Tagged > Why do people snore |
War & TerrorismThese Recent Smoking Attacks.
9 Posts • 5402 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I can understand Bloomberg's political motives, but regardless, I think people who smoke do have some rights. And that is the freedom to smoke on property where the owner gives them the freedom t... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousFighting for the Weak man
0 Posts • 686 Views Psychology Forum |
Yes, I've always been analytical. As a child/boy, I had a lot of time to be a passive observer. I was socially awkward, I guess. But this gave me time to watch people, and watch people I did. I c... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50311 Views Religion Forum |
My point is the one who truly choose morals that are exclusive to them are criticized for it because they are extremists
*roll* . And those are who choose their own morals are non-religious! you re... |
An intresting Question handed to me
12 Posts • 3391 Views Philosophy Forum |
well some people believe that their purpose is to do good and go to heaven.. if theres people who believe in a purpose such as that then they seem to want to contnue living
as long as we get pleas... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12985 Views Religion Forum |
Well said Jacker, they aren't inclined to make claims they can't back up trying to define that which they cannot comprehend, and they are ok with this because they are not buying what the lo... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
industrialized war complex has many facets and issues and there is tons of corruption involved on all sides... countries that have resources and are still poor like north korea is because their '... |
DepressionHow do you handle it?
5 Posts • 3888 Views Psychology Forum |
How you view society is how you'll feel society treats you. If you see it as a lying conniving country it certainitely will be. At this age most people are disgusted by the lack of innocence arou... |
EconomyWall Street Crash for the Books
0 Posts • 586 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What occurred here is that large sums of money has been taken out of the stock market as a chain effect to others selling.
And they made a huge amount of money off the rest of us that didn't sel... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
It's been a while since I've last posted anything online, and I figured it was right to come back to my first online home to check around and see what's new. So far as I look, not too m... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views Psychology Forum |
Dug...I really never heared that, that's funny *lol* !
What about those people that e-mail you all of those chain mail letters! ARRRGG, I hate those people!!! Die!!!*devil* *angry* *devil* *an... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15267 Views Religion Forum |
However as a counter argument, honestly I've been waiting for this to come up, is that religions such as Christianity try to instill a fear into the actions of people; This to hopefully deter people f... |
Emotions & Feelingsfear - what makes it?
10 Posts • 2816 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree with Decius, but I had a different theory. My theory was that people fear because they don't want to be hurt. They fear love because they don't want to get hurt or hurt someone else.... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
I just turn of legal drinking age and for some reason people think that I should experience more. Examples: A month before the big day my sister tells me "You want to talk to this guy? His your a... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44067 Views Philosophy Forum |
The media contributes, but that isnt the source. Our president influences..but it isnt the source. The reason people cant change anything is because they fight for the wrong reasons. For themselves.... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35956 Views Psychology Forum |
MJClone, even though judging someone by their apperance is ridiculous, how do you spread this message when you have the president of this country and mass media extremely biased?
What can we do abo... |
Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8042 Views Psychology Forum |
People want to see shit happen to other people. Most would probably even prefer to see wrecks and such things more often. This world is cruel, not just the human world either, animals eat their own ba... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
what fo you mean not fair? government tells industries & corporations where they can build & how much they will pay to acquire the revenue, what is not fair about that? They are the ones who d... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30275 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah Cainchild you go blabber more of those stuff to your self. people need to be raised collectively by a lot of people living in a large building together so that they can learn all the same thing o... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20408 Views Religion Forum |
My opinion is if you willingly have sex you must willingly accept you may become pregnant
That is music to my ears. :D
Around where I live, not many people at all have the same viewpoint, especial... |
SocietyWill secularism eventually lead to a lack in diversity?
5 Posts • 2312 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As you may know, recently France, perhaps the most secular country in the world, has banned the burqa, an item of clothing worn by Muslim women to symbolise their purity and their wish to not reveal t... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views Philosophy Forum |
If enough people got together and saw the obviousness and abundance of evidence they would do something, but people are not questioning because they were told not to, and they evidence implies things... |
Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6149 Views Philosophy Forum |
Youve got to be kidding me... "Ethics" is made up just to keep people in line just like all beleifs in a higher power. Just a set of social rules silently agreed on. Soldiers are allowed to... |
Religion & HumanityReality is NOW!!
13 Posts • 3666 Views Religion Forum |
Sad to say there's no chemical inbalances...there's no geneoligical explanation for illusion.....
You're living in an illusion - Lots of people suffer from a chemicle imbalance, and... |
About You / IntroductionsPeople!! baaah!
11 Posts • 3511 Views Talk Talk |
Hello. I am a first time poster. I'm a 20 year old medical student if that's relevant in any way.
Well, honestly I'm not sure what will come of this post, if anyone will respond. But... |
Emotions & FeelingsFear of self
18 Posts • 6697 Views Psychology Forum |
thats an excellent observation jacker. when you have a new perspective on a situation, it often times changes your own behavior.
*people are capable of all sorts of good and bad things.
*people fe... |