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Social existance, life and friends.

User Thread
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Social existance, life and friends.
Is it just me or are people becoming increasingly simple, stupid and ignorant? Has the whole concept of individuality taken a leave from the ideological stand point of all and one?
Even here, do i find a group of 'wanna-be academics,' debating and arguing over pointless topics. Though this site is founded around the idea of sharing knowledge and gaining some kind of enlightenment, that is if there is any to be had, it is clearly divided between various disciplinary understandings and perceptions. Those who are religious, those who are not, those who are educated, those who are not and those who clearly wish they were, pretend to be, but sadly, never had the capacity to be so. However, i must point out, clearly, the last takes majority.
Tell me, if not futile, what is the point of this site? Intellect, in-sight, understanding and the holding of knowledge is, without a doubt, a noble cause, but undeniably, not present within this threads and stupidity and dull-minded wit.
Come on. Lets put our cocks on the block, as it were. Who of us actually has letters after our names, or even before. Give us your I.Q and no crap. Let us see the grand mass, that is, this poor excuse for those who would make claim to be able to give others insight.

*Please Note* This, as you can see, is a academic experiment founded on socialization and cause and react. The statement made above is not the true view of the author.

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"The parable to which you bow."
 47yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that doom123 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
yeahh so the last sentence in your post is completely hypocritical. why would you be doing this study if you were not going to group the different people who respond by what they say. this is just a judgmental and arrogant way for you to try to come off as cool or something.

asking me for my IQ sounds like some primitive and primordial way for you to compare yourself to others, like a insecure man in a communal shower. this thread is stupid... sorry

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"if life has no point whats the point in talking about it?"
 32yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Bantam_Confrere is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
To whomever this opinion may concern:

You cannot state such a topic on this forum feeling justified, glorified, and righteous, spewing what you believe to be the general truth when you have no sense of respect towards the interests and abstractions of the people who discuss topics at hand.

For one, you have just joined this forum making it evident that you have not even begun to touch base upon the topic and reason of hardly anything discussed amongst the traverse of ideas included.
Secondly, you have no place to conclude that this forum is entirely pointless, for you have no clue what goes on outside of the forum itself. Many people to take into consideration and incorporate the ideas read and discussed in these forums to their lives.

If anything, you have displayed an abberant cause for why childish minds are rejected and treated as they are in today's society.

Many people in this forum (myself included) find great joy in the discussion of a wide variety of topics, whether it be theoretical and alalytical philosophy or just simple drawings.

Lastly, IQ tests are standardized ways of measuring the individual's intelligence, but by who's standards? Intelligence is not a measure of shape recognition and number patterns, intelligence is a word relative to those who perceive it. And tell me, Mr. Ego, what have you done that you can say is honestly productive? - Let me answer for you: Nothing. This is because you do not take the time to observe; you do not use reason and this makes you as primitive and simple minded as a rotting turkey sandwich.

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"How nice - To say nothing, yet still get full credit for being alive."
 32yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Bantam_Confrere is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Yes, I realized after I posted, that I had made a stupid mistake. I later edited the changes by stating towards the top that I was trying to direct it towards whomever's opinion it was.

I was out of my place, but I do believe that I had some key points vital to the ideals behind his post.

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"How nice - To say nothing, yet still get full credit for being alive."
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Is it just me or are people becoming increasingly simple, stupid and ignorant?

regretfully, I believe so... or it would appear that way. It's a damn shame that people are actively letting themselves go now a days.

Even here, do i find a group of 'wanna-be academics,' debating and arguing over pointless topics.

Are you convinced that this group of people are 'wanna-be-academics', or have you drawn this conclusion based on how intelligent you believe yourself to be and don't believe that these other users could actually be just as informed as you?

Tell me, if not futile, what is the point of this site?

This site, to me, acts as an outlet for things on my mind to share with others, and through discussion grows the potential for further processing in myself.

Give us your I.Q and no crap. Let us see the grand mass, that is, this poor excuse for those who would make claim to be able to give others insight.

my I.Q. is roughly 136, above average, but nothing special. I give 'insight' to things I am familiar or have a good understanding for. I can never provide someone with truth which I do not possess. merely speculation.

*Please Note* This, as you can see, is a academic experiment founded on socialization and cause and react. The statement made above is not the true view of the author.

If this was intended to be a personal experiment, you would generally exclude this statement, because now we're aware of your intentions and may not act as you may or may not have originally thought. As, you may have already known this, your intentions may be on a greater scale than what I may have thought of this part anyways. who knows....you do, I'm sure, Mr. Academic?

Either you're up to something, or that was a bad move

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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Agreed. This little test of mine is rather obscure and is rather subjective and i really do not like having to include the last statement, but if you have ever tried doing something like this before, you will quickly realize how difficult it is to complete before being removed from the site, having your account banned and the thread deleted.
I have been able to get through it once, or twice before, but the test pool was not of the right fiber, as it were.
MugenNoKarayami, you can more than likely, see now, why i have chosen to include this statement. Often, people are very protective of themselves and defensive of their intellect and are often more than willing to remove that which is challenging them, rather than to allow themselves to be challenged.
136 is rather good in terms of average. Most people reflect around 90 - 100, whilst those of a psychopathic mind hold around 120.

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"The parable to which you bow."
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Decius. I fully agree with what you are saying in regards to what people reflect, allow to be reflected and what they keep far from view. However, in all things reflected, it is very difficult not to reflect some facet of self-truth, or self-perception, without allowing some aspect of yourself be shown. Through these little tid-bits of self-representation, it is very possible to gain insight. I mean take the first response for example. Being the first, as i expected, it was almost an attack. Secondly, was your reply. However, rather than just agreeing, you took the time to evaluate the post itself, then the follow-up.
If you had responded first, how would your post have been structured, more of an evaluation, or, like the first, a critic?

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"The parable to which you bow."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
So this thread is one of the more amusing ones I've seen in a while. I just took an IQ test because it's been a while. Internet tests aren't that accurate, but my IQ has always been around 130-150 even on official tests. Just thought you'd all love to know that it's 146 at the moment. IQ has always felt kind of silly to me. There are a lot of ways a person can be intelligent. Mugen is a better artist then I could ever hope to be. Decius seems to understand people in a way that I can just barely fathom. Also for example, I have had some of the best conversations with high school drop outs. I have found several members of MENSA to be totally immoral and lacking common sense. More verbose members of CaptainCynic may appear to have higher IQ, but language may really be their only skill. I may come off as "average" but I am in fact a spatial genius. As a side note - having letters after your name doesn't have a whole heck of a lot to do with IQ, but rather everything to do with passion and determination.

From what I have observed, "regulars" on CaptainCynic generally appear to be of above average IQ. Still, it is difficult for people even with above average intellect to utilize a forum as a way of improving their character. There is a stigma with forums which causes people to not take themselves as seriously as they could or perhaps should.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
[  Edited by Wyote at   ]
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I agree to an extent. Letters before and after ones name have little to do with i.q. However, to my mind, this is more of the case when it comes to obtaining a degree. For example, when first gaining entry to UNI, some years back, i had high expectations of the individuals i would meet, yet was quickly disappointed. For the most part, those who go through higher education, simply do so, as a means to an end, rather than for the love of knowledge, as the case may be.
Essentially, finding support through ones degree is simple and can be done so through social securities. However, when moving on to a MA, MD, PhD or even HO, the easy way through is taken away and those who wish to continue must, thus find there own economic means to see themselves through.
For me, getting a degree was as easy as sitting up at the back of the room, paying more attention to my own manuscript, rather than what was being said. The effort i made was minimal, yet still, i graduated in the top 1% of the state. The MA was a little more complex and it was good to gain some stimulation. yet the PhD, though, often worked upon alone, is far more enjoyable.
Yes, i am working on my PhD and yes, i am only 21. And before you ask, yes i know, for most, that is impossible. However, i was able to gain entry to higher education much sooner than most. Yes, just in case anyone is wondering, i have a condition, but no, i wont tell you what it is.
This is working out better than i had hoped. Thank you.

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"The parable to which you bow."
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
now that you mention you have a 'condition', I think I know now why you have created this thread.

may need some more thought though, on my part, so I'll post when I think of something worth posting.

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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Looking forward to it.

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"The parable to which you bow."
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that MugenNoKarayami is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It seems as though, from what I could gather from the way you replied, that something about this condition of yours has lead you to experiment with people's intellect or reason to think one can give insight.

Are you trying to research one's nature on reacting to certain things who you believe to not have the same condition as you? like you said in your first reply to Decius, "However, in all things reflected, it is very difficult not to reflect some facet of self-truth, or self-perception, without allowing some aspect of yourself be shown."

There seems to be something in your replies that is giving yourself away as to why you're here at this time asking these questions, and even by noting you have a condition but not specifying what, may or may not affect the answers you're looking for. I can't quite pin point what that might be at the moment, but continuing to analyze your replying posts would better my understanding for your intentions.

What are you studying for your PhD, may I ask? A branch of Psychology? Social, perhaps?

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"I'm a human being, God Dammit!! My life has value!!!"
 37yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Jacker_Jones is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
From the last IQ test I took it said my IQ was 128.
I'm guessing to have already started on your phd you were home schooled or had your parents pay for some fancy school or maybe you had a scholorship.
What I am curious about is why do you care if people are stupid? Is it because you have trouble relating to someone who is stupid or is it because you wish everyone was like you. My attitude is someone needs to drive the buses in the world. We do not or should not have very inteligent people driving buses because they will be bored and not happy.

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"I love to see people struggling for their purpose in life..."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
We do not or should not have very inteligent people driving buses because they will be bored and not happy.

Not true, but perhaps it isn't the best use of their time nor is it utilizing their maximum potential. As the original poster pointed out, there is a majority of folks out there who have a desire to learn, but sadly never have the capacity. I myself often feel as though my capacity to learn is inadequate.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 38yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Fleeting_dreams is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
In regards to my education, i went to a normal government school and the fact i have already begun my PhD has nothing to do with my socioeconomic situation, nor that of my parents. Also, at no point in my life have i been home schooled or revived private tuition. However, yes, for those whom might be curious, i do have a very difficult time in relating to others, irrespective of their mental capacity. Though, i must admit, there is no sensation in this world, stranger, than watching your psychiatrist shrink in his chair. Lastly, yes i am aware that i am allowing small articles of myself to be shown. However, this is deliberate and not without purpose.
In regards to my PhD subject, i have studied broadly throughout my years, both through academic institutions and personal curiosity and the human sciences, such as psychology and social psychology are areas into which, i have looked. Yet, i always become bored with such subjects as i often find them to be starved of all subjectivity and overshadowed by empirical ideologies.
I much prefer freedom when it comes to such things and thus, my subject would fall within the realm of literature and is structured around a book i have been writing, or have written, should i say.
Lastly, when i use the word 'condition' you should understand i use the term only to represent the commonalities perceived by the majority of society. Essentially, though it dose have a name, or several names, it is a complex issue and still to this day, i leave a trail of specialists and so called experts, baffled and scratching their heads, in my wake.

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"The parable to which you bow."
Social existance, life and friends.
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