How do we KNOW there is no such thing as true knowledge?
(An annoying but apt question)
I believe there are 'givens'. Things that one intrinsically knows, but can never convey to another as true. It takes the other person to conform that information themself.
One given, which encompasses much, is memory. Although, there are conditions which severely limit memory, we tend to still be able to function somehow (eg. speech to convey one's lack of memory).
I haven't pursued the idea of givens much, but from them we may deduce what is likely, and roughly how likely some things may known. I could say the Lakers are a good basketball team, and many people would agree.
Some things are seemingly truer for some people than for others. I might say Barack Obama is a good president, but some people may disagree.
Some things seem only true when we're in an altered mind state. I could say, in a dream, that I like flying, but when I wake up, know that I never have flown.
True knowledge must then only be authentic when in a more believable mind state. Although, how do we know we are in such a mind state?
I could go on, but that's probably enough for now...