God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10022 Views Religion Forum |
The acceptance of this idea of tolerance to activities once outlawed (i.e. same-sex marriage and the legalization of pot) will only lead to further changes in the criminal code.
Did you ever stop t... |
Un-caring me.
11 Posts • 3473 Views Philosophy Forum |
self interest is a thing that exists from birth, as a baby the first thing you learn, is that you are the centre of the universe, and all you have to do is cry to have your slightest whim fulfiled. it... |
110 Posts • 24276 Views Religion Forum |
My standards have been changed to match the common set.
So no then. Does this then mean that you desired to kill, rape, and steal?
How can you assess the validity of experiences you never had... |
Stoned in love, but not with you.
10 Posts • 3071 Views Talk Talk |
A main issue with your situation is honesty and respect. Do you respect yourself enough to be honest to yourself? It seems you do because you have clearly told yourself that you know... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A lip service
Quote, ""It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong,'' Bush said. ``As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq.'... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12724 Views Religion Forum |
:D I have great NEWS...because the walls of empty buildings were destroyed, we have won a war...
Because their lives were spared, we won their hearts.:)
500,000 or so ppl have converted to Christ... |
Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6107 Views Psychology Forum |
There's a saying you may be familiar with: Men marry women thinking that they (the women) won't change; women marry men thinking that they (the men) will change.
A bit of a generalization... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16245 Views Religion Forum |
to say that everyone had religion, even the majority, untill recently is a bit pressumptuous. Where do you get your info?
What are you saying the select few meant to tell the world did a good job o... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23084 Views Religion Forum |
"And religions leaders that tell Muslims not to be angry at the west for supporting an Israel that suppresses them would be lynched, and rightly so if you ask me."
This is the part I don&... |
Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24188 Views Philosophy Forum |
Whats crackin, i havent read this whole disscusion, only the first 2 pages or so, but i wanted to comment on what kariik was saying on alreayd planned life, i think that our life is not already planne... |
ElectionsCain and Paul
24 Posts • 6544 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Cain is a self righteous asshole. He's everything bad about conservatives without any of the pro's. He isn't a true conservative. He's just a dick. also 9 9 9 is laughable. A grade... |
Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14472 Views Religion Forum |
It is true that there are many contra dictions in the bible.
But these contradictions to me personally do not seem of any great significance. I mean who really cares when someone was born or not.... |
30 Posts • 9564 Views Talk Talk |
Decius, I think that evolution and degrees of pain, if true would only be applicable to emotional pain, because it is so obvious that animals feel pain, they react not one bit differently than we do,... |
SocietyThoughts on the School Shooting in CT
11 Posts • 4846 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
(I am just replying to a skim-reading of the first post, I am too lazy/tired to actually read the whole thread. Mostly I am just responding to the education part because that's what I know about,... |
81 Posts • 21655 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid said:These are the worde of a bigot - I'd be ashamed to talk that way.
Making comments in opposition against another's worldview isn't racism my friend. You paint me as being... |
GovernmentA Constitutional Duty: IMPEACH IN 2007.
13 Posts • 3240 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's why we the people need to speak up and let all of them know we are going to hold them all accountable, current office, or those past who were party to these crimes, democrat, republican, i... |
10 Posts • 3933 Views Talk Talk |
Do you have panic attacks?
I want to share something with you. It's extremely cheesy, but hold some powerful meaning.
Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught wi... |
Rehab & AddictionAddicted to Drugs in my Teens
5 Posts • 2939 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
professions of ones i guess one day would stop existing, ones are not cloths that freedom choose to wear
ones are realities intelligence out of true constant existence
there is no such thing a... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40999 Views Religion Forum |
the source of my euphoria is a succumbing to all the things I would like to be true, mixed with what I "know". Honestly, it mostly comes in waves of what feels more like chemical releases in... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64045 Views Religion Forum |
Erm, this statement is found on the same page you posted a link to:
Proponents of the theory of evolution would do well to admit that they believe in evolution, but they do not know that it happened... |
Ethics & MoralityEvil
19 Posts • 6456 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it again: There is nothing intellectual about pointing out relevant versus absolute truths - it is a copout that quasi-intellectual dolts grab onto... |
35 Posts • 14272 Views Philosophy Forum |
First I will pose the theory (A theory, but not necessarily my personal belief.), followed by it's reasoning...
Everything that is to occur is completely pre-determined, and (though not yet fe... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42147 Views Religion Forum |
why is it a problem for you to stand on what you believe and serve ONE God?
what is the fear of saying, "I will serve ONE God."?
what is the problem with renouncing all other Gods as... |
81 Posts • 21655 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid said:I don't understand this. If I had never heard the story of Jesus I would believe in eternal life in the hereafter. Even knowing about Jesus, even if I had no evidence I would still beli... |
What is Love
25 Posts • 7362 Views Talk Talk |
So i found this bulletin on my page on myspace and it caught my eye and got me thinking...
1. Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing, And your voice caught within your c... |