Only when the human race stops growing in numbers, and starts growing in character, will it have taken a true step toward genuine happiness. - Chained Wings
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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD The number 23.
5 Posts • 2991 Views
Philosophy Forum
Most people I have found believe that the number 23 and the so called "conspiracies" that surround it, are all in ones mind. And I agree to that in some degree. But how can something that ca...
THREAD 3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9953 Views
Philosophy Forum
I kind of find myself in all three--alittle more in the "helpfuls" category. But I also like to just sit and watch others, I like being by myself alot of the times and I don't like to b...
THREAD Religion & Humanityreligon
10 Posts • 3659 Views
Religion Forum
What do you think drives people to religion? I consider myself to be Agnostic. I can neither prove nor disprove any manifestation of "god" or any other being that would posses the power to &...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29341 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I say yes: government infringement on the rights of some due to sexual preference is wrong. It goes against everything our country supposedly stands for. We cannot protect only the rights of those ide...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43098 Views
Religion Forum
how would it be anymore selfish thenloving a woman your attracted too and want to live with and have a baby with.. you want that there both desires there both selfish in the same way.. and you rea...
THREAD Ipecac Prank
2 Posts • 3134 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
That really is cruel. People who have seen this and don't know what Ipecac is- it is a medicinal substance used to induce vomiting, usually when someone gets poisoned. A normal dosage of Ipecac f...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28647 Views
Philosophy Forum
true the amarican people are fooled, i agree with etherealmeek on his last post, but we arent working together, we arent meant to on the contrary were meant to do the opposite we cant all have the pow...
25 Posts • 6179 Views
Talk Talk
k, i cant be bothered to start my own topic, so ill just ask it in here. what nationality is everyone? just out of interest. as in some of the convos, there have been points when people are obviously...
THREAD whats friendship?
14 Posts • 7624 Views
Talk Talk
Its not your fault you did stupid shit while drunk. Its your fault you got drunk :P Anyway, yeah laxist drinking laws are good. I find it weird people learn how to drive before learning how to drink...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40631 Views
Religion Forum
The question of God's existence is irrelevant in life. For it is not the question of God's existence but it is the question of the existence of reasons. Those that believe in God will tell y...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6152 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can an ethical statement be 'true'? Is it simply 'true' that 'thou shalt not kill' in the same way that 'the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second' is true? The latter fact is a truth concerni...
THREAD Scapegoating Human Nature
7 Posts • 4026 Views
Philosophy Forum
This is a great article that my friend Louis showed to me. It talks about how negativity, hopelessness, and selfishness are bolstered and supported by our economy and our society to continue the explo...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9215 Views
Psychology Forum
You see a heroine addict under a bridge. he is obviously starving and asks for money. Do you give it to him? Why? I can't help but question your innocence. How many troubled individuals do you...
THREAD The ideology of God is bullshit
6 Posts • 2220 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Indeed. There is no rational logical reason why children nor anyone for that matter should believe in the existance of god. It is a juxtaposition of the symbolic beliefs of dogmatised religions. Its r...
THREAD Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7277 Views
Philosophy Forum
Everything we do in our life is aimed to please ourselves, we work to gain security, we worship god to give us hope and even when we sacrifice ourselves for other people it gives us the satisfaction o...
THREAD ElectionsWhat is Kerry trying to hide this time?
20 Posts • 5710 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
steve you speak like the people you argue against, supporting and equally bad if not worse candidate, bush did more than drink, he did coke too, his kids are typical reckless youth, and the fucker sta...
THREAD Lets learn a little #1
12 Posts • 4067 Views
Talk Talk
1. What is your biggest pet peeve? 2. Is there something that you like to do that people find absolutely disgusting or hideous? (ie my friend likes doing laundry. o_0*) 3. Do you believe in the...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40787 Views
Psychology Forum
The Bible was written over hundreds of years by several different authors. But all of them wrote what God had intended. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcti...
THREAD Poetry'Untitled'
51 Posts • 13390 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Where are all the knights in shining armor, now its just fake similes and charmers. Lack of respect, and a blatant disregard for what is correct. People with out morals, those willing to start quarrel...
THREAD Philosophy and persona
6 Posts • 3176 Views
Philosophy Forum
how outgoing i am depends on the situation, i am perfectly happy to talk to a person on their own, or in a small group, but tend to take a back seat in larger conversations. i make friends easily, and...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16840 Views
Religion Forum
ghandi was a racist. and mother thereasa was a crook. she stole from the church and gave a place to die for the dieing. they weren't good places. she was like a little sweet scrooge. and gahndi h...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13392 Views
Religion Forum
some cave drawings have pictures of dinosaurs that have evidently long necks, are much larger then people, etc, etc. as to the rest of your argument, i agree the data on both sides is insufficient...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Saw the flam'in bush was in the news signing an extension of the Patroit Act? Funny thing being probably the most unamerican act he has made yet? Well of course he appointed judges to favor his...
THREAD GovernmentA Constitutional Duty: IMPEACH IN 2007.
13 Posts • 3241 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
That's why we the people need to speak up and let all of them know we are going to hold them all accountable, current office, or those past who were party to these crimes, democrat, republican, i...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsI mostly don't feel that good! Why is this so?
3 Posts • 19123 Views
Psychology Forum
This is quite a complex subject but I'm going to try to brief my current situation. I am a 27 year old single guy. I've been working in a bank for the past year and I've always been...
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