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If god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world? - Page 3

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 33yrs • M •
City on a hill is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
If God had to show himself to us for us to believe, then that defeats the whole definition of 'believe'. According to <> it is: to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so. This in turn is the definition of faith as defined in Hebrews 11:1-3 (Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.) Paul gives us a Bible time definition of the word (which I truly believe is the true version of the word). The whole escence of believing in God is faith. Without faith, there is no relationship with God. Without a relationship with God, there is no assurance of going to heaven. Without an assurance of going to heaven, there is no reason to live. I'm sorry, but if you need to have God come up to your front door step and slap you on the face just to make you believe, YOU ARE LOST!!!!!!

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"Get out of here Satan!"
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that St. Jimmy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Perhaps "god"'s existence is dependent on a person's belief in it. After all, the Christian god exists because of the christian religion, and the mass belief that such a thing does exist, despite there being no concrete scientific evidence to back the belief up. There are more than a billion people who practice Hinduism, or claim it as their religion. Many of these people believe in Vishnu with the same resolve as devout Christians. Does this mean that they are misguided, or wrong in their beliefs, simply because they believe in a different deity than Christians? No, it simply means that their beliefs have created a different god, no more real than the christian god. God is a product of belief, nothing more.

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"He who does not question is lost."
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that wizardslogic is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It's interesting how seemingly different questions like this one are really just different versions of the same question--just worded differently. Oh, well. I think each of us live in a personal univere of our own, a universe of space, time,and matter that we are pretty much the center of. We color it with our own psyche, with personal thought and emotion, because this universe belongs to us. I believe each of us are God unrealized. That's my simle answer.

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"Each conscious mind is alone in the universe!"
 52yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Sorceress is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It doesn't matter what faith or religion or science you use to understand the universe, it doesn't matter what face you give creation, what matters is that you try and understand your own place in the greater scheme of things and that everything and everyone is connected at a deeper level.

Just look at this web site for example, very different people, different genders, different ages, jobs, beliefs, but we are all connected to this site and conversing about the same subjects, each asking and answering questions in a different way! If there is a God watching us right now, whose to say that in some small, seemingly insignificant way he is guiding certain people to interact with certain other people so that at the right time they will have their own personal epiphany.

Some people believe God works in mysterious ways!

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""Each child holds the world in an open hand to mould it into any shape they choose.""
 34yrs • M •
lifelight is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
He does show himself... but only where people choose to see him(or his works). you see the thing about humans is that they are so bound and convinced of the laws of science, medicine, gravity etc, that God wont show himself to them cause they'll make every excuse to part from a miraculous thing he has done, they dont believe in the impossible being made possible... You know how many dead are raised everyday? i know that TB Joshua(a prophet) alone raises 4/5 people from the dead a day and he is only one man of God living now. And these people are dead some for up to a week. I wont go on about the things i've seen cause i guess i'll get a whole lot of messages telling me to prove it. Instead I think YOU should prove it for yourself.
You know what? Everyone expacts God to go the full way, to reveal himself to us on request, it's so ignorant of us. You know what God ultimately blessed us with?- free will. He gave us the option to choose life or death, to choose his way or not, to choose for him to work through us or not, to choose to find him,(seek and ye shall find- this seek in the greek is a continous verb- it means seek and keep on seeking... and you shall find).
You know every single promise God made is conditioned to our blessing or curse of free will. We have to choose for God's promises to come to be, or his works to become reality. Many people have chosen this and then they suddenly stop opposing God and then get rejected by the world.... you should think about it.

You can only choose to be in God's will. Im so sick of religious people who think they are so holy and constantly judge or look down on others, not to mention the tongues of some of them which break people down and i think scare people away from christianity... because that church isnt all the churches... i think its best to find a non religious church(a church with no traditions or rituals.) I think religion is from the devil to be honest cause its not God who they follow its the works of man or the "great" and "holy" priest.... yea right


I think people should stop opposing God with all these questions unless they have made an effort to find him or to not follow what christians do,( because they too are sinful sinners who constantly judge- which is against their own bible) but to follow what God asks you to do, maybe then you'll get the answers.

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"it's our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most"
 52yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Sorceress is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'm a little bit confused by your reasoning lifelight.
It seems that most Christians have a warped view on what Free will is. How can free will be free will if it is so constrained by what you say God has given it to you for.

You know what God ultimately blessed us with?- free will. He gave us the option to choose life or death, to choose his way or not, to choose for him to work through us or not, to choose to find him,(seek and ye shall find- this seek in the greek is a continous verb- it means seek and keep on seeking... and you shall find).

[quote]You know every single promise God made is conditioned to our blessing or curse of free will. We have to choose for God's promises to come to be, or his works to become reality. Many people have chosen this and then they suddenly stop opposing God and then get rejected by the world.... you should think about it.
You can only choose to be in God's will[/quote][/quote]

Free will to me is the whole package of our mind in its complexities to question, reason, imagine and use creatively. Being self-aware and being able to put ourselves apart from others and have empathy. That is God's gift to us, humanity's unique intelligence. That is what sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Why give us this gift and then take it away again by saying you can only do what I tell you. And who is it that tells Christians that God is telling them to do his will (usually in the form of patronising and belittling other people)? I'll tell you, it's other Christians. We all have that small, still voice inside of us guiding us to do what we think is best, what other human being has the right to say which human being is interpreting the right voice, the right message?
I pay attention to that still, little voice, and it warns me against anyone who preaches they know what's best for me.

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""Each child holds the world in an open hand to mould it into any shape they choose.""
 52yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Sorceress is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I think my quoting is all up the wall in the above post, but I think you get the jist of where I'm coming from.

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""Each child holds the world in an open hand to mould it into any shape they choose.""
 32yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that KG-nonvirgin is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
If God showed himself (herself) then there would be no point in Christianity now would there? The whole point is for you to beleive! And if you need to see him to beleive that he (or she) is real then you don't have enough faith in your God.

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"Sex is unpredictable, sometimes you get it Great! others it fucking sucks!"
 33yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that zyphon is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
i dont believe there is a god but here is something to think about.

god hides himself to test faith
you only have faith because we cant see him
if he showed himself theres no point in faith
if we can see him someone will believe they can kill him if they can see him
without faith and a god to see humans would find some way to doubt and rebel even with god in front of them.

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"sad is the heart that loves. its usually broken"
 77yrs • M •
oldcorps1947 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Some major deep thoughts and reasoning going on here.
My answer to the question is not as logical based.
I see God every day. In the power of nature--clouds, sun, moon, life around me. I just don't see how this massive creation could all be random.

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"Life is an adventure of discovery."
 47yrs • M •
polo292024 is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
thats why god gave us minds to know him through it.god is great and a form of his greatness that he cant be seen.if we can see him so athiests will never be there and so many disbleivers.but thats why we have brains to think

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"live as ur living forever and work hard for the afterlife as if ur dying tomorrow"
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that doom123 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
im sorry but i think this question is stupid only because its unanswerable. with religion i believe everything is skepticism, we really have no idea what the hell is going on. So then how do we know that god isn't showing himself to us now. we hold ourselves too highly. we see god all around us maybe. i personally believe that all we are experiencing is subjective. everything around us is a false reality formed by the Godhead in effort to disguise the true evil existence at the core everything. i believe that the reason everything is evil in its core existence is because the creating god, the Demiurge is insane and demented.

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"if life has no point whats the point in talking about it?"
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that her is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
From the islamic prospective:

This life is a test. God put man on Earth to see how he would behave with his free will, whether he would use his 'common sense', his intellect and aql to work out that there is a God and also to work out that ISLAM IS the one true path to God. If God showed himself well then there would be no test and it would be too easy. So muslims will tell you that God has manifisted himself through his creation, this means that if you want to see God, or see proof of his Existance then look to the world and its beauty and you will have to admit that there is a God. Hmm, well one could argue...

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"I have nothing to be proud of today but hopefully tomorrow I will."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that allimar is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

Searching for the right religious forum I believe this would be the best one to tell my findings.
The following site appears to be a good neutral view of the world at large. Tackling topics, issues and religion in calm collective strides from the standpoint of a student.

This article in its self was a solid perspective of what we as a whole believe to be, 'right'
The only way I have been able to describe what the right religion was a simple tail of two tribes, Water and Fire.

The water tribe is peaceful, they fish, farm, and gather. Whatever it is they believe, they agree that they are the true religion.
The fire tribe is war like, they hunt and gather. Whatever it is they believe, they agree that they are the true religion.

One day, the fire tribe gathers its hunting tools for war, prepares hunting tactics to take out the water tribe so they can have more land uncontested. After the slaughter, the fire tribe prevails. And now, whatever it is they believe, they agree that they are the true religion. And whatever it was the water tribe believed in, may as well never existed.

Science and Math are the only two studies I could see as being self evident. Because one day, should all humans die, that is all that will be left.

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"The more you learn, the less you know."
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that doom123 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
science and math are intangible things, they are ideas (some believed to be facts) but they are stored in our minds. (also on sheets of paper and in machines, but these are all inanimate.) But, nevertheless, if humans extinct, there would be no science or math. so, allimar, i disagree. but, i may have misunderstood your post. will you elaborate, or rebuttal?

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"if life has no point whats the point in talking about it?"
If god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world? - Page 3
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