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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Rehab & AddictionGambling
6 Posts • 2902 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
stubbornness like this, to me, can only be treated in one way - for sure... let the man hit rock bottom. let him see for his self what gambling has done to him. idk why it should take something s...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I think he should focus more on other issues besides terrorism. Althoguh terrorism is a serious issue in the american community it will always be around as long as people see the great wealth of the u...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrunken
27 Posts • 10387 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
There are laws that hold people responsible for their actions. Occasionally, judges overlook that, but the laws are still there. But it society doesn't uphold the values that support those laws (...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23093 Views
Religion Forum
"And religions leaders that tell Muslims not to be angry at the west for supporting an Israel that suppresses them would be lynched, and rightly so if you ask me." This is the part I don&...
THREAD School uniforms
47 Posts • 26659 Views
Talk Talk
In my opinion school uniforms is a BAD idea. For one you people keep talking about the way the kids get teased. But you dont think kids get teased with uniforms? Kids hate uniforms expecially the juni...
THREAD Life & DeathThe meaning of life
30 Posts • 8339 Views
Philosophy Forum
Derhawk are you really only 11 years old? Well you keep thinking like that and you will do well. Life is about figuring out who you are, what you want to do with your life and about how you learn to...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25445 Views
Psychology Forum
Suicide and attempted suicide are not selfish IMO. That's just the consequences of a person who feels that is their only real option to stop the pain. Being flaky about it and talking about it,...
THREAD Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59372 Views
Philosophy Forum
i am more open minded than anyone i have ever met. i am open to the possibility of any religion and/or ideaology being correct. with my understanding of religions, no one deserves an afterlife nor...
THREAD SocietyFreedom of Speech + The Free Enterprise System = Brain Washed America
3 Posts • 2921 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
All in all i aggre highlly with this the only problem is how do we make it non biased thats like finding a person who is completlly neutral about everything. That is what most people would say an impo...
THREAD GovernmentBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned paper'
8 Posts • 4565 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
i dont know jack about politics, but what i do know is that i FEAR Bush. whats scarier is that i think he wants people to fear him. we live in the age of fear because of him. i feel so powerless becau...
THREAD Christianitycommandments
68 Posts • 15270 Views
Religion Forum
it wouldn't be revenge, it would be getting what you paid for yesterday. even tho. it can be veiwed as stealing It would be revenge for them ripping you off. Right and wrong is suprisingly...
THREAD Law & GovernmentCan law and justice be maintained without religion
21 Posts • 7945 Views
Philosophy Forum
True but what I'm trying to say is would the world fall apart without religon? Without something to believe in would people just give up? True that Holy Wars and crusades from the old testement a...
THREAD GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30278 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
to me the perfect government would be one that in TRUTH served the needs and promoted the general welfare of all. our misfortune that even if a perfect government existed, the imperfection of the peo...
THREAD Original thought.
17 Posts • 8070 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm going to agree with this.. It just doesn't seem possible to think of something "Original" because there are Billions of people in this world That very more than likely have tho...
THREAD Dead Like Me
8 Posts • 4636 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I'm cooler then you! I'm cooler then you! They are called Gravelings and they are the ones the drop bananna peels and drop pianos on people heads. I have a friend who works at the Hol...
THREAD PerceptionPreconceived notions
8 Posts • 11334 Views
Psychology Forum
Take the political realm for example. You wouldn't trade in your car when all you needed was tires. But people are willing to "trade in" their government when the one in place just need...
THREAD As soon as I think I'm out th pull me back in
5 Posts • 3978 Views
Philosophy Forum
Build your resolve, root it iin your personal ethics about what you want in life, what you value, what kind of relationship you want with God and people. Forgiveness will come through trying. You&#...
THREAD BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 7026 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Meditation is an individual practice that is being practiced by more and more individuals every year. If not a human evolution, certainly an environmenal one. At least, meditation practiced by larger...
THREAD The "F" Word???
21 Posts • 6719 Views
Philosophy Forum
the use of the word should determine how it is treated, fuck has come to be used as a swearword, and should be treated as such. many people would now object if you called them "gay" wher...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
And you are a worthless poster, if you would care to make a point feel free, if you want people to know you are an asshole incapable of reasonable discussion, mission accomplished. ...and you'...
THREAD Law & GovernmentCan law and justice be maintained without religion
21 Posts • 7945 Views
Philosophy Forum
Religion is a system of values that bases on (or works against) human nature. It's part of our nature to want to be safe and secure. As long as people agree on a set of values, law and order can...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsA Lack Of Motivation In All Things Intellectual
7 Posts • 3393 Views
Psychology Forum
I was always trying to force myself to learn. Then one day I decided I wanted to learn something. Surprising enough it was a lot easier and honestly quite enjoyable. I think that's what people fo...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42022 Views
Religion Forum
Given the definition of evil being mental and physical anguish caused by natural or by human means, then if a house is flooded out in a rainstorm and a little girl drowns, then how is that evil caused...
THREAD Closeness
16 Posts • 4995 Views
Talk Talk
I'm glad that you've made an effort to step out of your comfort zone, and as a result experienced something positive. :) Too many people don't want to push themselves and end up not gai...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36776 Views
Philosophy Forum
Formally Salinger-- The matrix is based on the theory by Jean Baudrillard--"The Simulacra"-- the book is next to Neo's computer before those people show up saying "follow the ra...
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