWhat gives you comfort when alone
15 Posts • 7060 Views Psychology Forum |
nothing really comforts me any more. lately the only thing that i do enjoy is interaction with other people. and i have noticed that all the ways you guys comfort you selfs involves things you enjoy d... |
Best Friend=Nightmare
31 Posts • 8851 Views Talk Talk |
Lol noooo I think you are reading a little far into it. She is in drama, and pretty much everyone in drama class at our school is just very random and spontaneous like that. She's the same age as... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77305 Views Psychology Forum |
I hate to burst your stupid little bubble, but HATE SPEECH is not covered in the constitution, and also this is not a government website.
Think of it more as a store. If all you do is belittle the... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11713 Views Psychology Forum |
you are entitled to your opinion...and to state it, but so am i ....and what i said hasnt changed i would kill a human being but not another animal....now,if i was asked to kill someone i loved or car... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14689 Views Philosophy Forum |
honeslty, you're thinking way too into this...
God is different for every person depending on how they were brought up... i know people were god is "a savior" god is a "creator&... |
Society & SociologyWhere you live
31 Posts • 7761 Views Psychology Forum |
So yeah,
I live in Florida
and things tend to suck alot at times
though this happens everywhere, i'm sure.
Where do u live?
Things the same with you?
Have you visited places where people ar... |
we only have what we will
30 Posts • 5822 Views Philosophy Forum |
It cannot be done. The search for good is impossible because too many people believe that good is relative. My good could be you evil so now we start the wars all over. And if somebody stands up and c... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14694 Views Religion Forum |
Life is life replication, feeding off of life, not self replication, that's a term more useful for pure and successful cloning. As with people, parts of areselves are mixed with others and a new... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46417 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
i dont think people are born gay i think that they become atracted to someone and thats that. i am a completly heterosexual male. and im completly comfortable with that. i know im not gay, yet, becuas... |
War & TerrorismIs anyone else disgusted by this?
10 Posts • 3559 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Frankly I am really disgusted by cow girls attitude. I mean jugjing by her attitude, someone please tell what is the difference between the attitude of a terrorist and her's? Both what to kill in... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59415 Views Philosophy Forum |
well, like i said, i think the one thing that defines wrong as being wrong is that it causes pain or suffering in some way. i think this is the whole reason man invented the concept of right and wrong... |