Tagged > Why do people snore |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
i'm thinking if a group of people with no knowledge of semantics, (concerning the bible) when reading the many varrying stories, would come to a conclusion that it speaks of physical life (and ho... |
SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3809 Views Religion Forum |
Yes you are correct I should have read the post before answering and with more explanation.
The karl marx quote is a good reference to how you should live materially. You should live better, materi... |
7 Posts • 3593 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"people actually accused Bush, off the record."
You know this how? And you trust this why? As a conspiracist I am amazed that you didn't naturally assume that it was people from the... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13127 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
the reason anarchy doesnt work is because people are assholes. oh and dumb. people are dumb assholes. if everyone were smart and kind, anarchy would be the best way to live.
Yes. The majority of ha... |
35 Posts • 14280 Views Philosophy Forum |
"In the Ancient World, man existed with power and abilities beyond those of modern man but man abused the power misusing the abilities. So man proved his unworthyness and they were taken away and... |
EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
[rich people dont have more extra money all the time]
Do you know any rich people Wyote?
The rich are generally regarded as making over $125K per year. To me, the 'rich' should be consid... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I know I cannot like no one else can, I don't even know these people, and neither do you. "
This is why you are a cynical conspiratorialist because you lack the ability to make cert... |
Don't let people tell you what to do
13 Posts • 4440 Views Philosophy Forum |
Rules come from someone who can enforce them. Our government has an army that can enforce our laws. If someone came along **** say I was just sick and tired of paying taxes and I set out to find peopl... |
Society & SociologyThe Psychology of Advertising
0 Posts • 1542 Views Psychology Forum |
The icon lights give people a sense of accomplishment. They are a very obvious visual representation of a (small) achievement. Changing their shape and then adding complex visials to further identify... |
62 Posts • 22010 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
cturtle - To be honest I haven't looked at the morality thread for a while, I'll pop in again to see what's up.
"Because as you stated I really have questions about feeding and... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87305 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree with Decius that the majority of sarcasm directed at people is childish and often reeks of insecurity. I've known a number of people who at first glance seem to be people I might want to... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23909 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Good people do bad things unintentionally. I'm sure if I was drowning and no one else was around except Mr. Bush he would save me. But when we are the president of the United States. It isn'... |
Habits & BehaviorHumility
0 Posts • 1492 Views Psychology Forum |
Decuis, don't you see that your critique of me (being ‘ridiculous' and ‘pessimistic') serves in turn to contradict and critique yourself, seeing as you started off with a dubious appraisal... |
SocietyPopculture glamourizing the Army
0 Posts • 1330 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yet the problem is: choice
The need to promote people to join is usually implemented through propaganda. It is far better to promote it through well informed/knowledged choice rather than brainwashin... |
God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13387 Views Religion Forum |
Biblically all people lived together up to a point when they split off and covered the earth. since the earth was once a single land mass it wouldnt have been difficult at all for them to cover the ea... |
The Bridge to Terabithia
3 Posts • 2076 Views Talk Talk |
I just watched this movie and read a few reviews on imdb. Several people claimed to dislike it because, as they said, it mixed fantasy and reali... |
Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6307 Views Talk Talk |
Anyone else ever wonder where multiple unconnected poor rebels and even the groups with acclaimed financeers, where are all of these people getting all of the weapons, supplies, and RE-SUPPLIES that e... |
Ethics & MoralityThe value of a man
2 Posts • 3215 Views Philosophy Forum |
I thought of this proverb years ago and I thought I'd share it here to see what you people think. I never heard anyone else say this so I'm sure I didn't get it from someone else and th... |
General HealthHealth Tips
12 Posts • 6318 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
As usual, people should take andrula's advice. It's really good.
Apparently at school they are trying to make a health class that teaches people how to use health-related information and... |
Society & SociologyCuteness- inborn or bred?
29 Posts • 7518 Views Psychology Forum |
Any girl would be more loved if she was beautiful vs. not as beautiful. That's reality
But what is beautiful? Most people don't live up to their beauty potential because they follow the c... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45439 Views Psychology Forum |
When a guy asks for my number and, I don't think that they are appropriate for me. Meaning they aren't my type I just tell them no I don't like giving my number out to a bunch of people... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15616 Views Religion Forum |
true-but I wasnt looking for perfection.
I was looking for a perfect example.And what would that perfect example be in my book?the intent.Truly trying.
All I saw were a bunch of people who hoped to... |
Governmentdo you think the United Nations should....
17 Posts • 6967 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Agreed. The UN has little power compared to economic supergiants. The UN agreed that the war against Iraw was illegal, but did it stop the U.S or even reprimand the U.S in any way? No wonder people no... |
What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13281 Views Talk Talk |
As long as you die for love, that is enough. People come and go, whom ever you die for will die anyway. Love is beyond people. |
Skateboarding is the way of life!!!!!!!
12 Posts • 3923 Views Talk Talk |
Lol...some people man....SOME PEOPLE. cough poser cough. |