Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but in the end the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. - Ambition
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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12278 Views
Religion Forum
I am terribly sorry if i offend anyone, i will try to be as unbiased as i can. The first "human God" existed right when humans became curious of their natural surroundings. In short they...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132104 Views
Philosophy Forum
It's important for people to understand that Mathematics doesn't deceive. Whereas, EGOISM is completely deceptive. TO: Future Posters who might post at this Thread: It's preferred by t...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismScared to be atheist
22 Posts • 6320 Views
Religion Forum
Well possibly because not wanting to follow a religion is not the same as not believing in it. But then I fundamentally believe no one is 'born in' to a religion. No one can truly be said to...
THREAD Science vs ReligionThe "What if I'm Right?" Argument
0 Posts • 1274 Views
Religion Forum
Wasn't Decius like a Roman Leader who slaughter alot of people for saying that the beleved in God..This Decius has a kinder heart .. but m no Decius its not that i don't care if its delusion...
THREAD Life & DeathHuman Life?
24 Posts • 7153 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is the value of life issue as well. The entire right to life argument is based on an idea of an intrinsic right to life. One they ague for at birth but willingly disregard later when deciding to...
THREAD ElectionsPolitical Primaries
6 Posts • 7023 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
sounds pretty much a fair way of doing these things but having all representatives in government elected at one time could lead to sweeping changes as well as lost time as new people would tend to nee...
THREAD Free Will
33 Posts • 9507 Views
Philosophy Forum
lol. Then then lawyers would make less money....It would also mean it wouldn;t just be them who knew how to bend the rules. . .Good idea! :P I like the idea of a booklet for foreigners; they would...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23093 Views
Religion Forum
I got a reply : ), Not exectly the words I was hoping for - But we're talking - hope we can continue to talk. I'll post it here and quick reply and give and forward on anyone elses reply....
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42324 Views
Philosophy Forum
" There are a great many things in this world that differentiate me from you, including our physical bodies and characteristics." Sorry I wasn't clear, those things are irrelevant to w...
THREAD Random Picturescolour illusion
48 Posts • 22579 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Which way does this window face. Are the people on the inside looking to the left or looking to the right? Are you looking up into the window, or are you looking down into the window
THREAD Are Videogames Good or Bad?
16 Posts • 10965 Views
Talk Talk
Yeah, I don't think that people can get violent from just a game. I think there has to be more to it then just the game. Although the game does have an effect I think there has to be more to it.
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44077 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think that we cannot change the WORLD as a whole, but we can change our own. The problem is that too many people are thinking how to change, but a few are actually doing it.
THREAD ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5583 Views
Religion Forum
Yes the freedom is psychological and spiritual. Now i should tell you that being a follower of Christ wont make you feel guilty all the time. Let me ask you do you think that there is a good guilt an...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17749 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe in the 'soul' and reincarnation, and therefore I think the possibility of two 'souls' meeting one another again in another life is totally feasible. Do I believe in 'soul mates' – no....
THREAD Don't let people tell you what to do
13 Posts • 4441 Views
Philosophy Forum
Our world is based upon rules, who makes the rules? how do we know the rules? why do we feel guilty? What are the real rules in life? physics contains a set of rules that things obey, where do we get...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
I watched as Pat Buchanan last night was trying to figure out what was so wrong with people trying to keep kids from having sex, how the bible says its bad and isn't that good enough? How it hurt...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41032 Views
Religion Forum
Christmas was the English Druidian Yule, or the Winter Equinox, celebrating the beginning of a new life, or year. The same counts for Hallowe'en (Samhein - The end of harvest, and beginning of de...
THREAD War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23924 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Sad thing is, we always help the underdog. But who could know we would have such a problem in the new mellenium." Underdog dictator who bombed his own people (yes he was being supported wh...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionWhat's love?
7 Posts • 3864 Views
Philosophy Forum
Really, what is it? How do you know if you really love someone, that's it not just an infatuation? Can you love someone who doesn't offer you anything you want? I look at people close to me...
THREAD ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24306 Views
Religion Forum
the reason i beileve in christianity is not only because the bible says so but im a penecostal and we believe that speaking in other tounges is proof that god exist. How many people that claim to...
THREAD GovernmentPro-Bush thread
33 Posts • 9785 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I was blocked to post in "anti Bush thread". Don't know why. Anyone can tell me? So I have to post here. 368. Pirates the Constitution right (1/2/06) Bush defended his domesti...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29341 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Skin colour does not influence a child's phychologically significantly. However, a child NEEDS a mother and NEEDS a father, divorce does lead to disfunctional families. Besides, honestly, people...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
the reason that the republicans have been ignored for the last decade or so is becasue they keep on getting dumber and dumber people to run for them, and when they come to the shocking realization tha...
THREAD GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14860 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Sweatshops exist because people are offering cheaper labour then their competitors. Sweatshops existed in Britain, then in Europe and America, then in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Now these are heralde...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyFamily
3 Posts • 2832 Views
Psychology Forum
This was just a rant from an emotional surge I had this morning. I just needed to vent. I feel a lot better now and I'm more at peace with things. It was mean spirited what I wrote and I realize...
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