The trouble with wanting something is the fear of losing it, or never getting it. The thought makes you weak. - CrAzYWhiteGirl
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Tagged > True feminist
62 Posts • 22005 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"But what does that truely have to do with 911 except for the United States declaring an Official war as opposed to a cold war with whom ever the United States chooses?" Irak wasn't fo...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35951 Views
Psychology Forum
the bias exists due to the fact, that there is a large fundamentalist base in certain countries. someone a while ago mentioned the omaha bombings as being commited by a christian, that is true, but it...
THREAD Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26727 Views
Religion Forum
Noone can disprove God's existence logically. One can disprove God's existence logically. Logic is more powerful than God. If there is a logical reason why God exists, then logic crea...
THREAD Spiritualitypeople that lose faith
5 Posts • 3227 Views
Religion Forum
People will lose their faith in a god they believed in deep down inside themselves for years when they see/experience disasters like the quake in Haiti. Bad things do happen all the time but the earth...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24276 Views
Religion Forum
id hate to say that christians are suffering from bible dependence Doesn't matter if you would hate to say it, it is true for some but not all. There are many reasonable Christians in exist...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17042 Views
Religion Forum
"But these regimes are universally considered despotic, at least today. When you say "Christian" it is almost universally understood to include Catholics and Orthodox. When you challeng...
THREAD Life & DeathDescribe Your Death
16 Posts • 5752 Views
Philosophy Forum
it is a very beautiful sunny day and the father of my child is picking up my daughter for the day, even though we have just broke up. we get her in the car and ready to go. and i start getting questio...
THREAD Life & DeathSocial existance, life and friends.
24 Posts • 5640 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is it just me or are people becoming increasingly simple, stupid and ignorant? regretfully, I believe so... or it would appear that way. It's a damn shame that people are actively letting them...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7482 Views
Religion Forum
The supposed "differences" in methods of processing this data are not due to the differences in perception or interpretation... they are the result of different stored information that the o...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17042 Views
Religion Forum
"However, you understand my point well, just because some one claims to be something does not make it so!" And you miss my point completely. When you question a definition MAKE IT CLEAR. IE...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64045 Views
Religion Forum
"For your own research for answers, let's look at the bang theory. Here you have a huge bang, without a catalyst, because even a catalyst has to have an origin, so let's assume, logica...
THREAD I still need help I may have post this up be4...
1 Posts • 2714 Views
Talk Talk
Hey there ya'll I need some help here if I have post this up before I am sorry but, I need some more advice I don't know what to do still... I just met this guy in November then all of a sud...
THREAD DrugsChew on this..
14 Posts • 4875 Views
Psychology Forum
Hmmm, I've gotten pretty trashed before and I've had some pretty rough experiences that have made for some different philosophies on life. I tend to believe that anything is possible that...
THREAD GodMy theory(s)
8 Posts • 4610 Views
Philosophy Forum
Allow me to start off by saying this is a lot to explain so, please, if you will excuse my jumping around. First and foremost, I do not believe there is a set 'God' or creator or everything. It's impo...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4193 Views
Psychology Forum
If thats true, that the things that really helped form childhood friendships was shared experiences. Experiences of life, of school. A shared feeling of common situation. That is just being in some en...
THREAD When is it OK to say "I Love You"?
20 Posts • 25961 Views
Talk Talk
Jacker, you say that girls think youre a pussy if you tell them you love them. But I say youre a pussy if you dont have the guts to be brave, stand up for your beliefs and tell the truth. Having to...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWomen - to be the only one and their lack of freedom
6 Posts • 3814 Views
Psychology Forum
The idea of being the most important person in my partner's life... why does this exist? I was about to write that I logically see that every relationship will eventually require the partners wit...
THREAD PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7206 Views
Psychology Forum
blankpicture, If you know what you want to do then that is great. When there is we something we really want, then in pursuing it we naturally start addressing the the insecurities and negativity�...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Meaning of Life
21 Posts • 8055 Views
Philosophy Forum
I understand there are probably 20 threads dedicated to this same question but I'm starting mine off with less bullshit. I was thinking about this question and it seems that the question is flawe...
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15139 Views
Philosophy Forum
well how do you know you control the mind? theres no physical evidence for it, i mean. the brain acts according to how the environment and genetics programs it to act, like a super advanced computer....
THREAD About You / Introductionsnumb-pissed off-angry-depressed
12 Posts • 6536 Views
Talk Talk
I'll be honest with you zyphon, I know where you're comin from with this. In my past relationships i've tended to ignore family and friends, and made my entire life about whoever I was...
THREAD Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49756 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
It's been a while since I showered, I'm beginning not to care. My decorum and pure form become a ploy to win your love and admiration, something I care not to have. I'm descending in to filt...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsReality does it have meaning?
12 Posts • 6659 Views
Philosophy Forum
It could be said that reality is that which we ourselves know to be true, and upon which we base our understanding on how to govern our lives, and which we use to help give definition to experiences w...
THREAD What does buying the stairway to heaven mean?
11 Posts • 46936 Views
Talk Talk
Here is the meaning to Stairway to heaven..... Take in mind that it's full of symboligy...infact it is implied in the song itself "there's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64045 Views
Religion Forum
On Darwin's statements : the preclude to Darwin's book clearly states he may be wrong. In fact, he is wrong in many places (I believe he asserted neanderthals were our ancestors). However, t...
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