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THREAD Framing: Thug, Terrorist, Pirate, any Difference?
3 Posts • 2225 Views
Philosophy Forum
A form of government wherein the citizen is sovereign one must have a citizenry that comprehends the facts. What we have learned is that the facts are often distorted by the framing of the issue. I su...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67541 Views
Philosophy Forum
lol. Idealism. To the above posters- understand girls. They want pretty things. They like being pretty. They like being spoiled. Yeah they want a guy, but the first guy to get them a flower will be...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24945 Views
Religion Forum
Well when I think of the word "atheist" I think of somebody that likes to place themselves higher than other people b/c they view themselves more sophisticated and evolved past the stone-age...
THREAD what is a terrorist, an exploration into the dictionarys deffinition of terrorism
2 Posts • 2344 Views
Talk Talk
ter·ror·ism (tr-rzm) n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societie...
THREAD Religion & HumanityBah'ai the religion
11 Posts • 4123 Views
Religion Forum
In my case, 'accepting' paganism was easy. When I left the Christian Faith, due to the overwhelming political agenda of the Church, I drifted for years examining other paths. During a lightning storm,...
THREAD GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14666 Views
Philosophy Forum
heyjme, since you have not disagreed with what i have been saying i will assume that you dont understand so i will say again. god is what we make it be. to answer you question about making a bou...
THREAD God in ReligionWho created God
3 Posts • 3869 Views
Religion Forum
God has no beginning and no end because God is unimaginable. The beginning and the end must be also unimaginable for an unimaginable item. The beginning and the end of the cosmic energy or space or th...
THREAD Law & GovernmentCivilization and government
26 Posts • 7828 Views
Philosophy Forum
______________________________ ____________________ Quote: Originally posted by Thoughmani... "So who gets to decide whether or not you can have a child? Can they come into your home and spend...
THREAD Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Cheezy Version
3 Posts • 8172 Views
Jokes & Games
I Made this up. Characters: Alucard M aria Richter Dracula Plac e: Castle Keep Alucard: Dracula, I shall slay you! Maria: Alucard... Do this for me. Dracula: Oh please, son, you can neve...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33925 Views
Religion Forum
I'm a little bit confused by your reasoning lifelight. It seems that most Christians have a warped view on what Free will is. How can free will be free will if it is so constrained by what you s...
THREAD SocietyA Liberal against immigration
12 Posts • 6845 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Is this a form of blasphemy? If some conservatives can be pro-abortion then why can't I be anti-immigration? What law states that one must conform to every issue of ones political affiliation?...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24407 Views
Religion Forum
i am not sure if you want answers to the questions you posed because chose to use the phrase 'reason(ed) my questions'. you have your own beliefs, and obviously Jesus Christ and Christianity is not am...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsAn Emotion Theory
8 Posts • 22037 Views
Psychology Forum
Emotion theory is psychology but this one has a little philosophy in it. Tell us what you think of it! Subject - a cross-utilized unit of a relation Relation - more than one subject combined toget...
THREAD Werewolves
3 Posts • 5379 Views
Philosophy Forum
Werewolves There are a number of cultures which have were-creatures in their mythology, usually involving large, nocturnal predators. Often the were-creature takes the form of the most menacing anim...
THREAD Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18599 Views
Religion Forum
Random House Webster's College Dictionary CopyRight@1997 Ghost- 1) the soul of a dead person, a disembodied spirit often imagined as a wandering, often in vague or evanescent form. 2) the prin...
THREAD Mainstream Sexuality
3 Posts • 3922 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I thought I'd offer a woman's point of view on this subject. I can't speak for all women, only for myself. I grew up wanting emotional comfort. For some reason, I grew to believe tha...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77213 Views
Psychology Forum
Wyote - Pulitzer Prize is for quality written achievement, I think you meant the Nobel Prize - for discovery/development. Stup id Stars: Question: "How did you feel when you found out you were...
6 Posts • 3164 Views
Jokes & Games
Passsive aggresiveness at its best? Once upon a time, there was a SPC Schwarz stationed with the Army in the Balkans. SPC Schwarz was either very clever or very bored; but probably both, since he...
62 Posts • 21982 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Not everyone believes in his teachings or his messianic qualities." I don't believe in him either, but regardless, his life is exemplary of a moral one. " So serving yourself...
THREAD New Promotions Forum
1 Posts • 3551 Views
Administrative Contact
Captain Cynic has a new addition that will add another element to the site. We have a new 'Promotional' forum that is essentially a space created for placing promotional posts, also known as advertise...
THREAD 'Absolute perfection'…
13 Posts • 9793 Views
Philosophy Forum
Woah Apeiron, you said the word perfection so many times I forgot what it meant in the second paragraph. Its' interesting of how you applied math to philosophy. I never thought it was possible......
THREAD what if..
12 Posts • 4049 Views
Philosophy Forum
No angel you are wrong (opnion of course). First you must realize that we as humans have a very limited capability to percieve what may or may not exist. Secondly it is true that on our "physical...
THREAD What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13260 Views
Talk Talk
Actually no. I am responding from the meaning of innocence in the context of responsibility. We each are part of the determinants in which we form and react to our emotions. To wit, we are always resp...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42113 Views
Religion Forum
how would you explain the eradication of the Tiano indians by christopher columbus? what about the others other civilizations that have gone the way of the milkman? I don't know if I should get...
THREAD Movie ReviewAvatar
0 Posts • 662 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I wasn't moved by the movie at all. You pointed out all the flaws of the movie. I was just saying that those flaws can be applied to any movie after watching something similar. On paper, the...
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