Tagged > Why do people snore |
Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10279 Views Religion Forum |
What defines good and evil*confused*
The society's common think of it
"If it's right for most of the people then it should be right and good, but if it isn't right for the co... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeWhat is TRUE KNOWLEGE
6 Posts • 3988 Views Philosophy Forum |
How do we KNOW there is no such thing as true knowledge?
(An annoying but apt question)
I believe there are 'givens'. Things that one intrinsically knows, but can never convey to another... |
Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
Would you say Britney Spears is sexy? How about Aquilera? A lot of people DO, otherwise they wouldn't be popular.
So, if you consider them sexy, why is it? Is it their personalities? Their va... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19203 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes, that's why I said dress in what you think looks good are not sure what that is there are ways to find out. It doesn't matter if I think the old woman in capri's looks awful if she... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43989 Views Religion Forum |
Most people don't realize what this nation was like at its beginning. Even as late as 1776 – 150 years after a Christian group we refer to as the Pilgrims moved their church to America, we see the p... |
Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23789 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that sometimes not knowing what lies ahead causes the greatest fear among people. If we all had perfect knowledge, there would be nothing to fear. Nobody knows anything of after death because... |
ChristianityTwo more Popes shall reign and the End is come
33 Posts • 14295 Views Religion Forum |
Unless we all repent and subject ourselves to the will of the Church?
Sorry buddy, but the world has been ending for millennia now, and your explanation does not fit into the Prophesy at all. There... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
Exactly. I'd say the larger issue should be whether homosexuals are alowed to marry at all. Canada in this sense, is miles ahead of the U.S. I agree with Azhrei that if a church wants to tell peo... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30360 Views Religion Forum |
I was not being condescending in any way, nor did I have the intention of doing so. Maybe you just misunderstood what I said.
"Is noone suspicious when all of these apocalyptic theories expire?... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
we are born inquisitive, form day one we demand to learn. The universe is made up in such a way that mathematics can decipher its meaning, its secrets. There is no need for a book on the secrets of li... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23091 Views Religion Forum |
UnderDawg - THANK YOU. All I want is to here is an Islam religious leader condemn these actions. Because if they don't, they actually encourage this activity. Every time someone brings this up al... |
110 Posts • 24289 Views Religion Forum |
i understand the concept of having a 'guilty mentality'. but it isnt ( obviously ) a constant feeling. how do you escape feeling like a sinner? i try totally eliminating any sort of sin in m... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29210 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't understand the plant metaphore.
" Some countries may never develope to our level of industrialization doesn't deny their right of self-determination."
The problem is th... |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9974 Views Psychology Forum |
I dont quite get your post there philip, but I think it means that scientific tests are testable, grandeous, pinacles of objectiveness.
Well if we're proposing that 3/5 people are in fact some... |
Emotions & FeelingsFear IS the problem
10 Posts • 3787 Views Psychology Forum |
In response to cynic-al no worries man...its always good to share an opinion. I just think that hate is such a strong emotion that it can only be felt with a direct attack on one's self and perso... |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24618 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you took 100 people and put them on their own separate island at birth...and came back to them 20 years later...you would find they all believed in some higher being but that their explanation of s... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
lol, this will more than likely propogate into maddness but here goes
i seem to recall scripture indicating the bible is a set of information, and an incomplete set at that. the spirit of god is th... |
Random QuestionsSenior Pranks!
25 Posts • 46543 Views Talk Talk |
The type of prank depends on how game you are. There are some pretty crazy stuff you could do, like place a few dead fish in the air con systems, or superglue the juniors locks, or hijack the PA syste... |
SocietyEye Witness Report From Louisiana
1 Posts • 2816 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hello Again,
I have never seen anything like this, gas stations are already beginning to run out and the local shelters are full to capacity. They are already requesting new shelters for the people... |
Emotions & FeelingsConfess Something "Wrong" that you have done
17 Posts • 18356 Views Psychology Forum |
I think I love my family but I do not like them, although they are not bad people. I am just so ridiculously sick of them and everything else in life. I am called an asshole because I don't seem... |
War & TerrorismFreedom fighters, or terrorists?
22 Posts • 11250 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A terrorist is someone that uses terror as a way of fighting back. They don't have to win the whole war, but as long as they scare everyone, then they win. Yet, we think that all of the people we... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14684 Views Philosophy Forum |
it is very likely that no living person will ever truly know if god exists
I know with complete certainty that God does exist and as I have mentioned in other posts it is not a matter of what peopl... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29273 Views Religion Forum |
When he says that people die over beliefs he doesn't mean of natural causes. What he was trying to say was that if one person believes in something then he is willing to die for it. Which is what... |
Religion & HumanityWorld Religions:
4 Posts • 3120 Views Religion Forum |
IF God original plan was the creation of the world and the first MAn and Woman, then he did give the knowledge of Him to all the people because out of those two came the whole world.
If i give you s... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57913 Views Religion Forum |
i understand what you mean. one may liken it to a comic book story; there's no need for a superhero is there is no supervillain. but i don't--and i assume most people don't either--see... |